Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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Introduction. 13initiation in which is unvailed to us the Present as anew birth from our own life. Thus the great problemof Idealism is symbolically solved in the *Eleusinia.&quot;These were the most celebrated of all the sacredorgies, <strong>and</strong> were called, by way of eminence, The<strong>Mysteries</strong>. Although exhibiting apparentlythe features of an Eastern origin, they were evidently copiedfrom the rites of Isis in Egypt, an idea of which, moreor lesscorrect, may be found in The Metamorphoses ofApuleius <strong>and</strong> The Epicurean by Thomas Moore.Everyact, rite, <strong>and</strong> person engaged in them was symbolical ;<strong>and</strong> the individual revealing them was put to deathwithout mercy. So also was any uninitiated person whohappened to be present. Persons of all ages <strong>and</strong> bothsexes were initiated;<strong>and</strong> neglect in this respect, as inthe case of Socrates, was regarded as impious <strong>and</strong>atheistical. It was required of all c<strong>and</strong>idates thattheyshould be firstadmitted at the Mik-ra or Lesser<strong>Mysteries</strong> of Agrae, by a process of fasting called purification, after which they were styled mystce, or initiates. A year later, they might enter the higher degree.In this they learned the aporrheta, or secret meaning ofthe rites, <strong>and</strong> were thenceforth denominated ephori, orepoptcB. To some of the interior mysteries, however,only a very select number obtained admission. Fromthese were taken all the ministers of holy rites. TheHierophant who presided was bound to celibacy, <strong>and</strong>requiredto devote his entire life to his sacred office.* Atlantic Monthly, vol. iv. September, 1859.

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