Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 139evidently of a Saturnian <strong>and</strong> zoogonic, or intellectual <strong>and</strong> vivific rank ;<strong>and</strong> hence, as weare informed by the philosopher Sallust,amongthe mundane divinities she is thedeity of the planet Saturn.*So that in consequence of this, our intellect (or intuitivefaculty) in a descending state must aptlysymbolize with the divinity of Ceres. ButPluto signifies the whole of a materialnature ;since the empire of this god, according to Pythagoras, commences downwardfrom the Galaxy or milky way. And thecavern signifies the entrance, as it were, intothe profundities ofaccomplished bysuch a nature, which isthe soul s union with thisterrestrial body. But in order to underderst<strong>and</strong>perfectly the secret meaning of theother parts of this fable, it will be necessaryto give a more explicit detail of the particulars attending the abduction, from the beautiful poem of Claudian on this subject.From*Hence we may perceive the reason whyCeres as well as Saturn was denominated a legislative deity; <strong>and</strong> why illuminationswere used in the celebration of the Saturnalia, as well as in theEleusinian <strong>Mysteries</strong>.

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