Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 143residence of Proserpina till she is ravished byPhi to), begins silently <strong>and</strong> stealthily to creepinto the recesses of the soul. By Minervawe must conceive the rational power of thesold, <strong>and</strong> by Diana, nature, or the merelynatural <strong>and</strong> vegetable part of our composition ;both which are now ensnared throughthe allurements of desire. And lastly, theweb in which Proserpina had displayed allthe fair variety of the material world, beautifully representsillusive operations throughthe commencement of thewhich the soulbecomes ensnared with the beauty of imaginative forms. But let us for a while attendto the poet s elegant description of her employment <strong>and</strong> abode:Devenere locum, Cereris quo tecta iiitebantCyclopum firmata manu. Stant ardua ferroMgenia ;ferrati postes immensaque nectit:Claustra ehalybs. Nullum tanto sudore Pyracmon,Nee Steropes, construxit opus nee talibus unquam:Spiravere notis animae : nee flumine tantoIncoctum maduit lassa fornaee metallum.Atria vestit ebur :trabibus solidatur aenisCulmen, et in eelsas surgunt electra eolumnas.Ipsa domura tenero nmlcens Proserpina cantuIrrita texebat rediturae munera matri.Hie elementoruin seriein sedesque pateruas

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