Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;126 <strong>Bacchic</strong> <strong>Mysteries</strong>.h<strong>and</strong>, by the joyful ceremonies of harvest, bythe occult sacred rites of thy cistee,* <strong>and</strong> bythe winged car of thy attending dragons, <strong>and</strong>the furrows of the Sicilian soil,<strong>and</strong> the rapacious chariot (or car of the ravisher), <strong>and</strong>the dark descending ceremonies attending themarriage of Proserpina, <strong>and</strong> the ascendingrites which accompanied the lighted returnof thy daughter, <strong>and</strong> ly other arcanawhich Eleusis the Attic sanctuary concealsin profound silence, relieve the sorrows ofthy wretched suppliant:Psyche. For theabduction of Proserpina signifies the descentof the soul, as is evident from the passagepreviously adduced from Olympiodorus, inwhich he says the soul descends Corically ; f<strong>and</strong> this is confirmed by the authority of thephilosopher Sallust, who observes, That theabduction of Proserpina is fabled to havetaken place about the opposite equinoctial;<strong>and</strong> bythis the descent of souls [intoearth-* Chests or baskets, made of osiers, in which were enclosed themystical images <strong>and</strong> utensils which the uninitiated were not permitted to behold.1 7. e. as to death ; analogously to the descent of Kore&quot;-Persephoneto the Underworld.

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