Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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&quot;114 Elemiwian <strong>and</strong>the fountain of nature, or Diana. This lastfountain too immediately depends on thevivifying goddess Rhea; <strong>and</strong> was assumedby the Demiurgus among the rest, as necessary to the prolific* reproduction of himself.And this information will enable us besidesto explain the meaning of the following passages in Apuleius, which, from not beingunderstood, have induced the moderns tobelieve that Apuleius acknowledged but onedeity alone. The first of these passages isin the beginning of the eleventh book of hisMetamorphoses, in which the divinity of themoon is represented as addressing him inthis sublime manner : En adsum tuis commota,Luci, precibus, rerum Natura parens,elementorum omnium domina, seculorumprogenies initialis, summa numinum, reginaManium, prima caelitum, Deorum Dearumquefacies uniformis: quse cseli luminosaculmina, maris salubria flamina, inferorum deploratasilentia nutibus meis dispenso: cujusnumen unicum, multiformi specie, ritu vario,nomine multijugo totus veneratur orbis. Meprimigenii Phryges Pessinunticarn nominant

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