Reference Coordinates Table 9A

Reference Coordinates Table 9A Reference Coordinates Table 9A


LIST OF PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TOIN THE 23 RD EDITION (2012 – 2013) OF THE BELGIUM – LUXEMBOURG VERSIONOF THE SANFORDGUIDE TO ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPYTABLE 9ASYSTEMIC ANTIFUNGALS: AVAILABLE FORMULATIONS, COST, COMMENTS, SIDE EFFECTS9A.1 Shetty A, Barnes RA. New developments in antifungal strategy. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2004;2:269-77.9A.2 Spanakis EA, Aperis G, Mylonakis E. New agents for the treatment of fungal infections: clinical efficacyand gaps in coverage. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43:1060-8.9A.3 Dodds Ashley ES, Lewis L, Lewis JS, Martin C, Andes D. Pharmacology of systemic antifungalagents. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43(suppl. 1):S28-39.9A.4 Cisneros Herreros JM, Cordero Matía E. Therapeutic armamentarium against systemic fungal infections.Clin Microbiol Infect 2006;12(suppl. 7):53-64.9A.5 Andes D. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antifungals. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2006;20:679-97.9A.6 Segal BH, Steinbach WJ. Combination antifungals: an update. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2007;5:883-92.9A.7 Kanafani ZA, Perfect JR. Resistance to antifungal agents: mechanisms and clinical impact. Clin InfectDis 2008;46:120-8.9A.8 Masiá Canuto M, Gutiérrez Rodero F. Antifungal drug resistance to azoles and polyenes. Lancet InfectDis 2002;2: 550-63.9A.9 Morrison VA. Echinocandin antifungals: review and update. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2006;4:325-42.9A.10 Zaas AK. Echinocandins: a wealth of choice. How clinically different are they? Curr Opin Infect Dis2008;21:426-32.9A.11 Fera MT, La Camera E, De Sarro A. New triazoles and echinocandins: mode of action, in vitro activityand mechanisms of resistance. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2009;7:981-98.9A.12 Hoffman JA, Walsh TJ. Echinocandins in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:508-9.9A.13 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Ecalta, summary of productcharacteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.9A.14 Vazquez JA, Sobel JD. Anidulafungin: a novel echinocandin. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43:215-22.9A.15 de la Torre P, Reboli AC. Anidulafungin: a new echinocandin for candidal infections. Expert Rev AntiInfect Ther 2007;5:45-52.9A.16 Tapısız A. Anidulafungin: is it a promising option in the treatment of pediatric invasive fungal infections?Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011;9:339-46.9A.17 Reboli AC, Rotstein C, Pappas PG, Chapman SW, Kett DH, Kumar D, Betts R, Wible M, GoldsteinBP, Schranz J, Krause DS, Walsh TJ (Anidulafungin Study Group). Anidulafungin versus fluconazolefor invasive candidiasis. N Engl J Med 2007;356: 2472-82.9A.18 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Cancidas, summary ofproduct characteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.9A.19 Fisher BT, Zaoutis T. Caspofungin for the treatment of pediatric fungal infections. Pediatr Infect DisJ 2008;27:1099-1101.9A.20 Merlin E, Galambrun C, Ribaud P, Blanc T, Michel G, Auvrignon A, Stéphan JL. Efficacy and safety ofcaspofungin therapy in children with invasive fungal infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006;25:1186-8.9A.21 Klastersky J. Antifungal therapy in patients with fever and neutropenia. More rational and less empirical.N Engl J Med 2004;351:1445-7.9A.22 Maschmeyer G, Glasmacher A. Pharmacological properties and clinical efficacy of a recently licensed,systemic antifungal: caspofungin. Mycoses 2005;48:227-34.9A.23 Wegner B, Baer P, Gauer S, Oremek G, Hauser IA, Geiger H. Caspofungin is less nephrotoxic thanamphotericin B in vitro and predominantly damages renal tubular cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant2005;20:2071-9.9A.24 Sable CA, Nguyen BY, Chodakewitz JA, DiNubile MJ. Safety and tolerability of caspofungin acetatein the treatment of fungal infections. Transpl Infect Dis 2002;4:25-30.9A.25 Morrison VA. Caspofungin: an overview. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2005;3:697-705.9A.26 Deresinski SC, Stevens DA. Caspofungin. