EUROPASS CERTIFICATE-SUPPLEMENTMagyarország1. TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (HU)54 543 02 0010 54 01 Bútoripari technikus2. TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE CERTIFICATE (EN)Furniture Industry Technician(THIS TRANSLATION HAS NO LEGAL STATUS)3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCESA typical holder of the certificate is able to:- Prepare the business plan;- Use information technology tools;- Comply with safety at work, fire and environmental safety rules;- Prepare safe work execution and production;- Organise production processes;- Manufacture solid wood parts, veneered parts, laminated furniture components, building carpentry and industrial products, saw-mill industry products,plywood products, and agglomerated products;- Carry out secondary processing on products;- Perform finishing of products;- Assemble product parts;- Perform technical administration;- Pack and store completed products;- Organise the manufacturing of upholstered furniture;- Execute the manufacturing of outdoors children’s toys based on documentation;- Turn wood material;- Study the manufacturing of other wood industry products.4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE CERTIFICATE3114 Wood and light industry technician(*) Explanatory notes:This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not serve as a legal certificate of vocationalqualification. The format of the description is based on the following documents:Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications; Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on thetransparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 onmobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers.More information on transparency is available at:©European Communities 2002©Serial number: E1

<strong>EUROPASS</strong> <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong>-<strong>SUPPLEMENT</strong>Magyarország1. TITLE OF THE <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong> (HU)54 543 02 0010 54 01 Bútoripari technikus2. TRANSLATED TITLE OF THE <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong> (EN)Furniture Industry Technician(THIS TRANSLATION HAS NO LEGAL STATUS)3. PROFILE OF SKILLS AND COMPETENCESA typical holder of the certificate is able to:- Prepare the business plan;- Use information technology tools;- Comply with safety at work, fire and environmental safety rules;- Prepare safe work execution and production;- Organise production processes;- Manufacture solid wood parts, veneered parts, laminated furniture components, building carpentry and industrial products, saw-mill industry products,plywood products, and agglomerated products;- Carry out secondary processing on products;- Perform finishing of products;- Assemble product parts;- Perform technical administration;- Pack and store completed products;- Organise the manufacturing of upholstered furniture;- Execute the manufacturing of outdoors children’s toys based on documentation;- Turn wood material;- Study the manufacturing of other wood industry products.4. RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS ACCESSIBLE TO THE HOLDER OF THE <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong>3114 Wood and light industry technician(*) Explanatory notes:This document is designed to provide additional information about the specified certificate and does not serve as a legal certificate of vocationalqualification. The format of the description is based on the following documents:Council Resolution 93/C 49/01 of 3 December 1992 on the transparency of qualifications; Council Resolution 96/C 224/04 of 15 July 1996 on thetransparency of vocational training certificates, and Recommendation 2001/613/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 July 2001 onmobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers.More information on transparency is available at:©European Communities 2002©Serial number: E1

5. OFFICIAL BASIS OF THE <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong>Name and status of the institute issuing the certificate: Name and status of the national/regional authority providingaccreditation/recognition of the certificateIn the case of vocational qualifications belonging to the competence of the Ministryof Social Affairs and Labour (SZMM), a vocational qualification-relatedindependent professional committee commissioned by the SZMMLevel of the certificate (national or international)Level of vocational qualification according to the NationalQualification Register:54 Higher level vocational qualification entitling the holder tofill positions characteristically requiring intellectual work,which is based on the input competence determined in thevocational and examination requirements, on preliminaryvocational qualification or on the baccalaureate.ISCED97 code:4CVCertificate number: PT KSerial number: 123456Grading scale / Pass requirementsThe average of the percentage of the performance achieved per examination part,taking into consideration the vocational and examination requirements, expressed asa grade:81-100% excellent (5)71-80% good (4)61-70% satisfactory (3)51-60% pass (2)0-50% fail (1)The code and name of the vocational requirement module, and the resultachieved in the examination part associated with the requirement moduleexpressed in %:2273-06 Tasks related to safe work performance 100%2275-09 Tasks related to the job and work performance 100%2274-06 Production preparation and quality control tasks 100%2302-06 Basic tasks in working with solid wood 100%2303-06 Planning and organising tasks 100%1846-06 Part manufacturing, assembling and finishing tasks ofveneered and laminated boards100%1847-06 Manufacturing tasks of cabinet maker products 100%2305-06 Upholsterer and manufacturing of other wood industryproducts100%2306-06 Furniture industry technician tasks 100%Certificate issue date:2013.01.15Access to next level of education/trainingTo higher educationThe performance of the examinee achieved at thevocational examination expressed in %The performance of the examinee achieved at thevocational examination expressed as a grade:International agreements100%5Other information concerning the vocational training process (accession number of the accredited programme)Legal basisAct LXXVI of 1993 on Vocational Training,Professional and examination requirements as specified in Decree 1/2010 (VIII. 5.) of the Minister for National Economy.Serial number: E1

Description of vocational education and trainingreceived6. OFFICIALLY RECOGNISED WAYS OF ACQUIRING THE <strong>CERTIFICATE</strong>Percentage of total programme%School-/training centre-based Theory: 60 % Practice: 40 %Workplace-basedAccredited prior learningTotal duration of the education/training leading to the certificateEntry requirements:Secondary school leaving examinationDuration(hours/weeks/months/years)2000 hoursThis certificate supplement was prepared on the basis of the instruction for filling in the Certificate Supplement published on thehomepages of the National Reference and Coordination Point and the National Europass Centre.National Labour Office - National Reference and Coordination Point: http://nrk.nive.huHead of Examination Organiser:SEALIssue date: 2013.01.15Serial number: E1

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