Australasian Anaesthesia 2011 - Australian and New Zealand ...

Australasian Anaesthesia 2011 - Australian and New Zealand ...

Australasian Anaesthesia 2011 - Australian and New Zealand ...


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14 <strong>Australasian</strong> <strong>Anaesthesia</strong> <strong>2011</strong>Management of opioid side effects – a personal view 15Table 1.Suggested starting laxative dosing equivalents for given levels of morphine requirements. Laxatives should becommenced with, or before, the first dose of opioid for optimum prevention of constipation. The overall aim is notnecessarily to produce normal bowel movements, but something close. In patients in whom constipation is apotential issue (eg. recent hemorrhoidal bleeding, previous severe constipation), looser bowel movements may bepreferable.Morphine equivalentsper 24hrs10-30mgExamplescodeine containing medications16mg tdscodeine containing medications 30mg bdoxycodone 5mg tdsLaxative equivalentsdocusate with sennosides 2 tablets bdOR macrogol sachets 1 bd-tds40-60mg oxycodone sustained release 20mg bd docusate with sennosides 2 tablets bd80-100mg>120mgmorphine sc 5mg q4h (=30mg, convertingto about 60-90mg oral morphine equivalentsper 24h)docusate with sennosides 2 tablets tdsWITH macrogol sachets 2 bdAs for >80mg, but sometimes requiringTable 2.Suggested escalation strategy for constipation not responding to preventative laxatives. Clearly, the choice to useany of these agents must be guided by patient preference <strong>and</strong> the clinical situation. At some stage, consultationwith gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons or palliative care physicians might be prudent.Level Agent If inadequate response, consider:1 sennosides <strong>and</strong> docusate add macrogol sachets2 Level 1 add lactulose3 Level 2 suppositories (eg. bisacodyl, glycerine),particularly if the rectum or left colon4 Level 3 enemas, sodium picosulphateImpactionmanual evacuation, oilsREFERENCES1. CLEARY, J.F. (2007). The pharmacologic management of cancer pain. J Palliat Med, 10, 1369.2. DAVIS, M.P., LASHEEN, W. & GAMIER, P. (2007). Practical guide to opioids <strong>and</strong> their complications in managingcancer pain. What oncologists need to know. Oncology (Williston Park), 21, 1229.3. DRONEY, J. & RILEY, J. (2009). Recent advances in the use of opioids for cancer pain. J Pain Res, 2, 135.4. AHLBECK, K. (<strong>2011</strong>). Opioids: a two-faced Janus. Curr Med Res Opin, 27, 439.5. PIGNI, A., BRUNELLI, C. & CARACENI, A. (<strong>2011</strong>). 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