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A non-resident individual is required to compete either Form M OR Form MT * (for a knowledgeworker approved by the Minister). He is considered not resident in Malaysia if he does not qualify forresidence status under the provision of section 7 of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA 1967). Refer toPublic Ruling No. 6/2011 (issued on 16 May 2011) regarding the determination of residence status. Ifresident under section 7 or deemed to be resident under subsection 7(1B) ** for a particular year ofassessment, he is required to submit either:Form B (for those who carriy on business) ORForm BT * (for an individual who is a knowledge worker * or returning expert * approved by theMinister) ORForm BE (for those who do not carry on any business)meant for resident individuals so that it can be completed and furnished to <strong>Lembaga</strong> <strong>Hasil</strong> <strong>Dalam</strong><strong>Negeri</strong> Malaysia (LHDNM) within the stipulated period.* For further information, refer to P.U. (A) 344/2010 regarding knowledge workers and P.U. (A)151/2012 on returning experts. Form MT and Form BT can be downloaded from the LHDNMwebsite.** Subsection 7(1B) – Deemed to be a ResidentWhere a person who is a citizen and –(a) is employed in the public services or service of a statutory authority; and(b) is not in Malaysia at any day in the basis year for that particular year of assessment by reason of –(i) having and exercising his employment outside Malaysia; or(ii) attending any course of study in any institution or professional body outside Malaysiawhich is fully-sponsored by the employer,he is deemed to be a resident for the basis year for that particular year of assessment and for anysubsequent years when he is not in Malaysia.Husband and wife are required to complete separate return forms if each of them has incomeaccruing in or derived from Malaysia.This Explanatory Notes is intended to provide assistance in completing the Form M. Read this withcare so that the return form and declarations made therein are complete and correct.Working sheets, records and documents need not be furnished together with the Form M EXCEPTwhere there is a tax refund as per item D9, in which case the following (whichever applies) have tobe furnished:-(i) Working Sheet HK-3 in respect of the claim for tax deduction pursuant to section 51 of theFinance Act 2007 (dividends);(ii) Working Sheet HK-6 pertaining to the claim for section 110 tax deduction (others);(iii) Working Sheet HK-9 regarding the foreign tax deducted in the country of origin.All working sheets, records and documents must be retained for a period of seven (7) years after theend of the year in which the return is furnished.GENERAL Use BLACK INK pen. Complete the return form using BLOCK LETTERS. Write WITHIN theBOXES provided. Leave the box(es) blank if not applicable. Working sheets / appendices are available from the Guidebook at the LHDNM website:http://www.hasil.gov.my Only original return forms are acceptable. Return forms furnished via fax to LHDNM will not beaccepted. The following illustrates the method for filling amounts in boxes of which some require theindication of sen and others which don’t:-Example 1: If the amount of employment income for item C10 is RM68,480.80.C10 Employment * / Director’s fees_>>_>>_>>?, , 6 8 , 4 8 0- 2 -

Example 2: If the tax payable for item D8 is RM8,136.90.D8TAX PAYABLE ( D3 – D7 ) Only significant items are illustrated / explained in this Notes.->>_>>_>>_>?, , 8,1 3 6 . 9 0BASIC PARTICULARSItem Subject Explanation2 Income Tax No. Example: If the income tax reference number is SG 00123456080,enter as follows:-3 Identification No. New or old identity card / police / army number.6 Passport No.Registered with LHDNMSG / OGEnter SG or OGS G 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 0

A11 Telephone No. Telephone number of the individual’s office / residence / his taxagent’s firm.A13A14A15Website / BlogAddressName of BankBank Account No.Website / blog address (if any).Fill in the particulars as required for the purpose of tax refund (if any)by LHDNM.PART B:PARTICULARS OF HUSBAND / WIFEFor an individual having more than one wife, prepare the required information as per format B1 to B7by using attachment(s) and furnish together with the Form M.PART C:STATUTORY INCOME AND TOTAL INCOMEIf a business is identified as Business 1, this identification must be retained until the business iswound up. Other businesses shall be known as Business 2 and so forth. Likewise for partnershipbusinesses.C1 BUSINESSGains or profits from carrying on a business, trade, vocation,toprofession and every manufacture, adventure or concern in theC3nature of trade are liable to tax. These include gross receipts fromthe sales of goods and services rendered such as medical and legalservices.C4toC6C8PARTNERSHIPCAPITALALLOWANCEBUSINESS LOSSESBROUGHTFORWARDImportant legal provisions relating to items which constitute grossbusiness income and allowable expenses are set out in Appendix A1(Guidebook). Refer to Appendix G on business codes and WorkingSheets HK-1, HK-1B1 and HK-1.1 to HK-1.2A (whichever applies) inthe Guidebook regarding the method for computing each statutorybusiness income.Transfer the amount of statutory income from item J5 of WorkingSheet HK-1. If there are more than 3 businesses, enter the sum ofstatutory income from Business 3 and so forth in item C3. Useattachment(s) to list out Business 3 and so forth as per format C1and C2 for each business and furnish together with the Form M.Share of profit from carrying on a business, trade, vocation,profession and every manufacture, adventure or concern in thenature of trade is liable to tax.Transfer the amount of statutory income from item E of WorkingSheet HK-1B1. If there are more than 3 partnership businesses,enter the sum of statutory income from Partnership 3 and so forth initem C6. List out Partnership 3 and so forth according to format C4and C5 for each partnership business by using attachment(s) andfurnish together with the Form M.Depreciation on the use of business assets is disallowed. However, itis allowed in the form of capital allowance which is deductible fromthe adjusted business / partnership income. The applicable rate ofallowance depends on the type of asset. Working Sheets HK-1.2 toHK-1.2A can be used as a guide to compute.These are business / partnership losses suffered in earlier years ofassessment and brought forward to be set off against the currentyear’s aggregate statutory income from businesses.Amount in C8 is restricted to the amount in C7. If the amount in C8exceeds the amount in C7, enter the amount as per item C7.Record the amount absorbed and any balance unabsorbed in itemsB and C of Working Sheet HK-1.3 respectively.- 4 -

