001021 - Agfa HealthCare

001021 - Agfa HealthCare

001021 - Agfa HealthCare


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HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 1 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005AGFA HEALTHCAREDICOM Conformance StatementPaxport Version 4.1Status: ReleasedDocument No. <strong>001021</strong>Revision: RELEASEDAuthor: Ron KaufmanWhen printed, this is NOT a controlled copyCompany Confidential

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 2 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Document InformationService -related issuesNorth AmericaService -related issuesOutside North AmericaEditing & LayoutFor questions regarding thetechnical content of thisdocument, please contact:<strong>Agfa</strong> Customer Solutions CenterUSATel: 1 (877) 777-AGFAhttp://www.agfa.com/healthcare/us/content/index.php?table=NAVSUPPORTMI-CSO, Munich Tel: +49 89 6207 3020Fax: +49 89 6207 7710DIGINET:http://intra.agfanet/BU/MI/Mednet3.nsf/EN/servicetools.htmLinda De Wolf<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>Septestraat 27B-2640 MortselBelgiumTel.: +32.3.444.7338Email: linda.dewolf@agfa.comRon Kaufman Tel 1 (608) 423-7112Email: ron.kaufman@agfa.comIssued by:<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>957 Hillcrest Rd.Deerfield, WI 53531USATel: 1 608 423-7112Fax: 1 608 423-9576Email: ron.kaufman@agfa.com<strong>Agfa</strong> shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental orconsequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performanceor use of this publication. <strong>Agfa</strong> reserves the right to revise thispublication and to make changes to its content at any time, withoutobligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions and changes.This publication may only be used in connection with the promotion,sales, installation and use of <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment by <strong>Agfa</strong> personnel. Theinformation presented herein is sensitive and is classified CompanyConfidential. Without w ritten authority from the proprietor, furtherdistribution outside the company is not allowed.Copyright ª May, 05<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong>All rights reserved

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 3 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20051. Conformance Statement OverviewThe Paxport Version 4.1, implements the necessary DICOM services as an Acquisition Modality. ThePaxport Version 4.1 may also acquire patient information from a Hospital Information System (RIS) for use inidentifying images.The table below provides an overview of the network services supported by Paxport Version 4.1 system.Network Services SupportedSOP Classes User of Service (SCU) Provider of Service (SCP)VerificationVerification Yes NoTransferSecondary Capture Image Storage Yes NoStorage Commitment Yes NoPrint ManagementBasic Grayscale Print Management Yes NoColor Print Management Yes NoWorkflow ManagementModality Performed Procedure Step Yes NoModality Worklist Information Model Yes No

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 4 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Table of ContentsTable of Contents............................................................................................................ 41 Introduction.........................................................................................................61.1 Revision Record..................................................................................................... 61.2 Purpose and Intended Audience of this Document .................................................... 61.3 General Remarks ................................................................................................... 61.3.1 Integration and Validation Activities ....................................................................... 61.3.2 Future Evolution .................................................................................................. 61.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................... 71.5 Related Documents ................................................................................................ 72 Networking ..........................................................................................................82.1 Implementation Model............................................................................................. 82.1.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ............................................................................. 82.1.2 Functional Definitions of AE’s ............................................................................... Functional Capability of Paxport Application Entity .............................................. 82.2 AE Specifications ................................................................................................... 92.2.1 Paxport AE Specification...................................................................................... SOP Classes Supported.................................................................................... Association Establishment Policies..................................................................... General ......................................................................................................... Number of Associations ................................................................................. Asynchronous Nature .................................................................................... Implementation Identifying Information............................................................ Association Initiation Policies ............................................................................ Activity- Request Verification of External AE ................................................... Description and Sequencing of Activity Proposed Presentation Contexts Specific Conformance for Verification SOP Class Activity- Send Images to External Storage AE ................................................. Description and Sequencing of Activity Proposed Presentation Contexts Specific Conformance for SC Image Storage SOP Class Specific Conformance for Storage Commitment SOP Class Activity- Send Images to External Print AE...................................................... Description and Sequencing of Activity Proposed Presentation Contexts Specific Conformance to Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class Specific Conformance for Basic Film Session SOP Class........................... Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP Class................................. Specific Conformance for Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class.............. Specific Conformance for Printer SOP Class ............................................. Specific Conformance for Basic Color Print Management Menta SOP Class Specific Conformance for Basic Film Session SOP Class........................... Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP Class................................. Specific Conformance for Basic Color Image Box SOP Class..................... Specific Conformance for Printer SOP Class ............................................. Specific Conformance to Basic Annotation SOP Class Specific Conformance to Presentation LUT SOP Class Specific Conformance to Print Job SOP Class 25

