Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;Introduction, 27Proclns does not hesitate to identify the theologicaldoctrines with the mystical dogmas of the Orphicsystem. He says: What Orpheus delivered in hiddenallegories,Pythagorasinto the Orphic <strong>Mysteries</strong>;learned when he was initiated<strong>and</strong> Plato next received aperfect knowledge of them from the Orphean <strong>and</strong>Pythagorean writings.&quot;Mr. <strong>Taylor</strong> s peculiar style has been the subject ofrepeated criticism <strong>and</strong> his translations are not;acceptedby classical scholars. Yet they have met with favor atthe h<strong>and</strong>s of men capable of profound <strong>and</strong> reconditethinking <strong>and</strong> it must be conceded that he was endowed5with a superior qualification, that of an intuitive perception of the interior meaning of the subjects whichhe considered. Others may have known more Greek,but he knew more Plato. He devoted his time <strong>and</strong>means for the elucidation <strong>and</strong> dissemination of the doctrines of the divine philosopher ;English not only his writings,<strong>and</strong> has rendered intobut also the works ofother authors, who affected the teachings of the greatmaster, that have escaped destruction at the h<strong>and</strong> ofMoslem <strong>and</strong> Christian bigots.For this labor we cannot be too grateful.The present treatise has allwhich characterize the translations.the peculiaritiesof styleculties of these we have endeavored to obviatewhich will, we trust, be not unacceptableThe principaldiffiThe book has been for some time out of print;a laborto readers.<strong>and</strong> nolater writer has endeavored to it.replace There are

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