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1445-57.9A.27 Somer A, Törün SH, Salman N. Caspofungin therapy in immunocompromised children and neonates.Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011;9:347-55.9A.28 Collazos J, Martínez E, Mayo J, Ibarra S. Pulmonary reactions during treatment with amphotericin B:review of published cases and guidelines for management. Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:e75-82.9A.29 Adler-Moore JP, Proffitt RT. Amphotericin B lipid preparations: what are the differences? Clin MicrobiolInfect 2008;14(suppl. 4):25-36.9A.30 Lanternier F, Lortholary O. Liposomal amphotericin B: what is its role in 2008? Clin Microbiol Infect2008;14(suppl. 4):71-83.9A.31 Shigemi A, Matsumoto K, Ikawa K, Yaji K, Shimodozono Y, Morikawa N, Takeda Y, Yamada K. Safetyanalysis of liposomal amphotericin B in adult patients: anaemia, thrombocytopenia, nephrotoxicity,hepatotoxicity and hypokalaemia. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2011;38:417-20.9A.32 Fischer MA, Winkelmayer WC, Rubin RH, Avorn J. The hepatotoxicity of antifungal medications in bonemarrow transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41:301-7.9A.33 Adler-Moore JP, Proffitt RT. Amphotericin B lipid preparations: what are the differences? Clin MicrobiolInfect 2008;14(suppl. 4):25-36.9A.34 Alexander BD, Wingard JR. Study of renal safety in amphotericin B lipid complex treated patients.Clin Infect Dis 2005;40(suppl. 6):S414-21.9A.35 Gibbs WJ, Drew RH, Perfect JR. Liposomal amphotericin B: clinical experience and perspectives.Expert Rev Anti In-fect Ther 2005;3:167-81.9A.36 Bellmann R, Egger P, Wiedermann CJ. Differences in pharmacokinetics of amphotericin B lipid formulationsdespite clinical equivalence. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1500-1.9A.37 Mistro S, Maciel Ide M, de Menezes RG, Maia ZP, Schooley RT, Badaró R. Does lipid emulsion reduceamphotericin B nephrotoxicity? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1774-7.

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TOIN THE 23 RD EDITION (2012 – 2013) OF THE BELGIUM – LUXEMBOURG VERSIONOF THE SANFORDGUIDE TO ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPYTABLE <strong>9A</strong>SYSTEMIC ANTIFUNGALS: AVAILABLE FORMULATIONS, COST, COMMENTS, SIDE EFFECTS<strong>9A</strong>.1 Shetty A, Barnes RA. New developments in antifungal strategy. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2004;2:269-77.<strong>9A</strong>.2 Spanakis EA, Aperis G, Mylonakis E. New agents for the treatment of fungal infections: clinical efficacyand gaps in coverage. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43:1060-8.<strong>9A</strong>.3 Dodds Ashley ES, Lewis L, Lewis JS, Martin C, Andes D. Pharmacology of systemic antifungalagents. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43(suppl. 1):S28-39.<strong>9A</strong>.4 Cisneros Herreros JM, Cordero Matía E. Therapeutic armamentarium against systemic fungal infections.Clin Microbiol Infect 2006;12(suppl. 7):53-64.<strong>9A</strong>.5 Andes D. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antifungals. Infect Dis Clin North Am 2006;20:679-97.<strong>9A</strong>.6 Segal BH, Steinbach WJ. Combination antifungals: an update. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2007;5:883-92.<strong>9A</strong>.7 Kanafani ZA, Perfect JR. Resistance to antifungal agents: mechanisms and clinical impact. Clin InfectDis 2008;46:120-8.<strong>9A</strong>.8 Masiá Canuto M, Gutiérrez Rodero F. Antifungal drug resistance to azoles and polyenes. Lancet InfectDis 2002;2: 550-63.<strong>9A</strong>.9 Morrison VA. Echinocandin antifungals: review and update. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2006;4:325-42.<strong>9A</strong>.10 Zaas AK. Echinocandins: a wealth of choice. How clinically different are they? Curr Opin Infect Dis2008;21:426-32.<strong>9A</strong>.11 Fera MT, La Camera E, De Sarro A. New triazoles and echinocandins: mode of action, in vitro activityand mechanisms of resistance. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2009;7:981-98.<strong>9A</strong>.12 Hoffman JA, Walsh TJ. Echinocandins in children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:508-9.<strong>9A</strong>.13 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Ecalta, summary of productcharacteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.