August - English - Doxa Deo

August - English - Doxa Deo

August - English - Doxa Deo

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Chantalle Schutte (Editor)Be inspired by what God is doingthrough <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>!It was God who breathed life intothe <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Ministry for a specificreason and purpose. God called<strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> to exist for the followingreason: To transform 12 cities toplaces where God reigns. He alsogave <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> the key to achievingthis mission: People. Using <strong>Doxa</strong><strong>Deo</strong> as His instrument, God istouching and changing people’slives in profound and creativeways. And so we want to shareand celebrate these stories thatcome from every corner of the <strong>Doxa</strong><strong>Deo</strong> Ministry, for they reflect thebeautiful and breathtaking core ofwhat <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> is all about – LIFECHANGE! We give all honour andpraise to Him for the opportunityto be part of something that liesso close to our Father’s heart. Whatan awesome privilege to be part ofsuch an inspiring journey.An electronic bi-annual publication for <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> partners.

Inspiring Story #1How Grace can heal the WorldKobus Windt (Campus Pastor – <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Hartbeespoort)--------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a story of two partners inour campus, Hein and MargueriteEnslin. Despite the fact that theyare retired and could easily haveopted for a care-free life, they arestill investing their lives fully in theKingdom of God. Through themGod is making a profound impacton the lives of broken people whodesperately need Him.After living in the US for a numberof years, Hein and Margueritereturned to South Africa in 2009.In 2011, while travelling daily fromHartbeespoort to Pretoria, theynoticed a woman begging at acrossing at the end of the PelindabaToll Road. They mentioned this tofriends and family and realisedthat many others had also noticedthis woman. Their hearts wentout to her, and as time went bythey started taking her out for aquick lunch whenever possible.By developing a relationship withher in this way, they learned thatshe and her 24-year-old son wereliving in a car: at night they wouldpark their car at a garage and usethe bathrooms there. For safetypurposes they would overnightwhere there was some light.However, that didn’t help much asthey were robbed at gunpoint andlost all proof that they even existed.They were left with only the clotheson their backs.The Enslins were astounded todiscover that this woman wasa qualified <strong>English</strong> high schoolteacher. Her son had been bornin Paris, France, where she andher husband (who later left her)lived for six years. After the divorceand back in South Africa, she hadtrusted a financial advisor whoswindled her out of everything shehad. As Hein and Marguerite grewcloser in their relationship withtheir new acquaintances, both thewomen and her son expressed theirtrust in a faithful and loving God.They believed that life had morein store for them, although theyfound it very difficult to bear thehumiliation of the life they wereforced to lead.Hein and Marguerite encouragedthem to do everything possible tobetter their lives. The first optionwas to involve social services.However, to get social services toassist, a physical address had to beprovided. A month later Margueritehad found a Wendy House in aDanville shelter where the womanand her son at least had a singlebed each and a roof over theirheads. They also gave the womana cell phone so that she could finda job. During the six months theyspent in this shelter the Enslinsassisted them financially to keepthe woman off the street andhopefully enabling her to get a job.God works in mysterious ways! Heinand Marguerite are still amazedby the results of their efforts... Thewoman received a job offer froma family who also got to knowher during the two years she hadspent begging on the street corner:she would assist in a Pretoria-North shelter for disadvantagedpre-school children. And thefamily also assisted financially tosupplement the rather meagrecompensation the woman wouldreceive. Currently, the womanand her son are able to rent tworooms and share a bathroom withother tenants in a mostly blackcommunity in Pretoria-North.Hein and Marguerite are stillinvolved in fixing up their livingspace by offering a hand as needed.But this was not the end of thisinspiring story attesting to God’sabundant grace and love! One daythe Enslins sat the son down andasked him what he’d love to domost if he had the opportunity tostudy. He said that he wished toqualify as an IT specialist. Alreadybelieving that he would succeed,Hein and Marguerite enrolled himin Pretoria-North’s Boston Collegewhere he’ll soon be completingthe first phase of his studies. Heis doing extremely well and thepossibility of a job offer uponthe completion of his studies isimminent. Hein and Margueritewere also extremely impressedwith the way the woman succeededpage _ one

