Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy

Taylor - Eleusianian and Bacchic Mysteries.pdf - Platonic Philosophy


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102 , Eleusinian <strong>and</strong>c<strong>and</strong>ido coruscantem lumine, deos inferos, etdeos superos. Access! coram, et adoravi de*proximo.&quot; That is,&quot;Iapproached theconfines of death : <strong>and</strong> having trodden onthe threshold of Proserpina returned, hayingbeen carried through all the elements. Inthe depths of midnight I saw the sun glittering with a splendid light, together with theinfernal <strong>and</strong> :supernal gods <strong>and</strong> to thesedivinities approaching near, I paid the tributeof devout adoration.&quot; And this is no lessevidently implied by Plato, who thus describes the felicity of the holy soul prior toits descent, in a beautiful allusion to thearcane visions of the <strong>Mysteries</strong>. KaAXocTO&quot;YJVi8stvXaji/rcpov, ois auv soSaijiovi/opa) |jia%apiav c^iv TS %at ftsav STCOJJ.SVOI {Asia|j.v Aioc i?]|Xtc,aXXot 8s (isr aXXou ^-scov,TS %ai STsXoo.vTO TsXsicov YJV ^Sjit^ XsystvpwotaTTjv YJV opyiaCojASV oXo%)^pot [isvOVTSC, %at a^afl-st^ xaxcov oaa YJ JJLOLCsv 6atsp(pXpovcp 67Ujivsv. OXpxX^pas Teat dirXasooacjiova cpaajiata JJLOG^JJISVOIvc v aoyYj xafl-apqjLThe Golden Ass. xi. p. 239 (BoJin).

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