C10EMPLOYMENT * / DIRECTOR’S FEES* Claim for Exemption - Paragraph 21 Schedule 6Income of a non-resident individual is tax exempt if derived from an employment exercised by him inMalaysia for:-(a) a period or periods which together do not exceed 60 days in the basis year for a year ofassessment; or(b) a continuous period (not exceeding 60 days) which overlaps the basis years for 2 successiveyears of assessment; or(c) a continuous period (not exceeding 60 days) which overlaps the basis years for 2 successiveyears of assessment and for a period or periods which together with that continuous period donot exceed 60 days.If there’s a claim for exemption under paragraph 21 Schedule 6, enter ‘1’ and the amount exemptedin the respective box providedExample 1:Mr. Andrew was in Malaysia for the following periods:-01.03.2012 to 31.03.2012 31 days (employment)01.09.2012 to 15.09.2012 15 days (employment)Total: 46 daysHis employment income for Y/A 2012 is tax exempt as he is not resident (not physically present inMalaysia for at least 182 days in the basis year) and has exercised his employment for less than 60days.Example 2:Mr. Baker was employed in Malaysia for the following periods:-01.09.2012 to 30.09.2012 30 days01.10.2012 to 31.10.2012 31 daysTotal: 61 daysHe was paid for the period from 1st September 2012 to 31st October 2012. He left Malaysia on thenight of 25th October 2012. 26th October 2012 is a non-working day and he was on vacation leavefrom 27th until 31th October 2012. As such, he was physically present in Malaysia for 55 days only.His income for the period of employment (61 days) will be subjected to tax at the non-resident taxrate of 26% (paragraph 22 Schedule 6).The following are examples where the 60-day exemption rule does not apply:-Example 3:Mr. Carter exercised his employment in Malaysia for the following periods:-01.12.2012 to 31.12.2012 31 days01.01.2013 to 31.01.2013 31 daysTotal: 62 daysHis employment income for the continuous period (exceeding 60 days) which overlaps the basisyears for 2 successive years of assessment will be subjected to tax. He will be taxed as a nonresidentfor Y/A 2012 and Y/A 2013 at the rate of 26%.Example 4:Mr. Daniel exercised his employment in Malaysia for the following periods:-01.12.2012 to 31.12.2012 31 days01.01.2013 to 31.01.2013 31 days01.03.2013 to 15.03.2013 15 daysTotal: 77 daysHis employment income for the continuous period which overlaps the basis years for 2 successiveyears of assessment and another period which in total exceeds 60 days, will be subjected to tax atthe non-resident rate of 26%. He will be taxed as a non-resident for Y/A 2012 and Y/A 2013.- 5 -

The 60-day exemption rule does not apply to:-(a) non-resident directors of Malaysian companies(b) public entertainersExample:Professional entertainers, artistes, sportpersons or other individuals who entertain publicly orprivately on stage, radio, television, at a stadium or sports ground for profit or otherwise unlesstheir visit is supported by public funds of a government of another country.This rule also does not apply to film stars coming to Malaysia in connection with the shooting ofscenes although they are not considered as public entertainers.Double Taxation AgreementsWhere there is a claim for exemption under a Double Taxation Agreement, enter ‘2’, the appropriatecountry code and amount exempted in the respective box provided.To fill in the required particulars, refer to:(a) the relevant country code on page 21 of this Notes or the full list in Appendix E (Guidebook); and(b) Appendix F for the list of countries which have Double Taxation Agreement with Malaysia.GROSS EMPLOYMENT INCOME subject to tax includes wages, salary, remuneration, leave pay,director’s fee, commission, bonus, perquisite * (example: tips, share option scheme), gratuity *,allowance (example: entertainment and travelling allowance *, tax allowance / tax borne by theemployer *), loan subsidy, insurance premium, school / tuition fee paid by the employer, etc. whetherin money or otherwise in respect of having or exercising the employment [paragraph 13(1)(a)].( * Further explanation is given below) With effect from Year of Assessment 2009, bonus or director’s fee shall, when received in thebasis year, be treated as part of the gross income from employment for the basis year in which it isreceived and assessed as such. Perquisites are benefits in cash or in kind convertible into money and received from the employeror third parties in respect of having or exercising an employment (Public Ruling No. 1/2006).Refer to Public Ruling No. 4/2004 on perquisites relating to ESOS (Employee Share OptionScheme). With effect from Year of Assessment 2009 - For the purpose of ascertaining thegross employment income in respect of any right to acquire shares in a company, themarket value of shares listed on any stock exchange, is the average price which isascertained by averaging the highest and lowest price of the shares for the day. In anyother case, the market value of the shares is the net asset value of the shares for the day.[paragraph 32(1A)(b)] Entertainment and travelling expenditure incurred in the production of gross employment incomeand discharge of official duties are allowable deductions. Deduction of entertainment expenditureis restricted to the amount of entertainment allowance included as part of the gross income fromemployment. Reimbursements by the employer to the employee in respect of both are neither liable to tax nordeductible. Enter the amount of allowable deduction in item H / item J (whichever applies) ofWorking Sheet HK-2.Where the employer reimburses his employee for expenses not wholly and exclusively incurred inthe production of gross employment income such as private / domestic expenses, suchreimbursement is subject to tax.Enter paragraph 13(1)(a) income (other than gratuity and tax allowance) in item A1 of Working SheetHK-2.- 6 -