with the mentally and physicallychallenged children in her care.They are assisting her financiallyas she is now enrolled in a sixmonth pre-school teacher’s courseat the Pretoria Teacher’s College inGroenkloof, Pretoria. She’ll teachduring the week and attend classeson a Friday afternoon and thewhole of Saturday. And she is 58years old! Her aim is to qualify andfind a job in a government preschoolwhere she’ll be able to earn aformal salary.Hein and Marguerite praise theLord for allowing their paths tointersect with two people who havenow both found a new passion andpurpose in life. They often testify tothe love and care God has for all Hischildren. The next time you noticea beggar on a street corner, bereminded of this story – it could beyour chance to reach out and allowGod’s grace to heal a broken world.Inspiring Story #2How God can Touch SchoolsCias Ferreira (TREE Coordinator)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TREE is an acronym forto identify the culprit but failed“Transforming the Educationalto do so. After a while the culpritEnvironment.” TREE is a <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>was identified via the CCTV (Closedvehicle, or project, which aims toCircuit Television) in the school.make a Christ-centred difference inThe Principal wanted to expel thisschools. Within schools TREE makeslearner permanently, as she hadan impact on the lives of learners,been in trouble before.teachers, headmasters, and parents.This is the story of how God used aspecific youth worker to touch andheal the life of a learner in one ofthe schools TREE is involved in.In the particular primary school theyouth worker is involved in, theftwas a significant challenge. Thetheft was unusual in the sense thattwo or three days after somethinggot stolen, it would reappearsomewhere else in the school.The school employed every effortShe comes from a broken familywhere not much attention and lovewere given to her by her parents.When the Principal met with theparents to discuss the situation,it became clear that they weren’tmuch concerned about the outcomeof the situation or the consequencestheir child would be facing. Thelearner told the youth worker thatshe was stealing to get attentionbecause of the intense pain sheexperienced believing that herpage _ two

father “wrote her off.” When thePrincipal finally decided to expelthe girl, the youth worker asked foran opportunity to work with herinstead, to see if any improvementwas possible.At first the youth worker struggledto gain the girl’s trust, but after awhile she started opening up andadmitted that stealing was wrong.Her life changed drastically andshe is now serving as a leader ofthe TREE gathering at the school.Instead of stealing she now sharesher testimony with other learners,friends and family, proclaiming thelove of Jesus and the impact He hashad on her life. The youth workerconsiders it a privilege and a veryfulfilling experience to witness thislearner’s continual spiritual growthand healing.There is so much opportunity tomake a Christ-centred differencein schools! This is a story of onlyone life that underwent a drasticchange – can you imagine theimpact if TREE could get involvedin every school in South Africa? It isthis vision of touching and healingyoung lives that continues to inspireus as we press forward to expand tomore schools in South Africa.Inspiring Story #3How God provides for His DreamAlistair Westcott (POPUP Ministry Coordinator)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POPUP (People UpliftmentProgram) is a <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> projectthat provides the unemployedand destitute with market-relatedskills training. Not only do learnersreceive skills, but they are restoredholistically in every area of theirlives. Learners receive so muchmore than just skills: they receiveJesus who touches their lives in anextraordinary way. Being a FaithBased Organisation (FBO) POPUPrelies on God’s financial provision totransform the lives of people whohave lost hope.This is a story about God’sABUNDANT provision. On 14January 2012 an incident ofheavenly provision unfolded whenPOPUP received the followinge-mail from Germany (translatedfrom Afrikaans to <strong>English</strong>).Subject: Greetings from Germany“Hallo AlistairI hope you still remember Dorothy and me. You married us on the 13th of April 2007 at Diamond Hill. We have beenliving in Erlangen in Germany for 2 years now (on a three-year-contract at Siemens). We are doing well and God is trulyblessing our married life together. The background to this email is that for some time now I have been looking for theright opportunity to re-invest myself.I set three criteria for myself:• I want to make a contribution where I can support under-privileged people, but it must be people from both theblack and white communities.• The support program must have a long-term focus and not just be a “once-off”, i.e. support where both educationand training are involved. (It would be preferable if we could personally contribute by using our talents and beinvolved with the organisation at some future date.)• We want to ensure that wherever we become involved, clear Christian principles and foundations are applied andthat people are trained and educated in a Christian environment.page _ three

