VT EDITION - VT EVOLUTION M0S09652 1R04:VT 2300 ... - Polti

VT EDITION - VT EVOLUTION M0S09652 1R04:VT 2300 ... - Polti

VT EDITION - VT EVOLUTION M0S09652 1R04:VT 2300 ... - Polti


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AG52BIC642A13DF15VU R SQ5E7H11911T691241116118101113Fig. A172411 18 19142021 111192322Fig. 1Fig. 4a<strong>VT</strong> <strong>EDITION</strong><strong>VT</strong> <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>Fig. 4bOFF ONFig. 2Fig. 5Fig. 3Fig. 6Vaporetto Edition - Vaporetto Evolution <strong>M0S09652</strong> <strong>1R04</strong>

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>Read these instructions carefully before using the appliance.ENGLISHDear Customer,Congratulations and thank you for purchasing this POLTI product, contributing to theconservation of our most precious natural resource: the Environment. VAPORETTO solves all cleaningand hygiene problems without the use of detergents - all that’s needed is just normal tap water which oursystem transforms into steam at a constant powerful pressure, allowing you to clean more thoroughly andin an ecological way.Our Technical Development team have added a range of sophisticated improvements to make cleaningtasks both safer and more effective:• The new handle is smaller, lighter, easier to handle and more comfortable to use because you can startproducing steam with just one finger, by lightly pressing a button.Safety is guaranteed by the strict tests all <strong>Polti</strong> products and accessories are subjected to. The STEAMCOMFORT handle has passed the strict Splash Proof Test certifying its resistance to splashes of water.• The Safety Cap - a unique <strong>Polti</strong> patent, prevents opening whilst any residual pressure remains in the system.• Steam pressure is controlled by a pressure switch and the steam flow can be regulated while operating.<strong>Polti</strong>’s products are submitted to very strict testing.Vaporetto passed also the Splash Proof Test, since ithas been designed to be splash proof.VAPORETTO is built according to the IEC regulations, and is equipped with a safety valve, a safety thermostatand an additional protective thermostat which prevents operation of the machine when it is emptyand which maintains VAPORETTO in an absolutely safe condition at all times. The accessories and all thecomponents are manufactured with highest quality materials which are resistant to the high temperaturesattained during the operation of this machine.GENERATORA) Patented Safety CapB) Generator on/off switchC) Accessories on/off switchD) Central connector block with splashproofcoverE) Lock-in aperture for central connectorF) Power supply cableG) Carrying handleH) Pivoting wheelsI) Steam regulation controlACCESSORIES1) Flexible hose2) Steam gun2A) Safety switch3) Steam request lever4) Connector assembly5) Press down connector button6) Locking tab7) Extension tubes8) Large brush9) Cloth retaining clips10) Replaceable bristles plate11) Accessories locking button12) Small brush13) Cotton cloths14) Filler bottle (<strong>VT</strong> <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>)14) Filler funnel (<strong>VT</strong> <strong>EDITION</strong>)15) Spare washers for accessory connections16) 120° nozzle(*)17) Small round brush for 120° nozzle(*)18) Window squeegee tool (*)19) Small blade for window tool (*)20) Large blade for window tool (*)(*) OPTIONAL for Vaporetto <strong>EDITION</strong>ACCESSORIES SOLD SEPARATELY21) High pressure lance22) Triangular brush23) Large round brush for 120° nozzle24) Wallpaper stripper toolQ) IronR) Steam request buttonS) Temperature regulation dialT) Iron res matU) Continuous steam jet buttonV) “Iron heating” indicator light34