Tax exempt allowances / perquisites / gifts / benefits received by employee from employeraccording to the 2009 Budget announcement:Reference: Second and Third Addendum to Public Ruling No. 1/2006 (Perquisites From Employment);Third and Fourth Addendum to Public Ruling No. 2/2004 (Benefits-In-Kind); as well asIncome Tax (Exemption) Order 2009 [P.U. (A) 152/2009]NO. TYPE OF ALLOWANCES / PERQUISITES / GIFTS / BENEFITS EXEMPTION LIMIT(i)(ii)(iii)Perquisite (whether in money or otherwise) provided to theemployee pursuant to his employment in respect of:-(a) past achievement award;(b) service excellence award, innovation award or productivityaward; and(c) long service award (provided that the employee hasexercised an employment for more than 10 years with thesame employer).(Paragraph 25C Schedule 6 of ITA 1967)Petrol card, petrol allowance, travelling allowance or tollpayment or any of its combination for official duties. If theamount received exceeds RM6,000 a year, the employee canmake a further deduction in respect of the amount spent forofficial duties. Records pertaining to the claim for official dutiesand the exempted amount must be kept for a period of 7 yearsfor audit purpose.Child care allowance in respect of children up to 12 years ofage.(iv) Gift of fixed line telephone, mobile phone, pager or PersonalDigital Assistant (PDA) registered in the name of the employeeor employer including cost of registration and installation.(v)Monthly bills for subscription of broadband, fixed line telephone,mobile phone, pager and PDA registered in the name of theemployee or employer including cost of registration andinstallation.(vi) Consumable business products of the employer provided free ofcharge or at a partly discounted price to the employee, hisspouse and unmarried children. The value of the goods is basedon the sales price. Benefits received by the employee from acompany within the same group of companies as his employerare not exempted from tax.(vii) Services provided free or at a discount by the business of theemployer to the employee, his spouse and unmarried children.Benefits received by the employee from a company within thesame group of companies as his employer are not exemptedfrom tax.(viii) Parking rate and parking allowance. This includes parking ratepaid by the employer directly to the parking operator.(ix) Meal allowance received on a regular basis and given at thesame rate to all employees. Meal allowance provided forpurposes such as overtime or outstation / overseas trips andother similar purposes in exercising an employment are onlyexempted if given based on the rate fixed in the internal circularor written instruction of the employer.Restricted toRM2,000 inamount or valuefor a year ofassessmentRestricted toRM6,000 for a yearof assessmentRestricted toRM2,400 for a yearof assessmentLimited to only1 unit for eachcategory of assetsLimited to only1 line for eachcategory of assetsRestricted toRM1,000 for a yearof assessmentRestricted tothe amount ofdiscount oramount of servicesprovided freeRestricted tothe actual amountexpendedRestricted tothe actual amountexpendedYEAR OFASSESSMENTWith effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008- 7 -

(x)(xi)Tax exempt medical benefits are extended to include traditionalmedicine and maternity expenses. Traditional medicine meansMalay, Chinese and Indian Traditional Medicine given by amedical practitioner registered with bodies which are certified orregistered in accordance with the rules governing traditionalmedicine as laid down by the Ministry of Health.Examples: Malay traditional massage, ayurvedic or acupunctureComplimentary medicine and homeopathy such asaromatherapy, reflexology, spa and Thai traditional massageare not included in this exemption.Restricted tothe actual amountexpendedSubsidised interest for housing, education or car loan is fully exempted from tax if thetotal amount of loan taken in aggregate does not exceed RM300,000. If the totalamount of loan exceeds RM300,000, the amount of subsidized interest to beexempted from tax is limited in accordance with the following formula:Where;A =B =C =is the difference between the amount of interest to be borne by the employeeand the amount of interest payable by the employee in the basis period for ayear of assessment;is the aggregate of the balance of the principal amount of housing, educationor car loan taken by the employee in the basis period for a year of assessmentor RM300,000, whichever is lower;is the total aggregate of the principal amount of housing, education or car loantaken by the employeeHousing loanEducation loanCar loan–––Applicable to residential property regardless of whether theemployee already owns another residential property.Applicable to education loan utilised for the employee’s owneducation.Car means a motor vehicle other than a motor vehicle licensedfor the commercial transportation of goods and passengers.With effectfrom 2008With effectfrom 2008THE ABOVE EXEMPTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO AN EMPLOYEE HAVING CONTROL OVER HISEMPLOYERIf the employee has control over his employer, the allowances / perquisites / gifts / benefits received byhim is taken to be part of his employment income and subject to tax.‘Control over his employer’ means:(a) for a company, the power of the employee to secure, by means of the holding of shares or thepossession of voting power in or in relation to that or any other company, or by virtue of powersconferred by the articles of association or other document regulating that or any other company, thatthe affairs of the first mentioned company are conducted in accordance with the wish of the employee;(b) for a partnership, the employee is a partner of the employer; or(c) for a sole proprietor, the employee and the employer is the same person.OTHER TAX EXEMPT BENEFITS-IN-KIND:AxRefer to the list of tax exempt benefits-in-kind in Appendix B3 of the Form M 2011 Guidebook.BCGRATUITY:This refers to a sum received upon retirement or termination of a contract of employment [paragraph13(1)(a)] (Refer to Public Ruling No. 10/2011). Appendix B1 and Working Sheet HK-2.2 in theGuidebook may be used as a guide.Gratuity is fully exempted in the following circumstances:-(a) If the Director General of Inland Revenue is satisfied that the retirement is due to ill health.(b) If the individual has worked 10 years continuous employment with the same employer orcompanies within the same group, full exemption is given if:- 8 -

(i) he retires on or after reaching the age of 55 years or on reaching the compulsory age ofretirement; or(ii) he retires on reaching the compulsory age of retirement pursuant to a contract of employmentor collective agreement at the age of 50 but before 55.(c) If the gratuity is paid out of public funds on retirement or termination of a contract of employment.(d) Death gratuity.Taxable gratuity is apportioned according to Method 1, 2 or 3 shown below:-Method 1: Amount of taxable gratuity is treated as accruing evenly over the period of continuousemploymentExample: Length of service - 151 days ( 1.10.2011 to 29.2.2012 );Gratuity received - RM5,000Period Y/A Taxable Gratuity (RM) Enter the amount in:9201.10.2011 to 31.12.2011 2011 x 5,000 = 3,046 Part F (Form M)1515901.01.2012 to 29.02.2012 2012 x 5,000 = 1,954 Item A2 (Working Sheet HK-2)151Method 2: Where the employment commenced more than 5 years before the commencement of thebasis period in which the employment ceases, the amount of taxable gratuity is dividedequally over the last 6 years of assessment.Example: Length of service - 7 years 3 months ( 1.7.2005 to 30.9.2012 );Gratuity received - RM48,000Period Y/A Taxable Gratuity (RM) Enter the amount in:12007 to 2011 2007 to 2011 48,000 x = 8,000 per year Part F (Form M)62012 2012 48,000 x1= 8,000 Item A2 (Working Sheet HK-2)6TAX ALLOWANCE:If an employee’s tax is borne by his employer, it is a tax allowance chargeable to tax on him underparagraph 13(1)(a) of ITA 1967 (Public Ruling No. 2/2006). Appendix B2 and Working Sheet HK-2.3are provided in the Guidebook for reference.Computation of Tax Fully Borne by the EmployerExample: Period of employment in Malaysia - 1.10.2011 to 31.1.2012Y/A 2011RMSalary [paragraph 13(1)(a)] 75,000Benefit-in-kind 1,500Accomodation provided by employer (Hotel: RM75,000 x 3%) 2,250Chargeable Income: 78,750Tax on RM78,750 at 26% = RM20,475.00 (A)- 9 -

