Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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58 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>Terribiles visu formae ; Lethumque Laborque ;Turn consanguineus Lethi Sopor et mala mentisGaudia, mortiferiimqiie adverse in limine bellumFerreique Eumenidum thalami et Discordia demens,Vipereum crinem vittis innexa cruentis.In medio ramos annosaque brachia p<strong>and</strong>itUlmus opaea ingens:quam sedem somnia vulgoVana tenere ferunt, foliisque sub omnibus haerent.Multaque praeterea variarurn monstra ferarum :Centauri in foribus stabulant, Scyllgeque biformes,Et centumgeminus Briareus, ac bellua Lernaa,Horrendum stridens, flammisque armata Chimasra,Gorgones Harpyiaaque, et formo tricorporis umbras.*And surely it is impossible to draw a morelively pictureof the maladies with which a* &quot;Before the entrance itself, <strong>and</strong> in the first jaws of Hell, Grief<strong>and</strong> vengeful Cares have placed their couches ;pale Diseases inhabit there, <strong>and</strong> sad Old Age, <strong>and</strong> Fear, <strong>and</strong> Want, evil goddessof persuasion, <strong>and</strong> unsightly Poverty forms terrible to contemplate! <strong>and</strong> there, too, are Death <strong>and</strong> Toil; then Sleep, akin toDeath, <strong>and</strong> evil Delights of mind <strong>and</strong>; upon the opposite thresholdareseen death-bringing War, <strong>and</strong> the iron marriage-couches ofthe Furies, <strong>and</strong> raving Discord, with her viper-hair bound withgory wreaths. In the midst, an Elm dark <strong>and</strong> huge exp<strong>and</strong>s itsboughs <strong>and</strong> aged limbs; making an abode which vain Dreams aresaid to haunt, <strong>and</strong> under whose every leaf they dwell.these, are many monstrous apparitions of various wild beasts.Besides allCentaurs harbor at the gates, <strong>and</strong> double-formed Scyllas, the hunThedred-fold Briareus, the Snake of Lerna, hissing dreadfully, <strong>and</strong>Chimasra armed with flames, the Gorgous <strong>and</strong> the Harpies,the shades of three-bodied form.&quot;<strong>and</strong>

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