Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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Introduction. 23life <strong>and</strong> manners. The worship of Dionysus was thecenter of their ideas, <strong>and</strong> the starting-point of allspeculations uponthe world <strong>and</strong> human nature. Theytheirbelieved that human souls were confined in the body asin a prison, a condition which was denominated genesisor generation; from which Dionysus would liberatethem. Their sufferings, the stages by which theypassed to a higher form of existence, their katharsisor purification, <strong>and</strong> their enlightenment constituted thethemes of the Orphic writers.All this was representedin the legend which constituted the groundwork of themystical rites.Dionysus-Zagreus was the son of Zeus, whom he hadbegotten in the form of a dragon or serpent, upon theperson of Kore or Persephoneia, considered by someto have been identical with Ceres or Demeter, <strong>and</strong> byothers to have been her daughter. The former idea ismore probably the more correct. Ceres or Demeterwas called Kore at Cnidos.She is called Phersephattain a fragment by Psellus, <strong>and</strong> is also styled a Fury.The divine child, an avatar or incarnation of Zeus, wasdenominated Zagreus, or Chakra (Sanscrit) as beingdestined to universal dominion. But at the instigationof Hera* the Titans conspired to murder him. Ac-*Hera, generally regarded as the Greek title of Juno, is not thedefinite name of any goddess, but was used by ancient writers asa designation only. It signifies domina or lady, <strong>and</strong> appears to beof Sanscrit origin. It is applied to Ceres or Demeter, <strong>and</strong> otherdivinities.

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