Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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Glossary. 245Interpreter continued.wisdom to be unfolded. It has been suggested by the Rev.JustMr. Hyslop, that the Pope derived his claim, as the successorof Peter, from his succession to the rank <strong>and</strong> function ofthe Hierophant of the <strong>Mysteries</strong>, <strong>and</strong> not from the celebratedApostle, who probably was never in Rome.Productive of justice.justice The harmony or perfect proportionalaction of all thepowers of the soul, <strong>and</strong> comprising equity, veracity, fidelity,usefulness, benevolence, <strong>and</strong> purity of mind, or holiness.Judgment A peremptory decision covering a disputed matter;also iavo .a, dianoia, or underst<strong>and</strong>ing.Knowledge A comprehension by the mind of fact not to be overthrown or modified by argument.LegislativeRegulating.Lesser <strong>Mysteries</strong> The TsXsia-., teletai, or ceremonies of purification, which were celebrated at Agree,prior to full initiationat Eleusis. Those initiated on this occasion were styledfXDorai, mysta, from pja&amp;gt;,muo, to vail; <strong>and</strong> their initiationwas called JJWY]G:C, muesis, or vailing, as expressive of beingvailed from the former life.Magic Persian mag, Sanscrit maha, great. Relating to the orderof the Magi of Persia <strong>and</strong> Assyria.Material daemons Spirits of a nature so gross as to be able toassume visible bodies like individuals still living on the Earth.MatterThe elements of the world, <strong>and</strong> especially of the humanbody, in which the idea of evil is contained <strong>and</strong> the soulincarcerated. Greek 6X-rj,Rule or Hyle.Mucsis, Greek fromfxov]0 .c, jxoto,to vail The last act in theLesser <strong>Mysteries</strong>, or -csXsTat, teletai, denoting the separating ofthe initiate from the former exotic life.<strong>Mysteries</strong> Sacred dramas performed at stated periods. Themost celebrated were those of Isis, Sabazius, Cybele, <strong>and</strong>Eleusis.

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