Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;256 List of Illustrations.PAGE.62. PSYCHE ASLEEP IN HADES 186From the ruins of the Bath of Titus, Rome.See page 45.63. NYMPHS OF THE FOUR RIVERS IN HADES 187Tomb of the Nasons.It was easy for poets <strong>and</strong> inythographers, when they hadonce started the idea of a gloomy l<strong>and</strong> watered with the riversof woe, to place Styx, the stream which makes men shudder, asthe boundary which separates it from the world of living men,<strong>and</strong> to lead through it the channels of Lethe, in which allthings are forgotten, of Kokytos, which echoes only withshrieks of pain, <strong>and</strong> of Pyryphlegethon, with its waves of fire.&quot;Acheron, in the early myths, was the only river of Hades.64. ETRUSCAN VASE GROUP. Millingen 19865. DANCERS, ETRUSCANS. Millin, ~LpL27 19866. GREEK CONVIVIAL SCENE. Millin tI pi. 38 19867. FAUN AND BACCHANTE. Bour. Mus 20668. THYRSUS-BEARER. Bourbon Museum 20669. BACCHANTE AND FAUN. Bour. Mus 206These three very graceful pictures were drawn from paintingson walls in Herculaneum.70. KING, TORCH, FRUIT, AND THYRSUS BEARER 21271. HERCULES RECLINING. Zoega, Bassirilievi, 70 212Here is an actual ceremony in which many actors took parts ;with an altar, flames, a torch, tripod, the kerux (crier), bacchantes, fauns, <strong>and</strong> other attendants on the celebration of the<strong>Mysteries</strong>, including the role of an angel with wings.72. MARRIAGE (OR ADULTERY) OF MARS AND VENUS 220Montfaueon.See pages 231-237. If this is from a scene as played at the<strong>Bacchic</strong> theaters, those dramas must have been very popular,<strong>and</strong> justly so. To those theaters, which were supported by thegovernment in Athens <strong>and</strong> in many other cities throughoutGreece, we owe the immortal works of ^Eschylus <strong>and</strong> Sophocles.

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