Y/A 2012: Step 1RMSalary 25,000Tax allowance (A) 20,475Paragraph 13(1)(a) income: 45,475Benefit-in-kind 500Accomodation provided by employer(Hotel: RM45,475 x 3%) 1,364Chargeable Income: 47,339Tax on RM47,339 at 26% = RM12,308.14 (B)Y/A 2012: Step 2 (Final Computation) RMSalary 25,000Tax allowance(RM20,475.00 + RM12,308.14)(A + B) 32,783Paragraph 13(1)(a) income: 57,783Benefit-in-kind 500Accomodation provided by employer(Hotel: RM57,783 x 3%) 1,733Chargeable Income: 60,016Tax on RM60,016 at 26% = RM15,604.16Therefore, tax payable for Y/A:2011 = RM20,475.002012 = RM15,604.16Computation of Tax Partly Borne by the EmployerExample: Period of employment in Malaysia - 1.3.2012 to 30.6.2012Half of the employee’s tax is borne by the employerY/A 2012: Step 1RMSalary [paragraph 13(1)(a)] 100,000Benefit-in-kind 2,220Accomodation provided by employer:Defined value= RM1,800 x 4 months (rent paid by employer)= RM7,200 ORRM100,000 x 30% = RM30,000whichever is lower 7,200Chargeable Income: 109,420Tax on RM109,420 at 26% = RM28,449.20Y/A 2012: Step 2 (Final Computation) RMSalary 100,0001Tax allowance ( RM28,449.20 x2) 14,224Paragraph 13(1)(a) income: 114,224Benefit-in-kind 2,220Accomodation provided by employer :Defined value = RM7,200 ORRM114,224 x 30% = RM34,267.20whichever is lower 7,200Chargeable Income: 123,644Tax payable (RM123,644 at 26%)= RM32,147.44Enter the computed tax allowance in item A3 of Working Sheet HK-2.BENEFITS-IN-KIND (BIK):These are benefits not convertible into money provided by an employer for the personal use orenjoyment by his employee, wife, family, servants, dependents or guests of his employee.Its value which is determined according to Public Ruling No. 2/2004, its Addendum, SecondAddendum, Third Addendum and Fourth Addendum, shall be taxed under paragraph 13(1)(b) ofITA 1967 except for tax exempt benefits-in-kind.Refer to Appendix B3 of the Form M Guidebook for tax exempt benefits-in-kind. However, what isprovided beyond the exemption limit such as leave passage for travel is liable to tax.Appendix B3 and Working Sheet HK-2.4 are provided in the Guidebook to assist in the computation.Enter the taxable value of the benefit in item B of Working Sheet HK-2.- 10 -

VALUE OF LIVING ACCOMODATION BENEFIT:This refers to living accomodation in Malaysia provided by an employer for the benefit of hisemployee and spouse, family, servants, dependents or guests.The value of this benefit to be treated as the employee’s gross income from employment underparagraph 13(1)(c) is the value of the unfurnished accomodation. Where furniture is providedtogether with the accomodation, the value of the benefit (furniture) is to be included as gross incomefrom employment under paragraph 13(1)(b) [refer to ‘Benefits-In-Kind’ in Appendix B3 of theGuidebook].With effect from Year of Assessment 2009, gross income from perquisite in respect of anyright to acquire shares in a company shall be excluded from the gross employment incomeunder paragraph 13(1)(a) when computing the value of living accommodation benefit. Refer toPublic Ruling 3/2005 and its Addendum regarding computation. The following illustrates somemethods of computation.Appendix B4 and Working Sheet HK-2.5 are available in the Guidebook for reference.Enter the taxable value of living accommodation benefit in item C of Working Sheet HK-2.Category 1: Living accomodation provided for the employee (other than officer of a government /statutory body) or service director by the employerValue of accomodation provided:30% x Gross income from employment under paragraph 13(1)(a) EXCLUDING Gross income inrespect of any right to acquire shares in a company *ORDefined value of the living accomodation whichever is lowerExample A: Shared equally with another employee1Example B: 3 of the premise is used for advancing the interests of the employer (official use)Gross income from employment *(T)Example ARM45,000Example BRM25,000Period for which accomodation is provided3 months (mths)4 monthsMonthly rent (unfurnished accomodation)RM2,000RM3,000Length of employment in the current year3 months5 monthsComputation:Defined value =2,000 per mth x 3mths x= RM3,000123,000 per mth x 5mths x= RM10,00023OR30% x T whichever is lowerOR30% x 45,000 = RM13,500OR30% x 25,000 = RM7,500Therefore, the value of livingaccomodation benefit is:RM3,000 x33= RM3,000RM7,500 x45= RM6,000- 11 -

Category 2: Living accomodation provided for the director of a controlled company by the employerValue of accomodation provided:Example C: Not sharedExample D: Shared equally with another employeeGross income from employment *Period for which accomodation is providedMonthly rent (unfurnished accomodation)Length of employment in the current yearComputation:Defined value =Therefore, the value of livingaccomodation benefit is:Defined value of the living accomodation providedExample CRM100,0003 months (mths)RM3,0005 monthsRM3,000 per mth x 5mths= RM15,00015,000 x3= RM9,0005Example DRM60,0004 monthsRM2,0004 monthsRM2,000 per mth x 4mths= RM8,00018,000 x x4= RM4,0002 4Category 3: Employee (other than officer of a government / statutory body) or service directorprovided with living accomodation at a hotel, hostel or similar premise; any premise ona plantation or in a forest; or any premise which, although in a rateable area, is notsubject to public rates.Value of accomodation provided:3% x Gross income from employment under paragraph 13(1)(a) EXCLUDING Gross income inrespect of any right to acquire shares in a company *Gross employment income * (T)Period for which accomodation is provided (n)Length of employment in the current year (m)Value of living accomodation benefit:n3% x T xmExample ERM36,0004 months4 months3% x 36,000 x= RM1,080Example FRM40,0003 months4 months3% x 40,000 x= RM900REFUND FROM UNAPPROVED PENSION OR PROVIDENT FUND, SCHEME OR SOCIETYThis refers to any amount paid out from the employer’s contribution in such fund / scheme / society tothe employee before or after his employment ceases. Such refund is subject to tax. Working SheetHK-2.6 in the Guidebook may be used for computation.Enter the taxable amount in item D of Working Sheet HK-2.COMPENSATION FOR LOSS OF EMPLOYMENTThis is payment made by an employer to his employee as compensation for loss of employment.Exemption is granted if the loss of employment is due to:-(i) ill-health.(ii) in cases other than (i) above, where the individual ceased employment on or after 1 July 2008,exemption of RM10,000 is granted for each completed year of service with the same employer orcompanies in the same group.Only the amount received beyond what is exempted, shall be taxed in the year of receipt / judgementgiven (Legal fees are not deductible). Working Sheet HK-2.7 is provided in the Guidebook to assist inthe computation.Enter the taxable amount in item E of Working Sheet HK-2.4434- 12 -

SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PROFESSIONAL BODIESThese are membership subscriptions paid to professional bodies to ensure the continuance of aprofessional standing for practice such as those paid by doctors or lawyers, and are deductible fromthe employment income.Enter the amount in item G of Working Sheet HK-2.C11DIVIDENDSEnter dividends / distribution of income received from companies and unit trusts [other than realestate investment trusts (REIT) and property trust funds (PTF)] which have been charged to tax at of25%.If a claim in item D4 gives rise to a tax refund in item D9, Working Sheet HK-3 must be furnished withthe return form. Working Sheet HK-3 is enclosed and also available from the Guidebook.Transfer the amount from item C(iii) of Working Sheet HK-3 to item C11 of the Form M.C12DISCOUNTSThese relate to earnings from discounting transactions such as dealings in treasury bills, bills ofexchange and promissory notes which are liable to tax.Enter the amount of discounts (if any) in item C12 of the Form M.C13RENTS AND PREMIUMSRentsThese are income from rental / leasing of immovable properties such as landed properties(land, buildings, etc.) situated in Malaysia and other similar assets. Allowable expenses aredeductible against the gross rental income from the property (source). Where the property does notgenerate any income, such expenses are disallowed. Rental income from each source is computedseparately. Only the sum of net income from all rental sources is to be taken into account in the taxcomputation.Use Working Sheet HK-4 to compute (see sample of working sheet on page 23 of this Notes).Transfer the total statutory income from rents in item D of the working sheet to item C13 of the Form M.Examples of Allowable ExpenditureInterest on loan taken to purchase the property (source), quit rent, assessment, fire insurancepremium, renewal of rental / lease agreement, repairs and maintenance, management fee, servicecharges and sinking fund for apartment / condominium, rental collection fee (Where no details areavailable, it is restricted to 5% of the total gross rental for the year from that source), estate agent’scommission for finding tenants to ensure that the property continues to be let out.Examples of Non-Allowable ExpenditureCapital repayment of loan taken to acquire the property, renovations and improvements to theproperty, installation of electrical items (eg. air conditioners, water heater etc.), furnishings (initial),capital allowance (as rental is not considered a business source for individuals), estate agent’scommission for finding the very first tenant / lessee for that property and the cost of preparation of therental agreement with that tenant.Example 1: A non-resident individual receives rental income from letting out his house in Malaysia.RMRental received ( 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2012 ) 7,800Expenses on house:Assessment 320Penalty for late payment of assessment 32Payment of bank loan including interestof RM2,368.59 10,790Repair on roof 270- 13 -Tax Computation: RM RMGross rental 7,800Less: ExpensesAssessment 320Loan interest 2,368Repair on roof 270 2,958Adjusted Income / Statutory Income: 4,842Enter RM4,842 in item C13 of the Form M.

Example 2: In computing the adjusted income from rent, the properties can be grouped into thefollowing categories:- (a) Residential(b) Shophouses / Commercial properties; and(c) Vacant landComputation of adjusted rental income for each source:Property Gross Income (RM) Allowable Expenses (RM) Net Gain / (Net Loss) [RM]Shophouse 1 24,000 8,000 16,000Shophouse 2 12,000 14,000 ( 2,000 )Apartment 30,000 12,000 18,000Vacant land 1,200 1,500 ( 300 )TOTAL: 67,200 35,500Aggregated amount of adjusted rental income from different sources:RMResidential property (apartment) 18,000Commercial properties (Shophouse 1 & 2) 14,000Vacant landNILAmount to be entered in item C13 of the Form M 32,000PremiumsAmounts received in connection with the granting of a lease on immovable properties such as landand buildings are liable to tax. Enter the sum of rents and premiums (if any) in item C13 of the Form M.C14PENSIONS, ANNUITIES AND OTHER PERIODICAL PAYMENTSPensionsPensions derived from Malaysia and paid to a person on reaching the age of 55 years / compulsoryage of retirement or who retires due to ill-health are exempt from tax if paid out from an approvedfund, scheme or society. Where a person is paid more than one pension, only the higher or highestpension is exempt from tax. Other pensions not tax exempt have to be taken into account in the taxcomputation.AnnuitiesThese are sums of money received in accordance with a will, settlement, insurance policy,investment of money or contract entitling the annuitant to a series of payments, whether or notreceived regularly or for a limited period only. Annuities received under annuity contracts issued bythe Malaysian life insurers are tax exempt (paragraph 36 Schedule 6). Only annuities not tax exemptare to be taken into account in the tax computation.Periodical PaymentsThese refer to recurring payments received not falling under any of the above categories such asalimony and sums payable under a separation order. The amounts received are liable to tax. Enter the sum of taxable pensions, annuities and periodical payments (if any) in item C14 ofthe Form M.C15OTHER GAINS OR PROFITSOther taxable income not falling under any of the above categories includes payments received forpart-time / occasional broadcasting, lecturing, writing, etc.- 14 -