<strong>9A</strong>.14 Vazquez JA, Sobel JD. Anidulafungin: a novel echinocandin. Clin Infect Dis 2006;43:215-22.<strong>9A</strong>.15 de la Torre P, Reboli AC. Anidulafungin: a new echinocandin for candidal infections. Expert Rev AntiInfect Ther 2007;5:45-52.<strong>9A</strong>.16 Tapısız A. Anidulafungin: is it a promising option in the treatment of pediatric invasive fungal infections?Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011;9:339-46.<strong>9A</strong>.17 Reboli AC, Rotstein C, Pappas PG, Chapman SW, Kett DH, Kumar D, Betts R, Wible M, GoldsteinBP, Schranz J, Krause DS, Walsh TJ (Anidulafungin Study Group). Anidulafungin versus fluconazolefor invasive candidiasis. N Engl J Med 2007;356: 2472-82.<strong>9A</strong>.18 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Cancidas, summary ofproduct characteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.<strong>9A</strong>.19 Fisher BT, Zaoutis T. Caspofungin for the treatment of pediatric fungal infections. Pediatr Infect DisJ 2008;27:1099-1101.<strong>9A</strong>.20 Merlin E, Galambrun C, Ribaud P, Blanc T, Michel G, Auvrignon A, Stéphan JL. Efficacy and safety ofcaspofungin therapy in children with invasive fungal infections. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2006;25:1186-8.<strong>9A</strong>.21 Klastersky J. Antifungal therapy in patients with fever and neutropenia. More rational and less empirical.N Engl J Med 2004;351:1445-7.<strong>9A</strong>.22 Maschmeyer G, Glasmacher A. Pharmacological properties and clinical efficacy of a recently licensed,systemic antifungal: caspofungin. Mycoses 2005;48:227-34.<strong>9A</strong>.23 Wegner B, Baer P, Gauer S, Oremek G, Hauser IA, Geiger H. Caspofungin is less nephrotoxic thanamphotericin B in vitro and predominantly damages renal tubular cells. Nephrol Dial Transplant2005;20:2071-9.<strong>9A</strong>.24 Sable CA, Nguyen BY, Chodakewitz JA, DiNubile MJ. Safety and tolerability of caspofungin acetatein the treatment of fungal infections. Transpl Infect Dis 2002;4:25-30.<strong>9A</strong>.25 Morrison VA. Caspofungin: an overview. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2005;3:697-705.<strong>9A</strong>.26 Deresinski SC, Stevens DA. Caspofungin. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1445-57.<strong>9A</strong>.27 Somer A, Törün SH, Salman N. Caspofungin therapy in immunocompromised children and neonates.Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2011;9:347-55.<strong>9A</strong>.28 Collazos J, Martínez E, Mayo J, Ibarra S. Pulmonary reactions during treatment with amphotericin B:review of published cases and guidelines for management. Clin Infect Dis 2001;33:e75-82.<strong>9A</strong>.29 Adler-Moore JP, Proffitt RT. Amphotericin B lipid preparations: what are the differences? Clin MicrobiolInfect 2008;14(suppl. 4):25-36.<strong>9A</strong>.30 Lanternier F, Lortholary O. Liposomal amphotericin B: what is its role in 2008? Clin Microbiol Infect2008;14(suppl. 4):71-83.<strong>9A</strong>.31 Shigemi A, Matsumoto K, Ikawa K, Yaji K, Shimodozono Y, Morikawa N, Takeda Y, Yamada K. Safetyanalysis of liposomal amphotericin B in adult patients: anaemia, thrombocytopenia, nephrotoxicity,hepatotoxicity and hypokalaemia. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2011;38:417-20.<strong>9A</strong>.32 Fischer MA, Winkelmayer WC, Rubin RH, Avorn J. The hepatotoxicity of antifungal medications in bonemarrow transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41:301-7.<strong>9A</strong>.33 Adler-Moore JP, Proffitt RT. Amphotericin B lipid preparations: what are the differences? Clin MicrobiolInfect 2008;14(suppl. 4):25-36.<strong>9A</strong>.34 Alexander BD, Wingard JR. Study of renal safety in amphotericin B lipid complex treated patients.Clin Infect Dis 2005;40(suppl. 6):S414-21.<strong>9A</strong>.35 Gibbs WJ, Drew RH, Perfect JR. Liposomal amphotericin B: clinical experience and perspectives.Expert Rev Anti In-fect Ther 2005;3:167-81.<strong>9A</strong>.36 Bellmann R, Egger P, Wiedermann CJ. Differences in pharmacokinetics of amphotericin B lipid formulationsdespite clinical equivalence. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1500-1.<strong>9A</strong>.37 Mistro S, Maciel Ide M, de Menezes RG, Maia ZP, Schooley RT, Badaró R. Does lipid emulsion reduceamphotericin B nephrotoxicity? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 2012;54:1774-7.