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>This unit conforms with EC-directives2004/108/CE (EMC) and 2006/95/CE (lowvoltage).<strong>Polti</strong> S.p.A. reserves the right to change equipmentor accessory specification without prior notice.PRECAUTIONSKEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS• Read these instructions for use carefully beforeusing the appliance, and make sure that anyoneusing the machine is familiar with these instructionsand the warnings.• DO NOT USE THE STEAM FUNCTION ONDRAYLON, VELVET, LEATHER OR OTHERSENSITIVE FABRICS.• Any use which does not comply with these instructionswill invalidate the warranty.• The wiring system to which the appliance is connectedmust always comply with the laws inforce.• Before connecting the appliance, make sure thatthe mains voltage is the same as the voltage indicatedon the data label of the appliance andthat the power outlet is connected to earth• Always turn off the appliance at the on/off switchbefore unplugging it.• If the appliance is left unused, always disconnectit from the mains. Never leave the applianceunattended with the cable plugged into themains.• Always make sure the appliance is unpluggedbefore performing maintenance work of any kind• Do not pull the power cable out of the socket, butgrasp the plug itself to avoid damage to thesocket.• Do not allow the power cable to be twisted, crushed,stretched, or come into contact with sharpor hot surfaces.• Do not use the appliance if the power cable orother important parts are damaged.• Do not use electric extension leads that are notauthorized by the manufacturer, as they maycause damage or fire.• If it is necessary to replace the power supply cable,please refer to the nearest <strong>Polti</strong> authorisedservice centre, since the use of a special tool isnecessary.• Never touch the appliance with wet hands or feetwith the cable plugged into the mains.• Do not use the appliance when barefoot.• Do not use the appliance near a bathtub, showeror container full of water• Never immerse the appliance, the cable or theplugs in water or another liquid.• Use of the appliance in places where there is adanger of explosions is prohibited.• Do not use the product with toxic substances.• Do not lay the hot appliance on surfaces sensitiveto heat.• Do not leave the appliance exposed to wind orrain.• Do not place the appliance near a live element,an electric stove or any other source of heat.• Do not expose the appliance to extreme temperatures• Never let children or people who are not familiarwith how the appliance works use it.• Do not press the buttons hard or with a pointedobject such as a pen.• Always rest the appliance on a stable surface.• In case of accidental fall of the appliance it is necessaryto have it checked by an authorized <strong>Polti</strong>Service Centre as the internal safety featuresmay have been affected.• In case of breakdown or malfunction switch offthe appliance and never attempt to disassembleit, but refer to an authorized Service Centre.• To avoid prejudicing the safety of the appliance,use only original spare parts and accessories approvedby the manufacturer.• Do not wind the power cable around the appliance,especially when the appliance is still hot.• During refilling with water, switch off and disconnectthe appliance from the mains.• It is necessary to keep the unit in horizontal positionduring operation.• Do not direct the steam jet onto electrical and/orelectronic appliances.• Let the appliance cool down before cleaning it.• Before storing the appliance make sure that ithas completely cooled down.• This appliance is equipped with safety deviceswhich are to be replaced only by a suitably qualifiedtechnician.• Do not direct the steam jet at people, animals ordebris.• Never place your hands inside the jet of steam.ATTENTION:Danger of burns!• When Refilling the boiler, use HOT rather thancold water, pour in gently at first and keep exposedskin and your face away. Otherwise the stillhot tank walls can spit drops of very hot water orsteam spray.• Do not put any detergent or chemical substancein the boiler. Water by its nature contains magne-ENGLISH35

ENGLISHVAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>sium, mineral salts and other deposits which inhard water areas can contribute to limescalebuild up in the boiler. To avoid these problems, itis necessary to swill out with tapwater and emptythe boiler after every 3 or 4 uses.In very hard waterareas we recommend the use of our KAL-STOP, a special natural-base decalcifier whichinhibits and breaks down limescale, making iteasy to remove just by swilling out the tank with alittle tapwater. This is a preventive against scalebuild-up and protects the metal walls of thesteam generator tank. KALSTOP is availablefrom <strong>Polti</strong> dealers or by mail-order from your <strong>Polti</strong>Service Centre.• We recommend you use original <strong>Polti</strong> productsonly, as products of other brands maynot be suitable for use in <strong>Polti</strong> products andcould cause damage.• Never use distilled water or scented water.• Make sure the patented safety cap is fully andcorrectly screwed on, otherwise you may experiencesteam escaping from around the cap.• Check periodically the safety cap and MAKESURE the rubber gasket is in place around thebase of the screw thread.Replace with original spare parts if necessary.DO NOT USE the appliance if the rubber gasketis not in position.• Do not refill the tank while it is still hot, allow it tocool down for a few minutes before refilling.• Do not empy the appliance when the water in theboiler is still hot.• Do not try to unscrew the safety cap when theappliance is in use.• If you iron sitting down, do not put your legs underthe ironing board, the steam can causeburns.• Iron only on heat resistant surfaces and on surfacesthat allow the steam to escape, e.g. meshironing boards.• The iron must be used and rested on a stablesurface.• When placing the iron on its stand, make surethat the surface on which the stand is placed isstable.• This appliance is not intended for use by persons(including children) with reduced physical, sensoryor mental capabilities, or lack of experienceand knowledge, unless they have been given supervisionor instruction concerning use of the applianceby a person responsible for their safety.• Children should be supervised to ensure thatthey do not play with the appliance.• The appliance must not be used if it has fallen,been dropped or when it has visible signs of damageor leaks.• If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replacedby the manufacturer, its service agent or similarlyqualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.CORRECT USE OF THE PRODUCTThis appliance is intended for home use as asteam cleaner as described and in accordancewith the instructions provided in this manual.Please read these instructions carefully and keepthem, as you may find them useful in future.<strong>Polti</strong> declines liability for any damage or accidentderived from any use of this appliancewhich is not in conformity with the instructionscontained in this booklet.ATTENTIONDirective 2002/96/EC (Waste Electrical and ElectronicEquipment - WEEE): information for usersThis product complies with EU Directive2002/96/EC.The crossed-out wastebasket symbol onthe appliance means that at the end of itsuseful lifespan, the product must be disposedof separately from ordinary householdwastes.The user is responsible for delivering the applianceto an appropriate collection facility at the end of itsuseful lifespan.Appropriate separate collection to permit recycling,treatment and environmentally compatible disposalhelps prevent negative impact on the environmentand human health and promotes recycling of thematerials making up the product. For more informationon available collection facilities, contact yourlocal waste collection service or the shop whereyou bought this appliance.IMPORTANTBefore leaving our factory all our products are rigorouslytested. For this reason, your VAPORETTOmay contain some residual water in the boiler fromthe testing.SET UPBefore using VAPORETTO for the first time assemblethe pivoting wheels as indicated in the Fig. A.36

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>PREPARATION FOR USE1. Unscrew the patented safety cap (A) and fill theboiler with about 1,3 litres of water using the fillerbottle / funnel (14) making sure that it doesnot overflow (fig. 1). Normal tapwater can beused. However, as hard water by its naturecontains limestone, which may cause a buildupof limescale in the tank, in hard water areaswe recommend the use of our natural-base decalcifierKALSTOP, available from your <strong>Polti</strong>dealer or by mail order from your <strong>Polti</strong> serviceCentre.2. Carefully screw on the safety cap to hand tight(Fig. 2). Make sure the patented safety cap (A)is fully and correctly screwed on, otherwise youmay experience steam escaping from aroundthe cap.3. Connect the power supply cable (F) into anearthed power supply of the correct voltage.WARNING: Do NOT under any circumstances putor leave the filler bottle in the water filling apertureof the appliance when the appliance is connectedto the mains electricity supply. Danger of burns!Always make sure generator on/off switch (B) isswitched OFF before connecting the appliance tothe mains.INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE1a. Press down the generator on/off switch (B) andthe accessories on/off switch (C) which will lightup.2a. Open the cover of the central connector block(D) and insert the central connector (4) pressingthe connector button (5) and taking carethat the locking tab (6) is correctly positioned inthe lock-in aperture (E) on the block (Fig. 3).3a. When the generator on/off switch (B) goes out,the steam cleaner is ready for use4a. The steam gun (2) is equipped with a safetyswitch (2A) which prevents the accidental startof the steam jet by children or people who donot know how to operate the appliance.With the switch (2A) in the “OFF” position, thelever controlling the steam jet is locked(Fig.4b). Should the hose be left unattended fora moment whilst the appliance is connected tothe mains, it is recommended to put the safetyswitch in the “OFF” position. To start working,set the (2A) switch to the “ON” position andpress the steam button (Fig.4a).The first burst of steam may contain some waterdroplets, due to imperfect thermic stabilisation insidethe flexible hose. We would therefore advisethat the first jet of steam is played onto an old clothuntil a constant pressure of steam is obtained.Note: The generator on/off switch (B) may go onand off from time to time during use of VAPO-RETTO. This means the machine is maintaining thecorrect and constant pressure and is quite normal.STEAM REGULATION FEATUREVAPORETTOs are equipped with a steam regulationcontrol (I) (Fig. 5). You can increase the steamflow by turning the control in clockwise direction.Turning it in an anti- clockwise direction reducesthe steam flow. Here are some suggestions for thechoice of steam flow level:• Strong steam: for encrusted dirt, stains, greaseand for sanitising.• Normal steam: for carpets, rugs, glass, tiles etc.• Delicate steam: for vaporising plants and cleaningdelicate surfaces.Please read separate warning about use on draylon,velvet and other delicate fabrics, or on sensitivewood surfaces.CONNECTION OF ACCESSORIESAll the accessories of VAPORETTO can be connectedto the handle or to the extension tubes asper the following instructions (fig. 6):1b. Move the locking button (11) on the accessoryto the “open” position.2b. Attach the required accessory to the hand gunor to the extension tube.3b. Move the locking button (11) back to the position‘closed’.4b. Check that the locking button has engaged andthe accessory is fully connected.PATENTED SAFETY CAP /’’WATER OUT’’The appliance is equipped with a safety cap, whichprevents opening of the generator tank as long asthere is any pressure remaining inside. This is animportant and indispensable safety device, and it isnecessary to follow the procedure here below whenre-filling the generator tank.When you have used up all the water in the tank,proceed as follows:1c. Switch off the machine at the generator on/offswitch (B)2c. Press the steam request lever (3) on the steamgun (2) or, if using the iron, the steam requestbutton (R) on the iron (Q) so as to fully exhaustthe steam supply from the tank.3c. Switch OFF the accessory on/off switch (C).4c. Disconnect the power supply cable (F) from theENGLISH37