C16ADDITIONS PURSUANT TO PARAGRAPH 43(1)(c)These are income subject to tax and shall be included in the aggregate income if a claim fordeduction of the following expenditure had previously been made and allowed by LHDNM. Theserefer to earnings / proceeds received in respect of qualifying prospecting expenditure under Schedule4 ITA 1967. Please refer to paragraph 43(1)(c) and paragraph 16 Schedule 4 of ITA 1967 to computethe amount that should be taken into account as part of the aggregate income.Enter the amount computed in item C16 of the Form M.C19CURRENT YEAR BUSINESS LOSSESCurrent year losses from business and partnership can be deducted from the same year’s aggregateincome. Where the losses cannot be fully absorbed due to insufficiency of the aggregate income, theexcess can be carried forward to be set off against the following year’s aggregate statutory incomefrom businesses and partnerships.Use Working Sheets HK-1 and HK-1.3 to compute before filling in item C19 of the Form M. Amountin C19 is restricted to the amount in C18. If the amount in C19 exceeds the amount in C18, enter theamount as per item C18. Record the amount absorbed and any balance unabsorbed in items E andF of Working Sheet HK-1.3 respectively.C21QUALIFYING PROSPECTING EXPENDITURE – SCHEDULE 4 AND PARAGRAPH 44(1)(b)Expenditure on prospecting operations which is wholly and exclusively incurred in searching for,discovering or winning access to mineral deposits in an eligible area or in testing such deposits,qualifies for deduction. Enter the amount of claim in item C21 of the Form M and any unabsorbedbalance in item K1.C23 to C30DONATIONS / GIFTS / CONTRIBUTIONSGift of Money to the Government, State Government or Local AuthoritiesGift of money to the Government, State Government or local authorities. Subsection 44(6)Gift of Money to Approved Institutions or OrganisationsGift of money to institutions / organisations approved by the Director General of InlandRevenue. Subsection 44(6) and provisoGift of Money or Cost of Contribution In Kind for any Approved Sports Activityor Sports BodyGift of money or cost of contribution in kind for any sports activity approved by theMinister or any sports body approved by the Commissioner of Sports appointed underthe Sports Development Act 1997. Subsection 44(11B)Gift of Money or Cost of Contribution In Kind for any Project of National InterestApproved by the Minister of FinanceGift of money or cost of contribution in kind for any project of national interestapproved by the Minister of Finance. Subsection 44(11C)Restrictedto 7% of theAggregateIncome initem C18Gift of Artefacts, Manuscripts or Paintings to the Government / State GovernmentAn amount equal to the value of the gift as determined by the Department of Museums Malaysia or theNational Archives. Subsection 44(6A)Gift of Money for the Provision of Library Facilities or to LibrariesGift of money for the provision of library facilities accessible to the public and contributions to publiclibraries, libraries of schools and institutions of higher education, not exceeding RM20,000.Subsection 44(8)Gift of Money or Contribution In kind for the Provision of Facilities in Public Places for theBenefit of Disabled PersonsAn amount equal to any gift of money or contribution in kind (its value to be determined by the relevantlocal authority) for the provision of facilities in public places for the benefit of disabled persons. Subsection44(9)- 15 -

Gift of Money or Medical Equipment to any Healthcare Facility Approved by the Ministry ofHealthAn amount equal to any gift of money or the cost or value of any gift of medical equipment (as certified bythe Ministry of Health) to any healthcare facility approved by the Ministry, not exceeding RM20,000.Subsection 44(10)Gift of Paintings to the National Art Gallery or Any State Art GalleryAn amount equal to any gift of painting to the National Art Gallery or any state gallery. Subsection44(11)C32TAXABLE PIONEER INCOMEPioneer status is a tax incentive as defined in section 5 to section 25 of the Promotion of InvestmentsAct (PIA) 1986. When granted to an individual, his business income from participating in a promotedactivity or producing a promoted product in relation to agriculture (agro-based) shall be fully / partiallytax exempt.Refer to Working Sheet HK-1E for the amount to be entered in this item.C33 to C33d GROSS INCOME SUBJECT TO TAX AT OTHER RATESThis refers to income such as interest, royalties, special classes of income under section 4A andother income subject to tax at gross on which rates other than 26% apply.If such income entitles an individual to a tax refund as per item D9 of the Form M pertaining to aclaim for section 110 tax deduction (others), Working Sheet HK-6 must be submitted with the Form M.Interest Including Loan Stock InterestOnly interest (including loan stock interest) not tax exempt is taken into account in the taxcomputation.Examples of tax exempt interest: Interest derived from Malaysia on an approved loan (paragraph 27 Schedule 6 of ITA 1967). Interest paid or credited by any person carrying on the business of banking or finance in Malaysiaand licensed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 or the Islamic Banking Act1983, or by any other institution approved by the Minister (paragraph 33 Schedule 6 of ITA 1967) Interest paid or credited to any person in respect of Islamic securities originating from Malaysia,other than convertible loan stock issued in any currency other than Ringgit; and approved by theSecurities Commission or the Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority (paragraph 33BSchedule 6 of ITA 1967).Enter the amount of taxable interest at gross in item C33a of the Form M or transfer the amount fromitem C of Working Sheet HK-6.RoyaltiesThese are sums received in respect of: the use of or the right to use property or rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, films andtapes, know-how or information concerning technical, industrial, commercial or scientificknowledge, experience or skill; or the alienation of any such property, know-how or information as mentioned above.Enter the gross royalty income in item C33b of the Form M or transfer the amount from item D ofWorking Sheet HK-6.Special Classes of Income under Section 4AIncome derived from Malaysia by a non-resident person in respect of amounts paid in consideration of: services rendered by the person or his employee in connection with the use of property or rightsbelonging to, or the installation or operation of any plant, machinery or other apparatus purchasedfrom, such person; technical advice, assistance or services rendered in connection with the technical management oradministration of any scientific, industrial or commercial undertaking, venture, project or scheme; or rent or other payments made under any agreement or arrangement for the use of any movable property.Enter the gross income in item C33c of the Form M or transfer the amount from item E of WorkingSheet HK-6.- 16 -

Other IncomeThis refers to other taxable income not mentioned above. Specify the type of income in the box provided.Enter the gross income in item C33d of the Form M or transfer the amount from item G of WorkingSheet HK-6.C35TOTAL INCOME TRANSFERRED FROM HUSBAND / WIFE FOR JOINT ASSESSMENTConditions on Eligibility to Elect for Joint AssessmentA husband / wife who is not resident in Malaysia may elect only if:- he or she who elects is a Malaysian citizen and has total income * ; the spouse in whose name the joint assessment is to be raised, has total income* ; and both husband and wife were living together and did not cease to live together or to be husband andwife of each other in the basis year for a year of assessment. Where the husband has more than one wife, election shall only be made with one wife. Election isvalid only if no other wife / wives of his, elects to combine her total income with his total income.* Note: An individual is considered as having no ‘total income’ (i.e. amount ‘Nil’ for item C34 of theForm M) if:(i) he / she suffered loss from business; or(ii) the amount of expenditure exceeds the gross income in respect of non-business source(s)for a year of assessment and therefore does not satisfy the condition for jointassessment.An individual is also not eligible to elect for joint assessment if he / she does not have anyincome / source of income.Joint Assessment Election for joint assessment has to be made in writing under item A6 of the Form M. Enter ‘1’ ifthe wife elects for joint assessment to be raised in the name of the husband; or ‘2’ if vice-versa.The individual and the spouse are required to fill out separate return forms (M / MT / B / BT / BE). Ifthe spouse in whose name the joint assessment is to be raised is resident in Malaysia, thenthe spouse is required to fill out either Form B, BT or BE, whichever is applicable. Example:If the wife elects for joint assessment, she is required to enter ‘1’ in item A6 and her total income initem C34 of her Form M. She need not fill in items C35 and C36 of Part C, Parts D and E of herForm M. Where relevant, other parts of the return form must be filled.Then she has to enter her total income in either item:-C35 (Form M),C35 (Form MT),C35 (Form B),C35 (Form BT) ORB7 (Form BE) of her husband; andenter ‘1’ if it includes business income or ‘2’ if not.Instalments / Schedular Tax Deductions (STD) [if any] paid by the husband and wife for the currentyear of assessment, have to be totalled and entered in either item:-E2 (Form M),E2 (Form MT),F2 (Form B),F2 (Form BT) ORB18 (Form BE) of her husband on whom the tax is to be raised.- 17 -

