Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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158 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>Ceres, <strong>and</strong> bewailing her captive <strong>and</strong> miserable condition :Sed tune ipsa, sui jam non ambagibus ullisNuntia, materna facies ingesta sopori.Namque videbatur tenebroso obtecta recessuCarceris, et saevis Proserpina vincta catenis,Non qualem roseis nuper convallibus ^tneeSuspexere Deae.Squalebat pulchrior auroCsesaries, et nox oculorum infecerat ignes.Exhaustusque gelu pallet rubor.Ille superbiFlammeus oris honos, et non cessura pruinisMembra colorantur picei ealigine regni.Ergo hanc ut dubio vix t<strong>and</strong>em agnoscere visuEvaluit :cujus tot paenae criminis ? inquit.Unde haec informis macies ?In me saevitiae est?Cui tanta facultasRigid! cur vincula ferriVix apt<strong>and</strong>a feris molles meruere lacerti ?Tu, mea tu proles ? An vana fallimur umbra ?Such, indeed, is the wretched situation ofthe soul when profoundly merged in a corporeal nature. She not only becomes captive<strong>and</strong> fettered, but loses all her original splendor ;she is defiled with the impurity of matter ;<strong>and</strong> the sharpness of her rational sightis blunted <strong>and</strong> dimmed through the thickdarkness of a material night. The readermay observe how Proserpina, being represented as confined in the dark recess of a

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