001021 - Agfa HealthCare

001021 - Agfa HealthCare 001021 - Agfa HealthCare

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HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK001021 Page 18 of 36Document No. 001021, Revision 1.0Agfa HealthCare 24 May, 20052. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREATE— N-ACTION— N-DELETE2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-CREATE:The Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Film Box attributes sent by the N-CREAT DIMSEservice:Table 2-20Basic Film BOX SOP Class N-CREATE Sent AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?Image DisplayFormat(2010,0010) STANDARD, ROW, COL,SLIDE, SUPERSLIDEService ConfigurableUser SelectableAnnotation (2010,0030)Display FormatIDFilm Orientation (2010,0040) PORTRAITService ConfigurableLANDSCAPEFilm Size ID (2010,0050) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableUser SelectableBorder Density (2010,0100) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableEmpty ImageDensityMinimumDensityMaximumDensity(2010,0110) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0120) The desired density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0130) The desired density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableService ConfigurableService ConfigurableTrim (2010,0140) NO, YES Service ConfigurableConfiguration (2010,0150) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableInformationIllumination (2010,015E) 2000 (Transmissive Film) No150 (Reflective Film)ReflectiveAmbient light(2010,0160) 150 NoThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-CREATE:ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-21 N-CREAT Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK001021 Page 19 of 36Document No. 001021, Revision 1.0Agfa HealthCare 24 May, 2005WarningAttribute ValueOut of Range0116HReturned if an attribute value is out of range.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status, thePaxport will abort the association. Basic Film Box SOP Class Operations for N-ACTIONThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-ACTION:ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-22 N-ACTION Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000H Operation successfully completed.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warningstatus, the Paxport will abort the association. Specific Conformance for Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-SET2. Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class Operations for N-SETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Grayscale Image Box attributes sent by the N-SETDIMSE service:Table 2-23Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class N-SET AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?MagnificationType(2010,0060) REPLICATE,BILINEAR, CUBICService ConfigurableSmoothing Type (2010,0080) 0, 140 (Qubic only) Service ConfigurableImage Position (2020,0010) 1-xxPolarity (2020,0020) NORMAL, REVERSE Service ConfigurableBasic GrayscaleImage Sequence(2020,0110) 1-xx

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 18 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREATE— N-ACTION— N-DELETE2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-CREATE:The Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Film Box attributes sent by the N-CREAT DIMSEservice:Table 2-20Basic Film BOX SOP Class N-CREATE Sent AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?Image DisplayFormat(2010,0010) STANDARD, ROW, COL,SLIDE, SUPERSLIDEService ConfigurableUser SelectableAnnotation (2010,0030)Display FormatIDFilm Orientation (2010,0040) PORTRAITService ConfigurableLANDSCAPEFilm Size ID (2010,0050) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableUser SelectableBorder Density (2010,0100) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableEmpty ImageDensityMinimumDensityMaximumDensity(2010,0110) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0120) The desired density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0130) The desired density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableService ConfigurableService ConfigurableTrim (2010,0140) NO, YES Service ConfigurableConfiguration (2010,0150) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableInformationIllumination (2010,015E) 2000 (Transmissive Film) No150 (Reflective Film)ReflectiveAmbient light(2010,0160) 150 NoThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-CREATE:ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-21 N-CREAT Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.

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