Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 209And the same is true symbolically of thehigher intellect. And as to the wantonsports which bend the limbs, this evidentlyalludes to the Titanic arts, by which Dionysuswas allured, <strong>and</strong> occultly signifiesthe faculties of the mundane intellect, considered assubsisting according to an apparent <strong>and</strong>divisible condition. But the Hesperiangolden-apples signify the pure <strong>and</strong> incorruptible nature of that intellect or Dionysus, whichis possessed by the world ;for a golden-apple,according to Sallust, is a symbol of the world ;<strong>and</strong> this doubtless, both on account of its external figure, <strong>and</strong> the incorruptible intellectwhich itcontains, <strong>and</strong> with the illuminationsof which it is externally adorned ;since gold,on account ofneverbeing subject to rust, aptlydenotes an incorruptible <strong>and</strong> immaterial nature. The mirror, which is the next symbol,we have already explained. And as to thefleece of wool, this is a symbol of laceration,or distribution of intellect, or Dionysus, intomatter; for the verb arcaparcco, sparatto,dilanio, which is used in the relation of the<strong>Bacchic</strong> discerption, signifies to tear in pieces

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