<strong>9A</strong>.38 Hooshmand-Rad R, Chu A, Gotz V, Morris J, Batty S, Freifeld A. Use of amphotericin B lipid complexin elderly patients. J Infect 2005;50:277-87.<strong>9A</strong>.39 Fera MT, La Camera E, De Sarro A. New triazoles and echinocandins: mode of action, in vitro activityand mechanisms of resistance. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2009;7:981-98.<strong>9A</strong>.40 Brüggemann RJ, Alffenaar JW, Blijlevens NM, Billaud EM, Kosterink JG, Verweij PE, Burger DM. Clinicalrelevance of the pharmacokinetic interactions of azole antifungal drugs with other coadministeredagents. Clin Infect Dis 2009;48:1441-58.<strong>9A</strong>.41 Blyth CC. Antifungal azoles: old and new. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:506-7.<strong>9A</strong>.42 Baxter CG, Marshall A, Roberts M, Felton TW, Denning DW. Peripheral neuropathy in patients onlong-term triazole antifungal therapy. J Antimicrob Chemother 2011;66:2136-9.<strong>9A</strong>.43 Andes D, Pascual A, Marchetti O. Antifungal therapeutic drug monitoring: established and emergingindications. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2009;53:24-34.<strong>9A</strong>.44 Hussaini T, Rüping MJ, Farowski F, Vehreschild JJ, Cornely OA. Therapeutic drug monitoring of voriconazoleand posaconazole. Pharmacotherapy 2011:31:214-25.<strong>9A</strong>.45 Fischer MA, Winkelmayer WC, Rubin RH, Avorn J. The hepatotoxicity of antifungal medications in bonemarrow transplant recipients. Clin Infect Dis 2005;41:301-7.<strong>9A</strong>.46 Pappas PG, Kauffman CA, Perfect J, Johnson PC, McKinsey DS, Bamberger DM, Hamill R, SharkeyPK, Chapman SW, Sobel JD. Alopecia associated with fluconazole therapy. Ann Intern Med 1995;123:354-7.<strong>9A</strong>.47 Caputo R. Itraconazole (Sporanox ® ) in superficial and systemic fungal infections. Expert Rev AntiInfect Ther 2003;1:531-42.<strong>9A</strong>.48 Glasmacher A, Prentice A. Current experience with itraconazole in neutropenic patients: a conciseoverview of pharmacological properties and use in prophylactic and empirical antifungal therapy. ClinMicrobiol Infect 2006;12(suppl. 7):84-90.<strong>9A</strong>.49 Domínguez-Gill Hurlé A, Sánchez Navarro A, García Sánchez MJ. Therapeutic drug monitoring ofitraconazole and the relevance of pharmacokinetic interactions. Clin Microbiol Infect 2006;12(suppl. 7):97-106.<strong>9A</strong>.50 Lestner JM, Roberts SA, Moore CB, Howard SJ, Denning DW, Hope WW. Toxicodynamics of itraconazole:implications for therapeutic drug monitoring. Clin Infect Dis 2009;49:928-30.<strong>9A</strong>.51 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Noxafil, summary of productcharacteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.<strong>9A</strong>.52 Smith WJ, Drew RH, Perfect JR. Posaconazole’s impact on prophylaxis and treatment of invasivefungal infections: an update. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2009;7:165-81.<strong>9A</strong>.53 Keating GM. Posaconazole. Drugs 2005;65:1553-67.<strong>9A</strong>.54 Nagappan V, Deresinski S. Posaconazole: a broad-spectrum triazole antifungal agent. Clin InfectDis 2007;45:1610-7.<strong>9A</strong>.55 European Medicines Agency (EMA). European assessment report (EPAR). Vfend, summary of productcharacteristics. Available at: Accessed on January 17 th 2013.