Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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232 Appendix.mysteries of Sabazius, divinations, <strong>and</strong> themimalons or Bacchants ;a certain sound ofthe Thesprotian bason ;the Dodonaean brass ;another Corybas, <strong>and</strong> another Proserpina,representations of Demons. After these succeed the uncovering of the thighs of Baubo,<strong>and</strong> a woman s comb (kteis), for thus, througha sense of shame, they denominate the sexualpartsof a woman. Andthus, with sc<strong>and</strong>alous exhibitions, they finish the initiation.&quot;From this curious passage, itappears thatthe Eleusinian <strong>Mysteries</strong> comprehended thoseof almost all the gods ;<strong>and</strong> this account willnot only throw light on the relation of the<strong>Mysteries</strong> given by Clemens Alex<strong>and</strong>rinus,but likewise be elucidated by it in severalparticulars.I would willingly unfold to thereader the mystic meaning of the whole ofthis machinery, but this can not be accomplished by any one, without at least the possession of all the <strong>Platonic</strong> manuscripts whichare extant.infinitely prizeThis acquisition, which I wouldabove the wealth of the Indies, will, I hope, speedily <strong>and</strong> fortunately

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