Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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242 Glossary.Corecontinued.ducted by Hades or Pluto into the Underworld, the figuresignifying the apostasy or descent of the soul from the higherlife to the material body.Corically After the manner of Proserpina, *. e., as if descendinginto death from the supernal world.Daemon A designation of a certain class of divinities. Differentauthors employ the term differently.Hesiod regards them asthe souls of the men who lived in the Golden Age, -now acting as guardian or tutelary spirits. Socrates, in the Cratylus,&quot;says that daemon is a term denoting wisdom, <strong>and</strong> that everygood man is daemonian, both while living <strong>and</strong> when dead, <strong>and</strong>is rightly called a daemon.&quot; His own attendant spirit thatcheeked him whenever he endeavored to do what he mightnot, was styled his Daemon, lamblichus places Daemons inthe second order of spiritual existence. Cleanthes,celebrated Hymn, styles Zeus 8a:|j.ov(daimori).in hisDemiurgus The creator. It was the title of the chief-magistratein several Grecian States, <strong>and</strong> in this work is applied to Zeusor Jupiter, or the Ruler of the Universe. The latter Platonists,<strong>and</strong> more especially the Gnostics, who regarded matteras constituting or containing the principle of Evil, sometimesapplied this term to the Evil Potency, who,affirmed, was the Hebrew God.some of themDistributed Reduced from a whole to parts <strong>and</strong> scattered. Thespiritual nature or intellect in its higher estate was regardedas a whole, but in descending to worldly conditions becameDivisibledivided into parts or perhaps characteristics.Made into parts or attributes, as the mind, intellect, orspiritual, first a whole, became thus distinguished in its descent.of life.This division was regarded as a fall into a lower planeEnergise, Greek U) &quot;~EVp&quot;fTo operate or work, especially toundergo disciplineof the heart <strong>and</strong> character.

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