August - English - Doxa Deo

August - English - Doxa Deo August - English - Doxa Deo
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depression became part of Kurt’slifestory: he reached the lowestpoint in his life in 2001, whenthe most important person in hislife, his grandmother, died. Kurtremoved himself from the peopleat his church and started hangingout with the wrong crowd. Butthroughout this time Kurt’s passionand natural talent for singing,dancing and drama remained aconstant in his volatile life. It wasthe one thing that he was sureof. However, towards the end of2011 Kurt’s life was about changedramatically:“At the end of 2011 my parents toldme about Metamorpho. At the timeI wasn’t really open to it – until Iattended a youth service at Doxa DeoAuckland where I had an incredibleencounter with God. God directedme clearly and straight away I toldmy parents I must do Meta. Myexperience in Meta so far has mademy perspective on life so muchmore focussed – I have experienceda total release of my past and arefreshing sense of God’s mercyand grace. I have finally found myidentity in Christ and have a betterunderstanding of my purpose. I nowlove who I am and I am confident inwhat I do.”After joining us at Metamorpho,Kurt discovered his true identity,value as a man, purpose anddirection. He is a multi-talentedartist with incredible acting skillsand rapping ability. He is beingconsidered for an acting role in oneof New Zealand’s main theatresand has entered the “New Zealand’sGot Talent” competition. He iscurrently performing in Aucklandwith his own special ChristianRap Performance. As you canimagine, we are all praying that hewins “New Zealand’s Got Talent”!Inspiring how God works!page _ seven

If you needmore the Doxa Deo Familyplease visit the Doxa Deo website.Hab 2:14:For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of theLORD, as the waters cover the sea.EditorChantalle SchutteCommunication Manager+27 12 991 DesignerJohan WentzelSenior Designer (Etiket) thanks to:Lize KreuserEditor & Translator(Member of SATI)kreuser@telkomsa.net083 3887 783City Changers FoundationGerrit HeymansFoundation COO+27 83 380

If you needmore the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Familyplease visit the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> website.Hab 2:14:For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of theLORD, as the waters cover the sea.EditorChantalle SchutteCommunication Manager+27 12 991 DesignerJohan WentzelSenior Designer (Etiket) thanks to:Lize KreuserEditor & Translator(Member of SATI)kreuser@telkomsa.net083 3887 783City Changers FoundationGerrit HeymansFoundation COO+27 83 380

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