Project Proposal - Asha for Education

Project Proposal - Asha for Education

Project Proposal - Asha for Education


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RESULT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN GOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL OFHEGGADADEVANAKOTE TALUK OF MYSORE DISTRICT1. Title of the project: ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT INGOVERNMENT HIGH SCHOOL in Saragur ,Heggadadevanakote talukof Mysore district.2. The <strong>Project</strong> Implementation organization: Swami Vivekananda YouthMovementMISSION STATEMENT OF SVYMTo facilitate and develop processes that improves quality of life of people in need.In December 1984, a group of young medical students led by Dr. R.Balasubramaniam, brought together by a burning desire to practice and promoterational and ethical and cost­effective Medicare, founded the SwamiVivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM). Their initial activities consisted ofsupplying free physicians samples to the poor patients, arranging <strong>for</strong> blood <strong>for</strong>needy patients and patient counseling. Over the past 21 years, the organizationhas grown in terms of its activities, its member strength, the area of coverageand the number of beneficiaries.The main activities of the organization have been in the fields of Health,<strong>Education</strong> and Community development in Mysore, Bellary, Belgaum,Dharwar, Hassan, Kodagu, Bangalore rural, & Dakshina Kannada districts.1.2 HEALTH ACTIVITIES:GOALA healthy community through promotion and sustenance of good health,prevention of disease, early diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation.ROHINI (Rural Oriented Health Initiative) is the entry point activity of SwamiVivekananda Youth Movement in Heggadadevanakote taluk. SVYM's healthactivities include curative, preventive and promotive services. All the healthactivities are carried out from various resource centers. In order to increase theefficiency and effectiveness of the delivery systems, the project setup has beenre­structured and the concept of Resource Centers and Program Units created.

3.3 The target group: The project covers approximately 150 children inGovernment high school, Saragur , H.D.Kote taluk,Mysore district4 Objectives:To ensure 90% retention of 10 th standard children.To organize coaching facilities <strong>for</strong> 10 th standard students in Mathamatics,Science & English subjects .To work through community and Governmental and educational authorities,towards improved teaching , learning environment in Saragur high school.To enhance and sustain parents responsibility in 10 TH standard studentseducation.To strengthen linkages with Department of education at the taluk level toinitiate a dialogue about retention & adolescent issues.To ensure 60% results in 10 th standard public examination.To support & speak on behalf of children in the schools & community &be<strong>for</strong>e governmental bodies and other organization that make decisionsaffecting children5 <strong>Project</strong> activities planned to address the above­mentioned problems:The project is targeted at students aged 13­18 years, who are studying in theXth standard in government high school in Saragur. It aims to provideknowledge and motivation necessary to face public examination.5.1 Coaching Classes: Coaching classes shall be arranged <strong>for</strong> the requisitesubject. Resource persons shall conduct coaching classes in coordination withthe teaching faculty of the school. As the foundation of these students would bevery poor, bridge classes shall be arranged in initial stages.5.2 <strong>Project</strong> Work: Intensive project work shall be planned related to the 10 thstandard syllabus so that the students are involved and their initiative isencouraged. This shall become the major responsibility of resource persons.5.3 Quiz programs: Regular quiz programs shall be organized between 3 classsections so that positive competitions is promoted among students. Innovative

programs along with the government teaching staff shall be chalked out throughout the academic year.5.4 Awards: Students who have highest attendance, who have with leadershipskills, who have secured with highest marks in the various subjects shall bepresented with awards at the end of academic year.6. BRIEF TIME LINE FOR THE PROJECT INCLUDING START DATES,MILESTONES AND EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE:QuarterMay2005Jun2005July2005Aug2005Sep2005Oct2005Commencement of the project +Appointment of project staff +Commencing of coaching classes +Parent­ teachers meetings + +Quiz programs + + + +7. The project log frameGoalObjectively verifiableindicatorsMission: To coach, guide & motivate 10 th standard students ofage group (13 – 18) years of Government high school in Saragurof H.D.Kote taluk in Mysore district.1. 170 students take 10 th standard board exams in March2006 and 100 students pass in the board exams.2. 20% students securing first class and 30% studentssecuring second class in board examinations. .3. Around 100 students securing second class marks inMathematics and science subjects in board examinations.

Importantassumptions(reflectingprojectrisks)1. <strong>Project</strong> funding and timely cash flow maintained2. Socio­cultural environment and relationship betweenGovernment, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement and theCommunity stable throughout project period.8 <strong>Project</strong> Reviews, Evaluation and Reporting:8.1 Reviews: Regular and routine reviews shall be built into the project structureand will be held on a monthly basis by the Program manager of Shikshanavahinianother educational program of SVYM with the entire project team. Chiefexecutive officer of Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement will review the entireprogram on a half year basis.8.2 Evaluation: The project partner can undertake an External evaluation of theproject, preferably at the End of the project period. The evaluation will have tobe as per the log frame mutually agreed upon and the objectively verifiableIndicators and the Means of Verification shall be as per the log frame.8.3 Reporting: Reporting to the project partner will be on mutually agreed<strong>for</strong>mat (Program Managers Report) and will be done on a yearly basis.9 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FIRST YEARSn1ParticularsMathamatics resource persons Rs.3000 X 12monthsAmount(Rs.)36,0002 Science resource person Rs.3000 X 12 months 36,0003 English resource person Rs.3000 X 12 months 36,0004 Quiz competitions & Cultural programs 10,0005 Awards 15,0005 Parents and teachers interactive meetings 7,000

6 Administration & Operational costs 10,000TOTAL 1,50,000

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