CIPUG Morgan King Virtualization

CIPUG Morgan King Virtualization CIPUG Morgan King Virtualization


CIP-007-3 R6Security Status Monitoring• “…monitor system events that are related tocyber security.”• Are cyber security events being logged forVMs and Hypervisor?o /var/log/vmware/webAccesso /var/log/secureo /var/log/vmware/esxcfg-firewall.log46

Virtual Machines• Dynamic nature – “VM Sprawl”o How are unauthorized virtual cyber assets prevented?• Virtual Machines should be treated no differently thanphysical machines in terms of -o Segmentationo Physical Securityo Least Privilege Accesso Security Patchedo Subject to Change control/Configuration Managemento Proper Disposal/Redeployment47

CIP-007-3 R6Security Status Monitoring• “…monitor system events that are related tocyber security.”• Are cyber security events being logged forVMs and Hypervisor?o /var/log/vmware/webAccesso /var/log/secureo /var/log/vmware/esxcfg-firewall.log46

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