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>ENGLISHmains.5c. Unscrew anti-clockwise the patented safetycap (A)6c. Wait for a few minutes to allow the generatortank to cool down.7c. When cool proceed to carefully refill the tank asdescribed in paragraph 1 of the section “Preparationfor Use”. If refilling the generator whennot completely cooled, pour only very smallquantities of water at each pouring into thetank, so as to avoid spitting from the tank, andcover exposed skin and face whilst fillingUSE OF THE PROFESSIONAL IRON(OPTIONAL)Vaporetto can be quickly transformed into a highlyeffective ironing system to make ironingquick and easy. Simply connect the product tothe iron accessory for Vaporetto.• mod. PFEU0013 - Professional Iron• mod. PFEU0031 - Inox IronYou may purchase the iron accessory at any<strong>Polti</strong> service centre or from top home applianceretailers.1d. Connect the connector assembly at the end ofthe iron hose (4) to the generator as shown inpoint 2a of the section “Instructions for Use”.Check the manufacturer’s label on the garment,and interpret the symbol on the label as follows:Steam ironing allowedFor dry ironing, set thermostat on •••Steam ironing allowedFor dry ironing, set thermostat on ••Check the fabric's resistance to steamironing or dry iron with thermostat seton •- do not iron- steam ironing or treatment not allowedSTEAM IRONING2d. For STEAM ironing, turn the dial (S) and set theiron temperature to its maximum travel on the“COTTON-LINEN” steam position.NB YOU MUST SET AT ITS MAXIMUM PO-SITION, DO NOT SET AGAINST THE PIC-TURE OF THE IRON ON THE DIAL (S).Most types of fabric, other than delicates canbe STEAM ironed at this temperature, pleaseconsult the garment manufacturer’s instructionson the label.NB FABRIC INDICATIONS ON DIAL AREFOR DRY IRONING, NOT STEAM IRONING.3d. Wait for a few minutes until the “Iron heating”indicator light (V) goes out, to show that the soleplateof the iron has reached the requiredtemperature.4d. Press the steam request button (R) to enablethe steam to come out. The steam flow will stopwhen the button is released. After each filling,when you first start to use the iron, a few dropsof water mixed with the steam may be emitted(due to imperfect heat stabilisation). It is thereforeadvisable to direct the first jet of steamonto a rag.5d. The iron can also be used in a vertical positione.g. for removing creases from curtain, clothingetc.6d. To obtain a continuous jet of steam move thesliding button (U). The steam will continue tocome out even when the steam request button(R) is released. To stop the steam flow movethe sliding button backwards (U).NOTE: using the iron, it is advisable to adjustthe steam jet at medium output, or to do sometesting in order to find the position on (U) whichis most suitable to the fabric to be ironed.RECOMMENDED TECHNIQUE for steam ironingwith the <strong>Polti</strong> iron is APPLY steam (buttonR) on the upstroke, then release button R (sono steam) for the backstroke, thus reclosing thefibres, preventing oversteaming and wetness.DRY IRONING7d. If you need to DRY iron (ONLY) (NOT steamironing), press the accessory on/off switch (C)and adjust the temperature of the iron by turningdial (S) to the temperature required for thefabric (as shown on the dial).ATTENTION: when dry ironing, be careful notto press the steam request button (R), as hotwater could come out of the iron onto your garmentand board.IMPORTANT• Do not leave the iron unattended whilst connectedto the mains.• Iron only on heat resistant surfaces and on surfacesthat allow the steam to escape e.g. MESHironing boards.• ATTENTION: if you iron sitting down, do notplace your legs under the ironing board, thesteam can cause burns.38

