Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;<strong>Bacchic</strong><strong>Mysteries</strong>.And this with the greatest propriety: foroblivion necessarily follows a remission ofintellectual action, <strong>and</strong> isas necessarily attended with the allurements of desire.*Noris her dress less symbolical of the acting of*When the person turns the back upon his higher faculties, <strong>and</strong>disregards the communications which he receives through themfrom the world of unseen realities, an oblivion ensues of theirexistence, <strong>and</strong> the person is next brought within the province <strong>and</strong>operation of lower <strong>and</strong> worldly ambitions, such as a love of power,passion for riches, sensual pleasure, etc.or apostasy of the soul,This is a descent, fall,a separation from the sources of divinelife <strong>and</strong> ravishment into the region of moral death.In the Phwdrus, in the allegory of the Chariot <strong>and</strong> WingedSteeds, Plato represents the lower or inferior part of man s natureas dragging the soul down to the earth, <strong>and</strong> subjecting it to theslavery of corporealconditions. Out of these conditions therearise numerous evils, that disorder the mind <strong>and</strong> becloud the reason, for evil is inherent to the condition of finite <strong>and</strong> multiformbeing into which we have &quot;fallen by our own The fault.&quot;present earthly life is a fall <strong>and</strong> a punishment. The soul is nowdwelling in&quot;the grave which we call the In its body.&quot; incorporate state, <strong>and</strong> previous to the discipline of education, the rational&quot;element is asleep.&quot;Life is more of a dream than a reality.&quot;Men are utterly the slaves of sense, the sport of phantoms <strong>and</strong>&quot;illusions. We now resemble those captives chained in a subterraneous so cave,&quot; poetically described in the seventh book of TheRepublic; their backs are turned to the light, <strong>and</strong> consequentlythey see but the shadows of the objects which pass behind them,&quot;<strong>and</strong> they attribute to these shadows a perfect Theirreality.&quot;sojourn upon earth is thus a dark imprisonment in the body, adreamy exile from their proper home.&quot;Cocker s Greek <strong>Philosophy</strong>.

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