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 5 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052. Specific Conformance to Print Queue Management SOP Class Activity- Send MPPS to MPPS Manager ......................................................... Description and Sequencing of Activity Proposed Presentation Contexts Specific Conformance for MPPS Model SOP Class Activity- Get Worklist from External AE ........................................................... Description and Sequencing of Activity Proposed Presentation Contexts Specific Conformance for Modality Worklist Information Model SOP Class Association Acceptance Policies .......................................................................322.3 Network Interfaces.................................................................................................322.3.1 Physical Medium Support ....................................................................................322.4 Configuration.........................................................................................................322.4.1 AE Title/ Presentation Mapping............................................................................322.4.1.1 Local AE Titles .................................................................................................322.4.2 Configuration Parameters ....................................................................................322.4.2.1 General configuration Parameters .....................................................................322.4.2.2 Paxport AE ......................................................................................................323 Media Interchange...........................................................................................344 Support for Extended Character Sets ..........................................................355 Security.............................................................................................................365.1 IHE Security Profile ...............................................................................................365.1.1 Authentication ....................................................................................................365.1.2 Accountability .....................................................................................................365.1.3 User Authentication.............................................................................................36

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 6 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20051 INTRODUCTION1.1 Revision RecordTable 1-1 Revision RecordRevisionNumberDate1.0 February 18, 2005 NewReason for Change1.2 Purpose and Intended Audience of this DocumentThis document is a DICOM Conformance Statement for the DICOM Services of the Paxport Version 4.1modality.The user of this document is involved with system integration and/or software design. We assume that thereader is familiar with the terminology and concepts that are used in the DICOM 3.0 standard and the IHETechnical Framework.Readers not familiar with DICOM 3.0 terminology should first read the appropriate parts of the DICOMstandard itself, prior to reading this conformance statement.Although the use of this conformance statement in conjunction with the DICOM 3.0 standard is intended tofacilitate communication with <strong>Agfa</strong> Healthcare equipment, it is not sufficient to guarantee, by itself, the interoperationof the connection.1.3 General Remarks1.3.1 Integration and Validation ActivitiesThe integration of any device into a system of interconnected devices goes beyond the scope of theDICOM 3.0 standard and this conformance statement when interoperability is desired. The responsibility foranalyzing the applications requirements and developing a solution that integrates the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment withother vendors’ systems is the user’s responsibility and should not be underestimated.In some circumstances it might be necessary to perform a validation to make sure that functionalinteroperability between the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment and non-<strong>Agfa</strong> devices works as expected. The user shouldensure that any non-<strong>Agfa</strong> equipment provider accepts responsibility for any validation required for theirconnection with the <strong>Agfa</strong> equipment.1.3.2 Future EvolutionAs the DICOM 3.0 standard evolves to meet the user’s growing requirements and to incorporate newfeatures and technologies, <strong>Agfa</strong> will follow the evolution of the standard. This evolution of the standard mayrequire changes to devices that have implemented DICOM 3.0. The user should ensure that any non-<strong>Agfa</strong>provider, who connects with <strong>Agfa</strong> devices, also plans for future evolution of the DICOM standard. A refusal todo so may result in the loss of functionality and/or connectivity between the different products.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 7 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20051.4 Acronyms and AbbreviationsDefinitions, terms and abbreviations used in this document are defined within the different parts of theDICOM standard. Abbreviations and terms are as follows:AEAETDICOM Application EntityApplication Entity TitleASCECD-RDICOMFSCFSUFSRGSDFGSPSGUIIEIODISOMPPSMSPSPDUQCSCSCUSCPSOPUIDVRAssociation Control Service ElementCompact Disk RecordableDigital Imaging and Communications in MedicineFile-Set CreatorFile-Set UpdaterFile-Set ReaderGrayscale Standard Display FunctionGrayscale Softcopy Presentation StateGraphical User InterfaceInformation Entity(DICOM) Information Object DefinitionInternational Standard OrganizationModality Performed Procedure StepModality Scheduled Procedure StepDICOM Protocol Data UnitQuality ControlSecondary CaptureDICOM Service Class User (DICOM client)DICOM Service Class Provider (DICOM server)DICOM Service-Object PairUnique IdentifierValue Representation1.5 Related Documents‣ ACR-NEMA Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) V3.0. 2003.‣ IHE Radiology Technical Framework Revision 5.5 – Final Text, November 20, 2003