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>TIPS FOR BETTER UNIT PERFORMANCEWARNINGS• For cleaning leather, wood or delicate fabricsespecially dralon, velvet and other pile surfaces,consult the manufacturers instructions. Cleanonly by using the hand gun at a safe distance togetherwith a soft cloth and always do a test on anon visible part of the item first or on a sample.Allow the test area to dry completely before observingresults and effects on surface or colourbefore proceeding to clean further areas.• For cleaning wood surfaces (furniture, doorsetc.) take great care as a too long application ofthe steam could alter the waxed appearance, theshine or the colour of the surfaces cleaned. Wetherefore recommend you to apply the steam onsuch surfaces only for brief periods or to cleanthese surfaces using a cloth first held in thesteam.• Please pay particular attention while cleaningbrick floors: a too long application of steam coulddamage wax, brightness or colour of these surfaces.• For delicate surfaces (e.g. synthetic materials,lacquered surfaces etc.) we recommend toalways cover the small brush with at least twocloths to reduce the intensity of the steam, and(on machines with steam variation control) withthe steam set at low level. Always test first on anon-visible area, allow to dry thoroughly, and ifsuccessful, be sure to use exactly the same tool,technique, steam level and steam jet distance.• If cleaning glass surfaces in particularly low temperaturespreheat the glass using the hand gunfrom about 50 centimetres distance from the surfaceto be cleaned.• For care of your plants vaporise at a minimum distanceof 50 centimetres.STEAM GUN (2)The steam gun can be used directly on all spots requiringa stronger, closer treatment without connectingthe brushes. The more resistant the stain,the closer you should hold the gun, the steam pressureand temperature being higher at the source.Always wipe with a dry cloth (or a slightly abrasivesponge if the spot is a difficult one to remove) afterusing the gun. Steam gun is particularly efficient at:• breaking down rug and carpet stains before theyare treated with the large brush;• cleaning stainless steel surfaces, panes, mirrors,enamelled surfaces;• cleaning hard-to-reach corners, such as stairs,window sills, door posts;• cleaning cooking top knobs, taps bases• cleaning window shutters, heaters, car interiors;• spraying plants (from a distance);• removing odours and creases from clothes.To reach higher points, the steam gun can be connectedto one or both extension tubes.LARGE BRUSH (8)To clean floors, put a clean, dry kitchen cloth underthe brush and swing back and forth without applyingany pressure. Use the other side of the clothwhen the first one is impregnated with dirt. Use thebrush directly without the cloth on particularly dirtyor incrusted areas and in spaces between the tiles:swing the brush sideways to detach the dirt. Highlyobstinate stains may require a steam gun treatmentbefore the brush and cloth are used (an old bathtowel is an ideal cloth) . The same procedures applyto ceilings and vertical surfaces, like wallpaper.The cloth can easily be fastened around the brushand held in place by the 4 clips (9) on the brush itself.Smooth cotton cloths are suitable for the treatmentof glass surfaces: fasten the cloth around thebrush then pass it over the window pane (or mirror)to remove the greasy film. Finally, spray the surfacewith the steam gun and wipe dry with a clean cloth.In cold weather, window panes will require pre-heatingwith the steam gun (from a distance of 50 cm),prior to the actual cleaning with the the brush. VA-PORETTO is ideal for both syntetic and wool rugsas well as for all types of carpets. Its use ensurestotal hygiene, revives colours and restores the originalbrilliance of the pile. Drying occurs practicallyat once. Fold a cotton cloth over 2 or 3 times (accordingto the length and resistance of the pile) andfasten it onto the brush. Move the brush rapidly inall directions without applying any pressure. Youshould avoid lingering in the same place, as thismay soak the area. Particularly dirty rugs may needseveral treatments. Obstinate stains may requirethe use of the steam gun (at a distance of 5-10 cm)prior to treatment.SMALL BRUSH (12)The small brush is used whenever the big brush istoo big or not practical to be used.The small brush can be connected directly to thesteam gun or to the extension tubes. The smallbrush can be used on:• furnishing fabrics (after testing on a small hiddenarea)• car linings (not pile surfaces), car windows (notin freezing temperatures)• small window surfaces• tile and other small surfacesTo clean wood ( doorposts , floors etc) do not applyENGLISH39

ENGLISHVAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>the steam directly but cover the brush (big or small)with a doubled cotton cloth. For furniture cleaning,direct the steam jet onto a dry cotton cloth, andthen start the cleaning. The warm moisture on thecloth traps the dust, spots and the static electricityso that the furniture stays clean longer.120° STEAM NOZZLE (16) (*)The 120° nozzle (which can be connected directlyto the gun or together with the extension tubes) allowsyou to concentrate a powerful jet of steam tootherwise inaccessible locations, such as radiators,door posts, sills and shutters, as well as for sterilisingtoilet bowls. It’s a very useful and indispensabletool.WINDOW SQUEEGEE TOOL (18,19,20) (*)DO NOT USE STEAM ON GLASS IN FREEZINGTEMPERATURESThe window squeegee tool allows you to clean effectivelyand rapidly all glass surfaces without usingdetergents. Your glass will remain cleaner longerthanks to the absence of the film normally leftbehind by chemical cleaning products on whichnew dust and grease can attach themselves.Cleaning glass is done in two stages:• Spray the steam onto the surface to be cleanedto loosen the dirt (not touching with the blade).• Pull the blade straight down the window surfacefrom top to bottom without applying the steam, totake away the dirt.• FOR EXTRA ABRASIVE ACTION AND MOREEFFECTIVE REMOVAL OF DIRT, WE RECOM-MEND USING THE BRISTLES SUPPLIEDWITH THE LARGE WINDOW CLEANING KITTo clean especially large glass surfaces, attach thewindow squeegee tool to the extension tubes.(*) OPTIONAL for Vaporetto <strong>EDITION</strong>CARE OF YOUR VAPORETTO• Before attempting any maintenance operation,make sure to always disconnect the appliancefrom the mains• Check periodically the condition of thecoloured washer connections on the centralconnector (4). If necessary, replace thewashers with the spare washers supplied(15).Make the same check also on the connectionwashers of the extension tubes (7) and of thesteam gun (2).• To clean the body of the appliance, simply use amoist cloth.OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESVaporetto can be quickly transformed into a highlyeffective ironing system to make ironingquick and easy. Simply connect the product tothe iron accessory for Vaporetto.• mod. PFEU0013 - Professional Iron• mod. PFEU0031 - Inox IronYou may purchase the iron accessory at any<strong>Polti</strong> service centre or from top home applianceretailers.HIGH PRESSURE LANCE (21)This accessory allows you to reach the most inaccessibleplaces. Ideal for cleaning large radiators orshutters etc.TRIANGULAR BRUSH (22)A new accessory whose shape allows access intothe most difficult corners.LARGE ROUND BRUSH FOR 120° ACCESSORY(23)A very useful new accessory which allows the 120°steam nozzle to be used for cleaning larger surfaces.WALLPAPER STRIPPER TOOL (24)Specially designed for easy removal of wallpaperwithout significant wetting.40

VAPORETTO <strong>EDITION</strong> - VAPORETTO <strong>EVOLUTION</strong>STEAM DISINFECTOR(mod. PAEU0197)The Steam Disinfector is the sanitiser for householdsurfaces that can connect up to your Vaporetto todeliver steam at high temperatures (up to 180°C)together with the sanitising solution HPMed. Thesystem allows for the elimination of the bacterial,fungous and viral load on the surfaces and fabricsto which it is applied in just a few seconds. Thishelps prevent the risk of possible infections. Whensurfaces and fabrics are sanitised using the SteamDisinfector, the risk of contagion deriving from surfacecontamination is drastically reduced.The Steam Disinfector is a <strong>Polti</strong> exclusive and isonly available from the best electrical appliancestores.ENGLISH41

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