Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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188 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>//life is so vehemently allured ;<strong>and</strong> amongthe rest, he was particularly captivated withbeholding his image in a mirror ; during hisadmiration of which, he was miserably tornin pieces by the Titans; who, not contentwith this cruelty, first boiled his members inwater, <strong>and</strong> afterwards roasted them by thefire. But while they were tasting his fleshthus dressed, Jupiter, roused by the odor,<strong>and</strong> perceiving the cruelty of the deed,hurled his thunder at the Titans ;but committed the members ofBacchus to Apollo,his brother, that they might be properly interred. And this being performed, Dionysus (whose heart during his laceration wassnatched away by Pallas <strong>and</strong> preserved), bya new regeneration again emerged, <strong>and</strong>being restored to his pristine life <strong>and</strong> integnameZagreus is evidently Chakra, or ruler of the earth. TheHera who compassed his death is Aira, the wife of Buddha <strong>and</strong>;the Titans are the Daityas, or apostate tribes of India.The doctrine of metempsychosis is expressed by the swallowing of the heartof the murdered child, so as to reabsorb his soul, <strong>and</strong> bring himanew into existence as the son of Semele.of Bacchus have Hindu characteristics ;Indeed, all the stories<strong>and</strong> his cultus is a partof the serpent worship of the ancients. The evidence appears tous unequivocal. A. W.

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