Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&amp;gt;40 <strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>.Ftvo[AV(p 3s TJ [xetoXiqtJjicaotou. Ftrpveiai yaTCavtairaatv sv T(p T7] avo{xoiOT;^svfta o iaur/jvCpoppopovouv,&amp;lt;&amp;gt;o/7]av%ac 6 ftavaTos aong,xctt STI sv TCOpe(3oMruia{isv)Q,sv 6Xrj sati xatadovat,taurrjc. Kac esXftouoir)avaSpajJLTg xai arpsXiQjrco/, toy poppopoo. Kai TODTO eat* TO svsX^ovTot sTcixaia Sap^siv. Here theaccomplish this, would you not say,that he neither knows thegood itself, nor anything which is properly denominated good?And would you not assert that such a one, when he apprehendsany certain image of reality, apprehends it rather through themedium of opinion than of science that in the; present life heis sunk in sleep, <strong>and</strong> conversant with the delusion of dreams;<strong>and</strong> that before he is roused to a vigilant state he will descendto Hades, <strong>and</strong> be overwhelmed with a sleepperfectly profound.&quot;Henry Davis translates this passage more critically:&quot;Is notthe case the same with reference to the good ?logically define it, abstracting the idea of tJte goodWhoever can notfrom allothers, <strong>and</strong> taking, as in a fight, one opposing argument afteranother, <strong>and</strong> can not proceed with unfailing proofs, eager to resthis case, not -on the ground of opinion, but of true being, such aone knows nothing of the good itself, nor of any good whatever ;<strong>and</strong> should he have attained to any knowledge of tlte good, wemust say that he has attained it by opinion, not by science(eTC .aTYjpivj) ; that he is sleeping <strong>and</strong> dreaming away his presentlife ;<strong>and</strong> before he is roused will descend to Hades, <strong>and</strong> therebe profoundly <strong>and</strong> perfectly laid asleep.&quot; vii. 14.

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