Schematic DiagramEODR\OUT–AUXIN–TCLKRTCLKXTFSRTFSXTDRTDXVCC–V–V+3J3DJ005A12GNDVCCC154.7uF C7.1UFJP41 23 45 67 89 1011 1213 1415 1617 1819 2021 2223 24HEADER 12X2D11 21N40022D211N4002C8.1UFC9.1UFGNDGNDC11000uFC31000uFEODX\OUT+AUXIN+AIN+CLKRCLKXFSRFSXDRDXV+V–C10.1UFTXV+C2.1UFC4.1UFV–C11.1UFGNDJP61 23 4HEADER 2X2U1LM7805VIGNDVOVI GNDVOU2LM7905C12.1UFC13.1UFRS\IACK\XFCLKOUTCLKMD1STRB\PS\DS\RD\JP51 23 4GND5 67 8GND9 10GND11 1213 14GND15 1617 1819 2021 2223 24HEADER 12X2TOUTIAQ\HOLDA\CLKIN2CLKMD2R/WIS\WE\DTRTRVCCVCCC54.7uFC6.1UF21D31N5817VCC–VCC–C14.1UFTEXAS INSTRUMENTSTitleTMS320C5x DSP STARTERS KITGNDSize Document Number REVA 2617687 *Date: January 21, 1994 Sheet 5 of 5A-6

Running Title—Attribute ReferenceAppendix BAGlossaryAabsolute address:location.An address that is permanently assigned to a memoryA/D:AIC:Analog-to-digital. Conversion of continuously variable electrical signalsto discrete or discontinuous electrical signals.Analog interface circuit. Integrated circuit that performs serial A/D andD/A conversions.assembler: A software program that creates a machine-language programfrom a source file that contains assembly language instructions, directives,and macro directives. The assembler substitutes absolute operation codesfor symbolic operation codes, and absolute or relocatable addresses forsymbolic addresses.assignment statement:A statement that assigns a value to a variable.Bautoexec.bat:A batch file that contains DOS commands for initializing your PC.batch file: A file containing an accumulation of data to be processed. Thisdata may be either DOS commands for the PC to execute or debuggercommands for the debugger to execute.BBS: Bulletin board service. Computer program which may be accessed byremote users, allowing them to post questions and view responses.block: A set of declarations and statements grouped together in braces andtreated as an entity.breakpoint: A place in a computer program, usually specified by an instruction,where its execution may be interrupted by external intervention.byte: A sequence of eight adjacent bits operated upon as a unit.Chapter Title—Attribute ReferenceB-1

Running Title—Attribute ReferenceAppendix BAGlossaryAabsolute address:location.An address that is permanently assigned to a memoryA/D:AIC:Analog-to-digital. Conversion of continuously variable electrical signalsto discrete or discontinuous electrical signals.Analog interface circuit. Integrated circuit that performs serial A/D andD/A conversions.assembler: A software program that creates a machine-language programfrom a source file that contains assembly language instructions, directives,and macro directives. The assembler substitutes absolute operation codesfor symbolic operation codes, and absolute or relocatable addresses forsymbolic addresses.assignment statement:A statement that assigns a value to a variable.Bautoexec.bat:A batch file that contains DOS commands for initializing your PC.batch file: A file containing an accumulation of data to be processed. Thisdata may be either DOS commands for the PC to execute or debuggercommands for the debugger to execute.BBS: Bulletin board service. Computer program which may be accessed byremote users, allowing them to post questions and view responses.block: A set of declarations and statements grouped together in braces andtreated as an entity.breakpoint: A place in a computer program, usually specified by an instruction,where its execution may be interrupted by external intervention.byte: A sequence of eight adjacent bits operated upon as a unit.Chapter Title—Attribute ReferenceB-1

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