Since we came to Germany I have invested much time searching and praying for such an opportunity. At first I was seton finding the “perfect” opportunity, but then God spoke to me and told me to stop worrying about it: He would providethe right opportunity where the money would be utilised well. This evening I went jogging and felt God speaking to me,telling me to look for the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Website once I got back home.I hoped that I would find an opportunity that needed the exact amount that I had in mind to give, because that wouldbe a clear sign to me that this was exactly where He wanted me to invest. However, I discovered POPUP on the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>Website and read all about it. It seemed to me as though the three criteria I had set for myself were complied with, andthen I saw your name there – to me that was the clear sign!I therefore would like to find out three things from you:• Is the program presented to all cultural and racial groups, and, if that is so, do you already have learners from all theabove groups involved?• What are the long-term plans for the POPUP program and where do you intend expanding? Are there immediatefinancial needs for such proposed expansions?• Is there sound financial management at POPUP?I trust that you are doing well and that God will bless all the work beingdone by <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>.GreetingsBraam and Dorothy.”In response to Braam’s e-mail I replied with a detailed description of what POPUPis all about. On the 23rd of January I received another e-mail from Braam in Germany.Subject: RE: Greetings from Germany“Hi AlistairThank you for the detailed e-mail – Dot and I enjoyed reading it. I appreciate it and believe that God has led Dorothy andme to make a contribution, even though at present it will only be financially (Germany is a little too far for us to come toPOPUP!).I appreciate the answers you gave me to the questions I asked and feel very satisfied with what I have heard. The amountof money that I intend transferring is quite substantial (or should I say – for me it is) and I wanted to be certain thatit would be managed well. What I can deduce from your e-mail is that POPUP has sound management and that thecontribution will be effectively utilised.Should I transfer the money directly as indicated on the website or must I follow an alternative procedure? I want totransfer R500, 000.GreetingsBraam and Dorothy.”FIVE HUNDRED THOUSANDRAND!!I remember storming into the officeof Marlene Freislich (CEO of POPUP)asking her to please help me countthe number of zero’s. Her eyes filledwith tears of gratitude and joy. Thewords, “O you of little faith! came tomind – God’s Word says “fill to thefull” and He means what He says!“And my God will liberally supply(fill to the full) your every needaccording to His riches in glory inChrist Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19).page _ four

