Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;&quot;&quot;218 <strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>.the moon ;this luminary, according to Procluson Hesiod, resembling the mixed natureof a mule ;becoming dark through her participation of earth, <strong>and</strong> deriving her properlight from the sun.&quot;Tv^ (isv s/ouaa[J.SV5s TO ocxscovO JV OlXSUDTOClTO oxo-So that the spotted hide signifiesattended with a multitude of stars: <strong>and</strong>hence, in the Orphic Hymn tothe moonthe Moon, thatdeity is celebrated &quot;as shining surroundedwith beautiful stars:xcdoic aaTpoiac ppoooaa,<strong>and</strong> is likewise called aaTpappj, astrarche,orgMeew- o/^Ae stars.&quot;In the next place, the golden zone is thecircle of the Ocean, as the last verses plainlyevince. But, you will ask, what has therising of the sun through the ocean, from theboundaries of earth <strong>and</strong> night, to do with theadventures of Bacchus ?inpossible toI answer, that it isdevise a symbol more beautifully accommodated to the purpose : for, inthe first place, is not the ocean a properemblem of an earthly nature, whirling <strong>and</strong>

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