Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 175at the indecency as he conceives, in the story,<strong>and</strong> because it composedEleusinian rites.with the usual ignorance*the arcana of theIndeed as the simple father,of a Christianpriest, considered the fable literally, <strong>and</strong> asdesigned to promote indecency <strong>and</strong> lust, wecan not wonder at his ill-timed abuse. Butthe fact is, this narration belonged to theaTCoppYjTa, aporrheta, or arcane discourses, onaccount of its mystical meaning, <strong>and</strong> to prevent it from becoming the object of ignorantdeclamation, licentious perversion, <strong>and</strong> impious contempt. For the purity <strong>and</strong> excellence of these institutions is perpetuallyacknowledged even byDr. Warburton himself, who, in this instance, has dispersed, for amoment,zeal.fserves^the mists of delusion <strong>and</strong> intolerantBesides, as lamblichus beautifully obexhibitions of this kind in the<strong>Mysteries</strong> were designed to free us from licen-* Unc<strong>and</strong>idness was more probably the fault of which Clementwas guilty.t Divine Legation of Moses, book ii.t The wisest <strong>and</strong> best men in the Pagan world are unanimous&quot;in this, that the <strong>Mysteries</strong> were instituted pure, <strong>and</strong> proposed thenoblest ends by the worthiest means.

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