Inspiring Story #5How God raises City Changers through His SchoolsChris Zaayman (<strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> East School & College)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> schools and colleges areplaces were learners are encouragedto reach their full potential in Christ.It is God’s breeding ground to raise ayoung generation that will discovertheir purpose and live with passionso that they can make a differencein their world. This is a story thatshows how God used a <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>Grade 9 learner to directly influencethe President of South Africawith Christ-centred thoughts andprinciples.Caela Bennett is a Grade 9 learnerat our <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> East College.Earlier in the year she entered acompetition where she had towrite a letter to the South AfricanPresident, Mr. Jacob Zuma, voicingher concern about certain issues inSouth Africa. She also had to makesuggestions as to how she believedthe President should be addressingthese issues. Caela’s letter waschosen and she was invited to meetthe President for lunch.“My parents received a phone callinforming them that my letter hadbeen chosen. This meant that I wasgoing to meet the President of SouthAfrica! I and six learners from otherschools anxiously gathered at theSheraton Hotel. We each received abooklet containing all of our storiesbefore we were escorted on anextravagant bus to the President’shome. Once there each and every oneof us shook the President’s hand –with great delight and big smiles onour faces. During the lunch meetingwe had the opportunity to read theletters out loud for the President infront of video cameras. My letterraised concern about the crimeand our police force in South Africa.I suggested to him that change willonly come if our nation returned tostrong family values and made theLord the centre of society. This wasan extremely amazing experience.President Zuma was warm-heartedand his smile reflected the joy thatshines through him. It was anhonour meeting him and sharing myheart with him.”Inspiring Story #6How God restores His Identity in the YouthAdriaan Heijns (<strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Auckland Campus – Metamorpho Coordinator)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Metamorpho is <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>’s vehicle Auckland Campus. He tells the storythrough which God develops the from here on:potential and character of theyouth. Metamorpho is especially “I was born in Cape Town, Southdesigned for school leavers or Africa, in a rough neighbourhoodstudents between the ages of 18 where gangs ruled the streets. I wasand 25. Currently Metamorphoa kid who loved to perform since theoperates in Pretoria (SA), Portage of three. In my early childhoodElizabeth (SA) and Auckland (NZ). I started playing the drums in ourThis is a story that shows how God local church service where my fatherused Metamorpho to breathe a was the worship leader. I was onlyrefreshing sense of mercy and grace eight years old when I became aninto the life of Kurt Murray, one errand boy for a local gang leaderof our Meta students at <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> delivering packages and messages togang members in my area. I becamevery secretive and soon masteredthe art of lying. Causing mischiefwas a massive adrenaline rush – wewould break neighbours’ windows,steal food from shops, throw rocksat people and start fights amongstourselves”.At the age of nine Kurt and hisparents moved to New Zealand andthat was when Kurt’s troubled teenyears started. Drug abuse, drugdealing, theft, suicide attempts andpage _ six

depression became part of Kurt’slifestory: he reached the lowestpoint in his life in 2001, whenthe most important person in hislife, his grandmother, died. Kurtremoved himself from the peopleat his church and started hangingout with the wrong crowd. Butthroughout this time Kurt’s passionand natural talent for singing,dancing and drama remained aconstant in his volatile life. It wasthe one thing that he was sureof. However, towards the end of2011 Kurt’s life was about changedramatically:“At the end of 2011 my parents toldme about Metamorpho. At the timeI wasn’t really open to it – until Iattended a youth service at <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong>Auckland where I had an incredibleencounter with God. God directedme clearly and straight away I toldmy parents I must do Meta. Myexperience in Meta so far has mademy perspective on life so muchmore focussed – I have experienceda total release of my past and arefreshing sense of God’s mercyand grace. I have finally found myidentity in Christ and have a betterunderstanding of my purpose. I nowlove who I am and I am confident inwhat I do.”After joining us at Metamorpho,Kurt discovered his true identity,value as a man, purpose anddirection. He is a multi-talentedartist with incredible acting skillsand rapping ability. He is beingconsidered for an acting role in oneof New Zealand’s main theatresand has entered the “New Zealand’sGot Talent” competition. He iscurrently performing in Aucklandwith his own special ChristianRap Performance. As you canimagine, we are all praying that hewins “New Zealand’s Got Talent”!Inspiring how God works!page _ seven

If you needmore informationwww.doxadeo.co.zaabout the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> Familyplease visit the <strong>Doxa</strong> <strong>Deo</strong> website.Hab 2:14:For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of theLORD, as the waters cover the sea.EditorChantalle SchutteCommunication Manager+27 12 991 5838chantalle@doxadeo.co.zaGraphic DesignerJohan WentzelSenior Designer (Etiket)www.etiket.co.zakraak.vars@yahoo.comSpecial thanks to:Lize KreuserEditor & Translator(Member of SATI)kreuser@telkomsa.net083 3887 783City Changers FoundationGerrit HeymansFoundation COO+27 83 380 0229gerrit@doxadeo.co.za

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