Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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86 Eleminian <strong>and</strong>or else an exercise in proper mathematicaldiscipline from early youth. For thus Empedoclesasserts, that it is necessaryto bepurified from sordid concerns, by drawingfrom five fountains, with a vessel of indissoluble brass : but Plato, that purificationis to be derived from the five mathematicaldisciplines, namely from arithmetic, geometry, stereometry, music, <strong>and</strong> astronomy ;butthe philosophical instruction in theorems,logical, political, <strong>and</strong> physical, is similar toinitiation. But he (that is, Plato) denominates sTCoircsia [or the revealing], a contemplation of things which are apprehended intuitively, absolute truths, <strong>and</strong> ideas.But heconsiders the binding of the head, <strong>and</strong> coronation, as analogous to the authority which anyone receives from his instructors, of leadingothers to the same contemplation. And thefifth gradation is, the most perfect felicityarising from hence, <strong>and</strong>, according to Plato,an assimilation to divinity, as far as is possible to mankind.&quot; But though eiroTrceia,or the rendition of the arcane ideas, principally characterized the Greater <strong>Mysteries</strong>, yet

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