Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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210 <strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>.like wool : <strong>and</strong> hence Isidorus derives theLatin word lana, wool, from lani<strong>and</strong>o, asvettus from vellendo. Nor must it pass unobserved, that Xfjvoc, in Greek, signifies wool,<strong>and</strong> XTJVO^,a wine-press.* And, indeed, thepressing of grapes isas evident a symbol ofdispersion as the tearing of wool ;<strong>and</strong> thiscircumstance was doubtless one principalreason why grapes were consecrated to Bacchus :for a grape, previous to its pressure,aptly represents that which is collected intoone ;<strong>and</strong> when it is pressed into juice, it noless aptly representsthe diffusion of thatwhich was before collected <strong>and</strong> entire.Andlastly, the aatpayaXoc, astragalos, or miklebone,as it is principallysubservient to theprogressive motion of animals, so it belongs,with great propriety, to the mystic symbolsof Bacchus; since it doubtless signifies thegoing forth of that deity into the departmentof physical existence : for nature, or thatdivisible life which subsists about the body,* The practice of punning, so common in all the old rites, ishere forcibly exhibited. It aided to conceal the symbolism <strong>and</strong>mislead uninitiated persons who might seek to ascertain thegenuine meaning.

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