Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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46 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>would be delighted with true objects ofenjoyment, so the other would be tormented with delusive semblances of reality.&quot; Denique ut priscorum theologorumsententiam de statu animae post mortempaucis comprehendam : sola clivina (ut aliasdiximus) arbitrantur res veras existere, rehquaesse rerum verarum imagines atqueumbras. Ideo prudentes homines, qui divinisincumbunt, pra3 ceteris vigilare. Imprudentesautem, qui sectantur alia, insomniisomnino quasi dormientes Hindi, ac si inhoc somno priusquam expergefacti fuerintmoriantur similibus post discessum et acrioribusvisionibus angi. Et sicut eum quiin vita veris incubuit, post mortem summaveritate potiri, sic eum qui falsa sectatusest, fallacia extrema torqueri, ut ille rebusveris oblectetur, hie falsis vexetur simulachris.&quot;*But notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing this important truthwas obscurely hinted by the Lesser <strong>Mysteries</strong>, we must not suppose that it was gen-* FICINUS : De Immwtal. Anim. book xviii.

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