PART D:D2 to D2gTAX PAYABLE / REPAYABLECOMPUTATION OF TAX CHARGEABLEIn general, the chargeable income of an individual not resident in Malaysia is taxed at the flat rate of26%. However, if the chargeable income includes income subject to tax at gross on which rates otherthan 26% apply, it has to be apportioned according to the applicable rate.Tax rates according to ITA 1967 (percentage on gross):Interest - 15%, Royalty - 10%, Section 4A - 10%, Paragraph 4(f) – 10%Other income - Refer to ITA 1967Refer to Appendix F in the Guidebook for tax rates according to Double Taxation Agreements.D4TAX DEDUCTION UNDER SECTION 51 OF FINANCE ACT 2007 (DIVIDENDS)Please refer to page 13 on ‘Dividends’. Transfer the amount from item D of Working Sheet HK-3 tothis item.D5SECTION 110 TAX DEDUCTION (OTHERS)This arises when there is a claim for credit with respect to income * from which tax has been withheld/ charged and remitted to LHDNM in compliance with income tax provisions.* Refers to ‘Other Gains Or Profits’ (C15) and ‘Gross Income Subject To Tax At Other Rates’(C33 to C33d) on pages 14 and 16 respectively.Use Working Sheet HK-6 to compute. Transfer the amount from item B of the working sheet to this item.D6SECTION 133 TAX RELIEFWhere there is no Double Taxation Agreement between Malaysia and a foreign country, a personwho is charged to tax in Malaysia and has suffered tax in respect of the same income in that foreigncountry in which the income arose, may claim unilateral credit. This credit shall not exceed half theforeign tax payable on that income.Use Working Sheet HK-9 to compute. Transfer the amount from item B of the working sheet to this item.PART E: STATUS OF TAX FOR YEAR OF ASSESSMENT 2012Item Subject ExplanationE1 Tax payable Amount from item D8.Enter ‘0’ in this box if entitled to a tax refund as per item D9.E2Instalments / MonthlyTax Deductions paid for2012 Income – SELFand HUSBAND / WIFEif joint assessmentWhere Working Sheet HK-10 is used to compute, transfer theamount from item E of the working sheet to this box. This excludespayments made in respect of outstanding tax for previous years ofassessment. However, deductions made in 2012 in respect of bonusor director’s fee has to be included in this item.E3 Balance of tax payable Payment must be made within the stipulated period. Please read the‘Reminder’ on page 12 of the Form M.- 18 -

REMINDERAfter computing the tax from Part C to Part E, the non-resident individual is reminded to complete the‘Status of Tax’ section on page 1 of Form M 2012 by entering ‘X’ in one relevant box only.PART F:INCOME OF PRECEDING YEARS NOT DECLAREDIncome received in respect of any earlier year not previously declared such as payment of salary,bonus *, director’s fee *, allowance, commission, dividend in arrears, etc. has to be reported in thissection. If the amount received relates to more than one (1) year, enter separately according to theyear for which it is paid. In case of insufficient writing space, prepare the information in the sameformat as per items F1 to F3 by using attachment and furnish together with the return form.* With effect from Year of Assessment 2009, bonus or director’s fee shall, when received inthe basis year, be treated as part of the gross income from employment for the basis year inwhich it is received and assessed as such.PART G:PARTICULARS OF EXECUTOR OF THE DECEASED PERSON’S ESTATEFill relevant information in the boxes provided. ‘Executor’ refers to the executor, administrator orother person administering or managing the estate of a deceased person.Pursuant to subsection 74(3) of ITA 1967, the legal representative of a deceased taxpayer is requiredto furnish Form 57 (Notification of Taxpayer’s Demise) which is available at the LHDNM website,http://www.hasil.gov.my.PART H: PARTICULARS OF LOSSES, CAPITAL ALLOWANCES AND WITHHOLDING TAXESH1H1aH1bLOSSESBalance from currentyear lossesBalance from previousyears’ lossesBalance from current year’s business / partnership losses notabsorbed.Enter the amount from item F of Working Sheet HK-1.3Balance from previous year’s business / partnership losses notabsorbed.Amount from item C of Working Sheet HK-1.3H1c Losses carried forward Sum of H1a and H1b.Amount from item G of Working Sheet HK-1.3H1dH2H2atoH2fPioneer lossAmount AbsorbedBalance CarriedForwardCAPITAL ALLOWANCESAllowance AbsorbedBalance Carried ForwardAs pioneer business loss can only be absorbed by income fromother pioneer businesses, its accounts must be kept separate fromthat of non-pioneer business(es).Enter the amount from item D of Working Sheet HK-1.4.Enter the amount from item E of Working Sheet HK-1.4.Amount as per item K5 of Working Sheet HK-1 or item F4 ofWorking Sheet HK-1B1 for the relevant business / partnership.Amount as per item K6 of Working Sheet HK-1 or item F5 ofWorking Sheet HK-1B1 for the respective business / partnership.- 19 -

