Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;14 Introduction.He had three assistants,crier,<strong>and</strong> the minister at the altar.the torch-bearer, the l&erux orThere were also abasileus or king, who was an archon of Athens, fourcurators, elected by suff rage, <strong>and</strong> ten to offer sacrifices.The sacred Orgies were celebrated on every fifthyear j<strong>and</strong> began on the 15th of the month Boedromiarior September.The first day was styled the agurmos orassembly, because the worshipers then convened. Thesecond was the day of purification, called also alademystai, from the &quot;proclamation To the : sea, initiatedones!&quot; The third day was the day of sacrifices; forwhich purpose were offered a mullet <strong>and</strong> barley froma field in Eleusis. The officiating persons were forbidden to taste of eitherthe offering was for Achtheia(the sorrowing one, Demeter) alone. On the fourthday was a solemn procession. The kalathos or sacredbasket was borne, followed by women, cistcein which were sesamum, carded wool, salt,or chestspomegranates, poppies, also thyrsi, a serpent, boughs of ivy,cakes, etc. The fifth day was denominated the day oftorches. In the evening were torchlight processions<strong>and</strong> much tumult.The sixth was a great occasion. The statue oflacchus, the son of Zeus <strong>and</strong> Demeter, was broughtfrom Athens, by the lacchogoroi, all crowned withmyrtle.In the way was heard only an uproar of singing <strong>and</strong> the beating of brazen kettles, as the votariesdanced <strong>and</strong> ran along. The image was borne throughthe sacred Gate, along the sacred way, halting by the

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