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 8 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052 NETWORKING2.1 Implementation Model2.1.1 Application Data Flow DiagramPaxport Version 4.1PaxportVerification SCUStorage SCURemoteApplicationConnectivityVerificationSCPLocalApplication& StorageActivityStorage CommitmentSCUPrint ManagementSCUMPPS ManagementImageStorageSCPRemotePrinterSCPWorklist SCURemoteMPPS Mgr.SCPDICOMStandardInterfaceRemoteWorklistSCPFigure 2-1 Functional Overview – Application Data Flow2.1.2 Functional Definitions of AE’s2.1.2.1 Functional Capability of Paxport Application EntityThe Paxport Application Entity receives images from a non- DICOM modality. It then sends these images asSC DICOM Images to remote Storage and/or Print DICOM devices.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 9 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005The Paxport Application Entity uses the C-FIND to get a response from a Worklist Provider for the creation ofa Worklist. This allows the user to easily add patient information when sending images.2.2 AE Specifications2.2.1 Paxport AE Specification2.2.1.1 SOP Classes SupportedThis Application Entity provides Standard Conformance to the following SOP Classes:Table 2-1 SOP Classes for Paxport AESOP Class Name SOP Class UID SCU SCPVerificationVerification SOP Class 1.2.840.10008.1.1 Yes NoTransferSecondary Capture Image Storage SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoStorage Commitment Push Model 1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 Yes NoPrint ManagementBasic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Session SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Box SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Color Print Management Meta SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Session SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Box SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Color Image Box SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPrinter SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPrint Job 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Annotation 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPrint Queue Management 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPresentation LUT 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoWorkflow ManagementModality Worklist Information Model - FIND 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoModality Performed Procedure Step SOP Class 1.2.840.10008. Yes No2.2.1.2 Association Establishment Policies2. GeneralTable 2-2 DICOM Application Context

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 10 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Application Context Name 1.2.840.10008. Number of AssociationsTable 2-3 Number of Associations as an Association Initiator for PaxportMaximum number of simultaneous associations initiated 1Table 2-4 Number of Associations as an Association Acceptor for PaxportMaximum number of simultaneous associations accepted Asynchronous NatureTable 2-5 Asynchronous Nature as an Association Initiator for PaxportMaximum number of outstanding asynchronous transactions02. Implementation Identifying InformationTable 2-6 DICOM implementation Class and Version for Transfer, MPPS, and PrintImplementation Class UID Version Name AGFAPAXPORT 1.0Table 2-7 DICOM implementation Class and Version for WorklistImplementation Class UID Version NameAGFA DTF1.0.732.2.1.3 Association Initiation Policies2. Activity- Request Verification of External AE2. Description and Sequencing of ActivityThe Paxport AE attempts to initiate a DICOM association due to the following activity:‣ Initiation of Verification by Service (Paxport GUI service tool).A typical sequence of DIMSE messages sent over an association between Paxport and another device is:

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 11 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005‣ Service Initiates a DICOM Association to send the request.‣ Issue a C-ECHO request.‣ Wait for a C-ECHO response.‣ Close the Association. Proposed Presentation ContextsAbstract SyntaxTable 2-8 Presentation Contexts Proposed by PaxportTransfer SyntaxName UID Name UIDVerification 1.2.840.10008.1.1 DICOM Implicit LittleEndianRoleExtendedNegotiation1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None2. Specific Conformance for Verification SOP ClassThe Paxport provides standard conformance to the DICOM Verification Service Class as a SCU. Supported DICOM Status code for C-ECHOThe following status code is returned in response to a C-ECHO:Table 2-9 C-ECHO Response StatusServiceStatusFurther MeaningSuccess Success 0000Status Code(0000,0900)Reason2. Activity- Send Images to External Storage AE2. Description and Sequencing of ActivityThe Paxport AE attempts to initiate a new association due to Initiation of a Transmit by the User.A typical sequence of DIMSE messages sent over an association between Paxport and a Storage SCP is:1. Paxport sends an ASSOCIATE-RQ to open an association with the Storage AE.2. Paxport sends a C-STORE -RQ on the SC Image Storage SOP Class to transmit the images.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 12 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20053. Paxport sends a RELEASE-RQ to close the association with the Storage AE.The Paxport AE supports Storage Commitment when transmitting images.A typical sequence of DIMSE messages sent over an association between Paxport and a Storage SCP is:1. Paxport sends an ASSOCIATE-RQ to open an association with the Storage AE.2. Paxport sends a N-ACTION-RQ.3. Paxport accepts N-ACTION response to determine if the SCP will commit to the storage.4. Paxport sends a RELEASE-RQ to close the association with the Storage AE.5. Paxport listens for N-EVENT-REPORT. Proposed Presentation ContextsTable 2-10 Presentation Contexts Proposed by PaxportAbstract SyntaxTransfer SyntaxName UID Name UID RoleSC Image Storage 1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianStorageCommitment Push1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 DICOM Implicit LittleEndianExtendedNegotiation1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None2. Specific Conformance for SC Image Storage SOP ClassThe Paxport AE supports sending the following DIMSE Services:— C-STORE2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for C-STOREPaxport supports the following standard DICOM attributes for this SOP Class as an SCU.Table 2-11 C-Store SCU standard DICOM attributes.Module Attribute Name Group, Tag Default ValuePatientPatient’s name 0010,0010Patient ID 0010,0020Patient’s birth date 0010,0030Patient’s sex 0010,0040General Study Study date 0008,0020

