Annual Report 2012 - Tivoli

Annual Report 2012 - Tivoli

Annual Report 2012 - Tivoli


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❖tivoli ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2012</strong> ❖ON THE INNER LINESThe merry-go-rounds are spinning, the musicis playing and the tulips are coming out – butonly because a dedicated team of committedemployees are doing their best every day todeliver quality experiences to <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s visitors.årets gang i tivoliBased on the philosophy that only happy employeescan deliver good results, <strong>Tivoli</strong> has measured jobsatisfaction among its almost 1,500 employees overa number of years. We are very pleased to note that<strong>Tivoli</strong> made it again on to the Top 5 of the Best LargeWorkplaces in Denmark, this time as No 4.A good dialogue in the Works Committee and generallywithin the organisation enhances job satisfaction,and it is no secret that <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s employees are indeedvery proud to work here.In <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Tivoli</strong> rooted out the concepts of “red” and“green” service attendants which distinguishedbetween those looking after a ride (green) and thoseinspecting at the entrances and in the Gardens (red).Following relevant training, our service attendantsare now able to perform all types of inspection tasksresulting in far greater flexibility in terms of dutyplanning and avoidance of bottlenecks. Ultimately,this gives our visitors a better experience, which iswhat <strong>Tivoli</strong> is all about. <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s service attendantshave welcomed the new challenges; a new health& safety organisation and new duty schedules for<strong>Tivoli</strong>’s workmen have also been established.<strong>Tivoli</strong> has entered into a cooperation agreement withSentosa Islands, a large resort with a theme park, amarina, golf courses, etc situated on an island off thecoast of Singapore. Employees from Sentosa Islandhave visited <strong>Tivoli</strong>, for short or long periods, and<strong>Tivoli</strong> employees have paid study visits to SentosaIsland. We expect to learn from each other andperhaps in the long term develop activities together.As a first effort, <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s head gardener has designed a<strong>Tivoli</strong> Garden for Sentosa’s celebration of the ChineseNew Year in February 2013.To strengthen <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s day-to-day operations, acomprehensive IT project has been launched. Allof <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s IT systems, from the intranet throughfinancial management to ticket sales and paymentsystems, have been analysed and are being updatedand replaced to prepare <strong>Tivoli</strong> for the future.A new website was also launched along with animproved webshop.4 THBEST LARGE WORKPLACEIN DENMARKOne of <strong>Tivoli</strong>’s most well-known employees28

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