Invoking the Debugger6.1 Invoking the DebuggerHere’s the basic format for the command that invokes the debugger:dsk5d[options]dsk5doptionsis the command that invokes the the debugger with additional information.Table 6–1. Summary of Debugger OptionsTable 6–1 lists the debugger options; the following subsections describe theoptions.OptionDescription? or H Displays a listing of the available optionsbrateSelects the valid baud ratecom# or c# Selects serial communication port 1, 2, 3, or 4eaddressDefines a program entry pointiSelects a logic level for DTR (data terminal ready) reset; notethat the default DTR is inverselSelects the EGA/VGA screen sizesm [0,1] Sets the configuration of CNF bit (default = 0)s Selects the default screen length of 25Displaying a list of available options (? or H option)You can display the contents of Table 6–1 on your screen by using the ? orH option. For example, enter:dsk5d ?Selecting the baud (b option)The valid baud settings are: b4800 b9600 b19200 b38400 b576006-2

Invoking the DebuggerIdentifying the serial port (com# or c# option)The c1, c2, c3, or c4 option identifies the serial port that the debugger uses forcommunicating with your PC. The default setting, c1, is used when your serialport is connected to serial communication port 1 (com1). Depending on yourserial port connection, replace serial port with one of these values: If you are using com1, enter:dsk5d c1 If you are using com2, enter:dsk5d c2 If you are using com3, enter:dsk5d c3 If you are using com4, enter:dsk5d c4Defining an entry point (e option)Use option e to set the initial program entry address. The address you selectmust be a four-digit hexadecimal value. For example:dsk5d ea00hThe above example sets the DSK debugger at an initial address of 0a00h.Selecting a data terminal ready (DTR) logic level (i option)Using option i tells the dsk5d to invert DTR as a reset signal. Usually, theRS-232 DTR line is high and pulses low for a reset signal. However, if you usethe i option (inverse), the DTR line is low and pulses high for a reset signal.Selecting the screen size (l and s options)Table 6–2. Screen Size OptionsBy default, the debugger uses an 80-character-by-25-line screen. You can useone of the options in Table 6–2 to switch between screen sizes.OptionlsDescription80 characters by 43 lines80 characters by 25 lines (default)Using the DSK Debugger6-3

Invoking the Debugger6.1 Invoking the DebuggerHere’s the basic format for the command that invokes the debugger:dsk5d[options]dsk5doptionsis the command that invokes the the debugger with additional information.Table 6–1. Summary of Debugger OptionsTable 6–1 lists the debugger options; the following subsections describe theoptions.OptionDescription? or H Displays a listing of the available optionsbrateSelects the valid baud ratecom# or c# Selects serial communication port 1, 2, 3, or 4eaddressDefines a program entry pointiSelects a logic level for DTR (data terminal ready) reset; notethat the default DTR is inverselSelects the EGA/VGA screen sizesm [0,1] Sets the configuration of CNF bit (default = 0)s Selects the default screen length of 25Displaying a list of available options (? or H option)You can display the contents of Table 6–1 on your screen by using the ? orH option. For example, enter:dsk5d ?Selecting the baud (b option)The valid baud settings are: b4800 b9600 b19200 b38400 b576006-2

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