Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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122 Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>indivisible nature, corresponds to initiation.And the simple self-inspection of simpleforms, is analogous to epoptic vision, &quot;.ysvTOItspoic /jfoovco (J-svC0itat itav8iQ(iot xafl-apasi.Ei~a STTI Taorai owcoppirjtotspaf (XSTCC 5sc* sv TsXsi 5s STTOTUTSIOLI. AvaXo-TOIVOV at {J,V Tjfl-txat%at iroXiTtxai apstac,TOC^ s[x?pavai xafl-apiJio^.At 5soaat aicooxeoaCovcat Tuavia Ta S^TG^AtTCspc ta voTjiats svspyscac tac^ aoaTaasaiv. At 5s T^TOajxspLaiovtat^At 5s aTuXat TCOV dirXwv siocov aoio kaisTuoTCTetatc. And here I can not refrain fromnoticing, with indignation mingled with pity,the ignorance <strong>and</strong> arrogance of modern critics, who pretend that this distribution of thevirtues is entirely the invention of the latterPlatonists, <strong>and</strong> without any foundation in thewritings of Plato.* And among the supporters of such ignorance, I am sorry to find* The writings of Augustin h<strong>and</strong>ed Neo-Platonism down to posterity as the original <strong>and</strong> esoteric doctrine of the first followersof Plato. He enumerates the causes which led, in his opinion, tothe negative position assumed by the Academics, <strong>and</strong> to the con-

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