Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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202 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>sic, TTJV icpoc saoTO Taotor/jTa caTYJV.Tprcov sv T(pTOVav Sat TYJC xa*apttiQxiQC CWTJC ouvaystpatCCOTJV.airoTO^&amp;gt;7ra^ia^, icpo^exXXetat TT^V avsoaxopTutajio j, Xoavj s TOV osa-xctfl-3saoivjveotcooavC0tc ta 6[xota [xofl-eoetat, %at svCyap Acovoaoc,ore TOTO) SGOITTpO) TOOT(p (pG7UTO.etc co ^av ejJtsptafl-Tj.C5s AiroXXcovaystpst TS &mov %at avayst, xafl-apttxoc cov$-cO, %at TOO ACOVOGOO OCOTTJP OK aXtpfl-co^.Kat 8ia TOOTO ACOVOGOTTJC avojxsfcat. Hence,as the same author beautifully observes, thesoul revolves according to a mystic <strong>and</strong>mundane revolution : for flying from an indivisible <strong>and</strong> Dionysiacal life, <strong>and</strong> operatingaccording to a Titanic <strong>and</strong> revolting energy,she becomes bound in the body as in a prison.Hence, too, she abides in punishment <strong>and</strong>takes care of her partial <strong>and</strong> secondaryconcerns; <strong>and</strong> being purified from Titanicdefilements, <strong>and</strong> collected into one, she be-

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