Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;Appendix. 235be mine, <strong>and</strong> then I shall be no less anxiousto communicate this arcane information,than the liberal reader will be to receive it.I shall only therefore observe, that the mutual communication of energies among thegods was called by ancient theologists tspoeyajioe, Idleros gamos, a sacred marriage ;concerning which Proclus, in the secondbook of his manuscript Commentary on theParmenides, admirablyremarks as follows:5s TTJV ttotvawav, TCOTS JJLSVsv ~ots oot/otopcoat $ot (of 8-soXoYOt)*at xaXooatyajiov Hpae %at ALO?, ODpctvow %ai FTJC, Kpo-*Tsac* ^OTS 5s TCOV T-aTaSssaispcov7,7.1 ,xccXo jat yoL^ov AweJroTS 5s *ai (iiraXtvtcovxpst[xsva, /.at Xsyo jai Aioc xai Kop7]cEtSvjT(OV Bscov aXXai |j.vsiatv afia a jaToc/a y-oivcovcac, aXXai 5s atta ^po a^tcovaXXat 5s at ^po^ ta [Jis^Kat 5st r/]v sx-aarr^ tStoir^a ^a^avostv %at (Ji-Taystv aiuo TCOV 8s(ov sirt za t5v) TTJV totaotYjv5ta^Xo7,^v. /. e.Theologists at one timeconsidered this communion of the gods indivinities co-ordinate with each other ;<strong>and</strong>

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