Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;&quot;&quot;<strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>. 135this fable is of the mixed kind, one part ofwhich relates to the super-mundane establishment of the secondary cause of life,* <strong>and</strong> theother to the procession or outgoingof life<strong>and</strong> soul to the farthest extremity of things.,/Let us therefore more attentively considerthe fable, in that part of it which is symbolical of the descent of souls ;in order towhich, it will be requisite to premise anabridgment of the arcane discourse, respectingthe w<strong>and</strong>erings of Ceres, as preserved byMinutius Felix. Proserpina,&quot; says he, thedaughter of Ceres by Jupiter, as she wasgathering tender flowers, in the new spring,was ravished from her delightful abodes byPluto ;<strong>and</strong> being carried from thencethrough thick woods, <strong>and</strong> over a length ofsea, was brought by Pluto into a cavern,the residence of departed spirits, over whomButshe afterward ruled with absolute sway.* Plotinus taught the existence of three hypostases in the DivineNature. There was the Demiurge, the God of Creation <strong>and</strong>Providence ;the Second, the Intelligible, self-contained <strong>and</strong> immutable Source of life ;<strong>and</strong> above all, the One, who like theZervane Akercne of the Persians, is above allan Absolute LoveIntellect.&quot; A. W. fBeing, a pure will,

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