Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;180 Eleminian <strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> the contrary, occultly acknowledged thedescent of his soul from a condition of beingsuper-material <strong>and</strong> immortal, into one material <strong>and</strong> mortal ;<strong>and</strong> that, on the contrary,by living according to the purity which the<strong>Mysteries</strong> inculcated, he should re-ascend tothat perfection of his nature, from which hehad unhappily falien.* \* &quot;Exiled from the true home of the spirit, imprisoned in thebody, disordered by passion, <strong>and</strong> beclouded by sense, the soul hasyet longings after that state of perfect knowledge, <strong>and</strong> purity, <strong>and</strong>bliss, in which it was first created. Itsaffinities are still on high.It yearns for a higher <strong>and</strong> nobler form of life. It essays to rise,but its eye is darkened by sense, its wings are besmeared by pas*sion <strong>and</strong> lust; it is borne downward until it falls upon <strong>and</strong>attaches itself to that which is material <strong>and</strong> sensual,<strong>and</strong> it flounders <strong>and</strong> grovels still amid the objects of sense. And now, Platoasks :How may the soul be delivered from the illusions of sense,the distempering influence of the body, <strong>and</strong> the disturbances ofpassion, which becloud its vision of the real, the good, <strong>and</strong> thetrue ?&quot;Plato believed <strong>and</strong> hoped that this could be accomplished byphilosophy. This he regarded as a gr<strong>and</strong> intellectual disciplinefor the purification of the soul.Bythis it was to be disenthralledfrom the bondage of sense, <strong>and</strong> raised into the empyrean of purethought, * where truth <strong>and</strong> reality shine forth. All souls have thefaculty of knowing, but it is only by reflection <strong>and</strong> self-knowledge,<strong>and</strong> intellectual discipline, that the soul can be raised to thevision of eternal truth, goodness, <strong>and</strong> beauty that is, to thevision of God.&quot; COCKER :Christianity <strong>and</strong> Greek <strong>Philosophy</strong>, x.pp. 351-2.

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