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 13 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Module Attribute Name Group, Tag Default ValueGeneral SeriesGeneralEquipmentGeneral ImageImage PixelSC ImageSC ImageEquipmentModality LUTSOP CommonStudy time 0008,0030Accession number 0008,0050Referring physician’s name 0008,0090Study description 0008,1030Name of physician reading study (Radiologist) 0008,1060Study instance UID 0020,000DStudy ID 0020,0010Series description (exam subtype) 0008,103EPerforming physician’s name 0008,1050Protocol Name 0018,1030 PROTOCOLSeries instance UID 0020,000ESeries number 0020,0011Laterality 0020,0060Performed Procedure Step Start Date 0040,0244Performed Procedure Step Start Time 0040,0245Performed Procedure Step ID 0040,0253Performed Procedure Step Description 0040,0254Requested Attributes Description 0040,0275Manufacturer 0008,0070 Note 1Institution’s Name (Institution ID, Hospital name) 0008,0080 Note 1Institution Address 0008,0081 Note 1Station Name 0008,1010 Note 1Department 0008,1040 Note 1Manufacturer’s model name 0008,1090 Note 1Content Date 0008,0023Content Time 0008,0033Image Instance Number 0020,0013Patient Orientation 0020,0020Lossy Image Compression 0028,2110Samples per pixel 0028,0002Photometric interpretation 0028,0004Rows 0028,0010Columns 0028,0011Pixel Aspect Ratio 0028,0034Bits allocated 0028,0100Bits stored 0028,0101High bit 0028,0102Pixel representation 0028,0103Pixel data7FE0,0010Date of Secondary Capture 0018,1012Time of Secondary Capture 0018,1014Modality 0008,0060 Note 1Conversion Type 0008,0064 DV Note 1Secondary Capture Device ID 0018.1010 4416 Note 1Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer 0018.1016 AGFA Note 1Secondary Capture Device Manufacturers Model Name 0018.1018 PAXPORT Note 1Secondary Capture Device software Version 0018.1019 PAXX.X.X Note2Window center 0028,1050 127.5Window width 0028,1051 255Character set 0008,0005Instance creation date 0008,0012Instance creation time 0008,0013SOP Class UID 0008,0016 1.2.840.10008. Instance UID (Unique identifier) 0008,0018Notes:

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 14 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20051. This value can be modified by Service.2. Actual software version and is not editable.Paxport supports the standard DICOM response status codes for this SOP Class as an SCU.Table 2-12 N-CREATE Response Status codesServiceStatusFurtherMeaningStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.WarningWarningElementsdiscardedData set doesnot match SOPClassB006HB007HIndicates that some elements are discarded, but that the imagewas stored anyway.Indicates that the Data Set does not match the SOP Class, butthat the image was stored anyway.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status thandescribed in this table, the Paxport Storage Component willabort the association. Specific Conformance for Storage Commitment SOP Class2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for Storage CommitmentPaxport supports these standard DICOM elements for this SOP Class as an SCU (N-ACTION):Table 2-13 N-ACTION SCU standard DICOM attributes.Module Attribute Name Group, Tag Default ValueRequestStorageCommitmentTransaction UID 0008,1195Retrieve AE-Title 0008,0054Referenced SOP Sequence 0008,1199>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155Referenced Study Component Sequence 0008,1111>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155Paxport supports these standard DICOM elements for this SOP Class as an SCU (N-EVENT-REPORT):

