Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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into the sublunaryview the fable in this<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 183world. But when wewe must be car eftil not to confoundpart of its meaning,the natureof a partial intellect like ours with the one universal <strong>and</strong> divine. As everything subsistingabout the gods is divine,therefore intellectin the highest degree, <strong>and</strong> next to this soul,<strong>and</strong> hence w<strong>and</strong>erings <strong>and</strong> abductions, lamentations <strong>and</strong> tears, can here only signifythe participations <strong>and</strong> providential operations of these in inferior natures ;<strong>and</strong> thisin such a manner as not to derogate fromthe dignity, or impair the perfection,divine principle thus imparted.that the preceding expositionof theI only add,will enableus to perceive the meaning <strong>and</strong> beauty ofthe following representation of the rape ofProserpina, from the Heliacan tables of HieronymusAle<strong>and</strong>er.* Here, first of all, webehold Ceres in a car drawn by two dragons, <strong>and</strong> afterwards, Diana <strong>and</strong> Minerva,with an inverted calathus at their feet, <strong>and</strong>pointing out to Cerespina, who isher daughter Proserhurried away by*KIRCHER : Obcliscus PampliUiuSj page 227.Pluto in his

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