Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 193passions <strong>and</strong> death. The comic writers,therefore, do not rightly call in question thetragedians as not rightly representing Bacchus, saying that such things did not happento Bacchus. But Jupiter is said to havehurled his thunder at the Titans ;the thunder signifying a conversion or changing :forfire naturally ascends ;<strong>and</strong> hence Jupiter,by this means, converts the Titans to hisown essence.&quot;Sicapastaito xaftoXooeiSos sv rjj ysvsast, jjiovae 8s Tctavcov 6 Atovo-TCpooSou.^ sv Tiglltaaie^avtotYjatvSieyopst TOV 8ta st^ TrpovoiavTCOVKoci ysvsascoc aXXco^ srpopos sattv 6SAcoxat isXs jTYjc. ZCOTJC jJ-sv yapxai TYJC ysvsaccoc, TsXsotTjc8sioTt svfl-ODOtav 6 ocvoc iroist. Kac Tuspi TT^V8soffense against the Deity.Now I am a prophet, though not a verygood one for the soul is in some measure :prophetic.&quot;See also SHAKSPERE :Henry IV. part 1.&quot;Oh I could prophesy,But that the earthy <strong>and</strong> cold h<strong>and</strong> of deathLies on my tongue.&quot;

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