H3WITHHOLDING TAXESH3a Section 107A Payments to non-resident contractors for services under a contract.Withholding tax rate according to ITA 1967:10% of gross amount on account of tax which is or may be payableby that non-resident contractorPlus3% of gross amount on account of tax which is or may be payableby the employees of that non-resident contractor.H3b Section 109 Payment of interest or royalties to non-resident persons.Withholding tax rate according to Part II Schedule 1 of ITA 1967:Interest - 15% of grossRoyalty - 10% of grossRefer to Appendix F (Guidebook) for rates according to the DoubleTaxation Agreements.H3c Section 109A Payment in respect of services performed / rendered in Malaysiaby public entertainers.Withholding tax rate according to Part II Schedule 1 of ITA 1967:15% of grossH3d Section 109B Payment of the kind classified under section 4A to non-residentpersons. Refer to Public Ruling 4/2005 on its withholding tax.Withholding tax rate according to Part V Schedule 1 of ITA 1967:10% of grossRefer to Appendix F (Guidebook) for rates according to the DoubleTaxation Agreements.H3e Section 109F Payment to a non-resident person in relation to income underparagraph 4(f) of ITA 1967, is subject to withholding tax at the rateof 10% on gross as specified in Part XIII Schedule 1 of ITA 1967.H3atoH3eTotal Gross Amount PaidTotal Tax Withheld andRemitted to LHDNMTransfer the relevant amounts from Working Sheet HK-11.PART J:SPECIAL DEDUCTION, FURTHER DEDUCTION AND DOUBLE DEDUCTIONPlease refer to the claim codes provided on page 21.PART K:INCENTIVE CLAIM / EXEMPT INCOMESCHEDULE 4 ITA 1967 QUALIFYING EXPENDITURERefer to the explanation on page 15 of this Notes.PIONEER INCOME (Amount Exempted)Enter the amount of tax exempt pioneer income or amount from item M4 of Working Sheet HK-1E.PART L:FINANCIAL PARTICULARS OF INDIVIDUALIf there is more than one (1) business, fill relevant particulars from the current year’s ManufacturingAccount (if any), Trading, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the main business. Wherethere is more than one main business, enter the particulars of the business with the highest turnover.- 20 -

DECLARATIONIf the return form is not duly signed, it shall be deemed incomplete and returned to you. The use ofsignature stamp is not allowed. Penalty will be imposed for late resubmission of the return form toLHDNM.PARTICULARS OF TAX AGENT WHO COMPLETES THIS RETURN FORMThis section must be filled in and duly signed by the tax agent who completes this return form. Thetax agent must be approved under subsection 153(3) of ITA 1967.COUNTRY CODESThe following are some of the codes for countries identified. Please refer to Appendix E (Guidebook)for the full list.Country Code Country Code Country CodeAustralia AU Iran (Islamic R.O.) IR Philippines PHBangladesh BD Iraq IQ Saudi Arabia SABrunei BN Japan JP Singapore SGCambodia KH Korea, D.P.R. KP South Africa ZACanada CA Korea, R.O. KR Sri Lanka LKChina CN Laos, D.P.R. LA Taiwan TWDenmark DK Malaysia MY Thailand THHong Kong HK Myanmar MM United Kingdom GBIndia IN New Zealand NZ United States USIndonesia ID Pakistan PK Vietnam VNCodeNote: R.O. = Republic of;D.P.R. = Democratic People’s Republic ofCLAIM CODESSPECIAL DEDUCTIONS AND OTHER CLAIMSType of Expenditure101 Equipment or alteration / renovation of premises to assist disabled employees102 Translation into or publication in the national language of books approved by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka103 Provision of library facilities or contributions to libraries not exceeding RM100,000104 Provision of services, public amenities and contributions to approved charity / community projects pertaining toeducation, health, housing, conservation or preservation of environment, enhancement of income of the poor,infrastructure, information and communication technology105 Revenue expenditure on the provision and maintenance of child care centre for employees’ benefit106 Establishment and management of approved musical or cultural groups107 Expenditure incurred in sponsoring any approved local and foreign arts, cultural or heritage activity: not exceeding RM200,000 for sponsoring foreign arts, cultural or heritage activity not exceeding RM500,000 in aggregate110 Revenue expenditure on scientific research directly undertaken and related to the business114 Deduction for information technology-related expenditure116Contribution to an approved benevolent fund/trust account in respect of individuals suffering from seriousdiseases117 Provision of practical training in Malaysia to resident individuals who are not own employeesCodeFURTHER DEDUCTIONSType of Expenditure201 Premiums paid for the import of cargo insured with an insurance company incorporated in Malaysia202 Remuneration of disabled employees204 Premiums paid for the export of cargo insured with an insurance company incorporated in Malaysia205 Freight charges incurred for the export of rattan and wood-based products (excluding veneer and sawn timber)208 Premiums paid on export credit insurance taken with Malaysia Export Credit Insurance Berhad212 Freight charges for shipping goods from Sabah/Sarawak to Peninsular Malaysia- 21 -

CodeDOUBLE DEDUCTIONSType of Expenditure301 Revenue expenditure incurred on approved research302 Cash contributions to an approved research institute or payment for the use of services of an approved researchinstitute/company, a research and development company or contract research and development company- 22 -

SAMPLE OF WORKING SHEET HK-4:NameIncome Tax No.PARTICULARS OF PROPERTIES / ASSETS AND TOTAL RENTALA. LIST OF PROPERTIES RENTED OUT / ASSETS LEASED OUTNo.1.2.3.Type ofProperty /AssetAddress of the Property /Lessor of the AssetDate ofCommencement ofthe Rental / Lease(Increase the number of rows according to requirement)NOTE: 1. Properties refer to houses, factories, land and other immovable properties.2. Assets refer to plant, machineries, furniture and other movable properties.B. COMPUTATION OF STATUTORY INCOME FROM RENTS(Compute separately for each source of rental income)1. GROSS RENTAL INCOME (from item A1 or A2 or ………)LESS:Allowable Expenditure(i)(ii)Interest on loan employed in theproduction of gross rental incomeAssessment>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?I/C No.>>>>>>>>? >>>>>>>>>?Total Gross Rental / LeasePayments Received in theYear of Assessment (RM)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)Quit rentInsuranceOther revenue expenditure:Repairs and maintenanceRenewal of tenancy agreement……………………………………(viii) ……………………………………(ix)(x)…………………………………………………………………………2. Total Expenditure [ (i) to (x) ]C. STATUTORY INCOME FROM RENTS ( B1 – B2 )D. SUMMARY OF STATUTORY INCOME FROM RENTSSource 1 (amount from item C)Source 2 (amount from item C)Source 3 (amount from item C)…………………………………..Total statutory income from rents includingrents received from partnership businesses- 23 -

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