<strong>9A</strong>.56 Boyd AE, Modi S, Howard SJ, Moore CB, Keevil BG, Denning DW. Adverse reactions to voriconazole.Clin Infect Dis 2004;39:1241-4.<strong>9A</strong>.57 Herbrecht R. Voriconazole: therapeutic review of a new azole antifungal. Expert Rev Anti InfectTher 2004;2:485-97.<strong>9A</strong>.58 Epaulard O, Saint-Raymond C, Villier C, Charles J, Roch N, Beani JC, Leccia MT. Multiple aggressivesquamous cell carcinomas associated with prolonged voriconazole therapy in four immunocompromisedpatients. Clin Microbiol Infect 2010;16:1362-4.<strong>9A</strong>.59 Dickmeyer NJ, Kiel PJ. Dosing voricanzole in an obese patient. Clin Infect Dis 2011;53:745.<strong>9A</strong>.60 Pascual A, Csajka C, Buclin T, Bolay S, Bille J, Calandra T, Marchetti O. Challenging recommendedoral and intravenous voriconazole doses for improved efficacy and safety: population pharmacokinetics-basedanalysis of adult patients with invasive fungal infections. Clin Infect Dis 2012;55:381-90.<strong>9A</strong>.61 Perfect JR, Marr KA, Walsh TJ, Greenberg RN, DuPont B, de la Torre-Cisneros J, Just-Nübling G,Schlamm HT, Lutsar I, Espinel-Ingroff A, Johnson E. Voriconazole treatment for less common, emergingor refractory fungal infections. Clin Infect Dis 2003;36:1122-31.<strong>9A</strong>.62 Trifilio S, Pennick G, Pi J, Zook J, Golf M, Kaniecki K, Singhal S, Williams S, Winter J, Tallman M,Gordon L, Frankfurt O, Evens A, Mehta J. Monitoring plasma voriconazole levels may be necessaryto avoid subtherapeutic levels in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Cancer 2007;109:1532-5.<strong>9A</strong>.63 Pascual A, Calandra T, Bolay S, Buclin T, Bille J, Marchetti O. Voriconazole therapeutic drug monitoringin patients with invasive mycoses improves efficacy and safety outcomes. Clin Infect Dis 2008;46:201-11.<strong>9A</strong>.64 Denning DW, Griffiths CE. Mucocutaneous retinoid effects and facial erythema related to the noveltriazole antifungal agent voriconazole. Clin Exp Dermatol 2001;26:648-53.<strong>9A</strong>.65 McCarthy KL, Playford EG, Looke DF, Whitby M. Severe photosensitivity causing multifocal squamouscell carcinomas secondary to prolonged voriconazole therapy. Clin Infect Dis 2007;44:e55-6.<strong>9A</strong>.66 Alkan Y, Haefeli WE, Burhenne J, Stein J, Yaniv I, Shalit I. Voriconazole induced QT interval prolongationand ventricular tachycardia: a non con-centration dependent adverse effect. Clin Infect Dis2004;39:e49-52.<strong>9A</strong>.67 Zonios DI, Gea-Banacloche J, Childs R, Bennett JE. Hallucinations during voriconazole therapy. ClinInfect Dis 2008;47:e7-10.<strong>9A</strong>.68 Pongas GN, Lewis RE, Samonis G, Kontoyiannis DP. Voriconazole-associated zygomycosis: a significantconsequence of evolving antifungal prophylaxis and immunosuppression practices? Clin MicrobiolInfect 2009;15 (suppl. 5):93-7.<strong>9A</strong>.69 Vermes A, Guchelaar HJ, Dankert J. Flucytosine: a review of its pharmacology, clinical indications,pharmacokinetics, toxicity and drug interactions. J Antimicrob Chemother 2000;46:171-9.<strong>9A</strong>.70 McKay DA, Schofield OM, Benton EC. Terbinafine induced subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus.Acta Derm Venereol 2004;84:472-4.

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