Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 89is the region or condition of punishment <strong>and</strong>misery, the purifiedsoul must reside in theregions of bliss ;in a life <strong>and</strong> condition ofpurity <strong>and</strong> contemplation in the present life,<strong>and</strong> eiitheastically,* animated by the divine* Medical <strong>and</strong> Surgical Reporter, vol. xxxii. p. 195. &quot;Thosewho have professed to teach their fellow-mortals new truths concerning immortality, have based their authority on direct divineinspiration. Numa, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Swedenborg, allclaimed communication with higher spirits ; they were what theGreeks called cntlicast immersed in God a striking wordwhich Byron introduced into our tongue.&quot; Carpenter describesthe condition as an automatic action of the brain.The inspiredideas arise in the mind suddenly, spontaneously, but very vividly,at some time when thinking of some other topic.defines genius asthe automatic activity of theguished from the effort of the will,Francis Galtonmind, as distinthe ideas coming by inspiration.&quot; This action, says the editor of the Eeporter, is largelyfavored by a condition approaching mental disorder atleast byone remote from the ordinary working day habits of thought.Fasting, prolonged intense mental action, great <strong>and</strong> unusual commotion of mind, will produce it ; <strong>and</strong>, indeed, these extraordinarydisplays seem to have been so preceded. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, all began their careers by fasting, <strong>and</strong> visions of devils followed by angels. The c<strong>and</strong>idates in the Eleusinian <strong>Mysteries</strong>also saw visions <strong>and</strong> apparitions,while engaged in the mysticorgies. We do not, however, accept the materialistic view of thissubject. The cases are entheasHc ; <strong>and</strong> although hysteria <strong>and</strong>other disorders of the sympathetic system sometimes imitate thephenomena, we believe with Plato <strong>and</strong> Plotinus, that the higherfaculty, intellect or &quot;intuition as we prefer to call it, the noetic partof our nature, is the faculty actually at work. &quot;Byreflection,

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