Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 207,oftsvTOcpuTov.Kac yapTCOAiovua(|&amp;gt;aoT(p, avcc TO J Traipty-oKac Taonrj icpoxaXouVtatOWTOV TOVet&amp;lt;;Kat [xevToi, %ai vap^r^ocpopooacvof Tttavsc, xat 6ITpOJJLTjfl-SOC,V Vapfl-7)%fXXSTUTI TO TTOp,IT TOoupavtov cpcoc etc ^v ysvsaiv x.aTaairtov, SITSei&amp;lt;; TOaco^a irpoaycov, SITS TTJV -8-stavvap$iq*oyopooc6Xv]v ayW7]Tov ouoav, soc TT^V ysvsacvTTpoxaXo jfisvo^.Ata 5s TOOTO, %ai 6 So&amp;gt;-Op-L^Tttavwta&amp;gt;cAnd thus mucli for the secret meaningof the fable, which formed a principal part ofthese mystic rites.Let us now proceed toconsider the signification of the symbols,which, according to Clemens Alex<strong>and</strong>rinus,belonged to the <strong>Bacchic</strong> ceremonies <strong>and</strong>;which are comprehended in the followingOrphic verses :Kcovo?, xa: xa ṛpojJi|3oc,rcai-p/ia y.r/p.iraiYO .aMf]Xa IE xpossa xaXa Trap 37tp .5ouv X .YU?pcovtov.That is,A wheel, a pine-nut, <strong>and</strong> the wanton plays,Which move <strong>and</strong> bend the limbs in various ways :

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