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 15 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Table 2-14 N-EVENT-REPORT SCU standard DICOM attributes.Module Attribute Name Group, Tag Default ValueStorageCommitmentRequestSuccessfulStorageCommitmentRequestComplete(Failure)Transaction UID 0008,1195Retrieve AE-Title 0008,0054Referenced SOP Sequence 0008,1199>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155Transaction UID 0008,1195Referenced SOP Sequence 0008,1199>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155Failed SOP Sequence 0008,1198>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,11552. Activity- Send Images to External Print AE2. Description and Sequencing of ActivityPaxport acting as a Print SCU establishes an association with a remote Print SCP for the purpose of sendingimages and image presentation data for printing on hard copy medium.The Paxport AE attempts to initiate a new association due to the Initiation of a print request by the user.A typical sequence of DIMSE messages sent over a association between Paxport and a Printer is:1. Paxport sends an ASSOCIATE-RQ to open an association with the printer.2. Paxport sends an N-CREATE-RQ on the Film Session SOP Class to create a film session.3. Paxport sends an N-CREATE-RQ on the Presentation LUT SOP Class to create a Presentation LUT (ifsupported by the Printer).4. Paxport sends an N-CREATE-RQ on the Film Box SOP Class to create a film box linked to the FilmSession. A single Image Box will be created.5. Paxport sends an N-SET-RQ on the Image Box SOP Class to transfer image data to the Printer.6. Paxport sends an N-GET-RQ on the Printer SOP Class to obtain current printer status information. If thePrinter reports a status of FAILURE, the print-job will abort.7. Paxport sends an N-ACTION-RQ on the Film Box SOP Class to instruct the Printer to print the film.8. Paxport sends an N-DELETE-RQ on the Film Box SOP Class to delete the Film Session SOP Instance.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 16 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20059. Paxport sends an N-RELEASE-RQ to close the association with the Printer. Proposed Presentation ContextsTable 2-15 Presentation Contexts Proposed by PaxportAbstract SyntaxTransfer SyntaxName UID Name UIDRoleExtendedNegotiationBasic GrayscalePrint ManagementMetaBasic Color PrintManagement Meta1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndian1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianBasic Annotation 1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianPresentation LUT 1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianPrint Job 1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianPrint queueManagement1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndian1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None2. Specific Conformance to Grayscale Print Management Meta SOPClassThe Paxport supports the following SOP classes as a SCU:Table 2-16 SOP CLASSES FOR BASIC GRAYSCALE PRINT MANAGEMENT META SOP CLASSSOP Class Name SOP Class UID SCU SCPBasic Film Session 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Box 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Grayscale Image Box 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPrinter 1.2.840.10008. Yes No2. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Session SOP ClassThe Paxport supports sending the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREATE— N-ACTION2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-CREATE:

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 17 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005The Paxport provides the following support for the Film Session attributes sent by the N-CREATE DIMSEservice:Table 2-17 BASIC FILM SESSION SOP CLASS N-CREATE SENT ATTRIBUTESAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?Copies (2000,0010) 1 User SelectablePrint Priority (2000,0020) LOW, HIGH User SelectableMedium Type (2000,0030) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableFilm Destination (2000,0040) PROCESSOR NoFilm Session Label (2000,0050)Patient name orCalling AE TitleThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-CREATE:Table 2-18 N-CREATE Response Status codesServiceStatusFurtherMeaningStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.WarningWarningElementsdiscardedAttribute Valueout of rangeB006Indicates that some elements are discarded, but that the imagewas stored anyway.0116 Indicates that a certain attribute value is out of range, but thatthe image was stored anyway (<strong>Agfa</strong> printers only).Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status thandescribed in this table, the Paxport will abort the association. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-ACTION:The Paxport issues an N-ACTION to print a Film Session.The following status codes are recognized in response to a N-ACTION:Table 2-19 N-ACTION Status codesServiceStatusFurtherMeaningStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status thandescribed in this table, the Paxport will abort the association.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 18 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREATE— N-ACTION— N-DELETE2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-CREATE:The Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Film Box attributes sent by the N-CREAT DIMSEservice:Table 2-20Basic Film BOX SOP Class N-CREATE Sent AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?Image DisplayFormat(2010,0010) STANDARD, ROW, COL,SLIDE, SUPERSLIDEService ConfigurableUser SelectableAnnotation (2010,0030)Display FormatIDFilm Orientation (2010,0040) PORTRAITService ConfigurableLANDSCAPEFilm Size ID (2010,0050) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableUser SelectableBorder Density (2010,0100) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableEmpty ImageDensityMinimumDensityMaximumDensity(2010,0110) BLACK, or density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0120) The desired density inhundredths of OD.(2010,0130) The desired density inhundredths of OD.Service ConfigurableService ConfigurableService ConfigurableTrim (2010,0140) NO, YES Service ConfigurableConfiguration (2010,0150) (Printer Dependent) Service ConfigurableInformationIllumination (2010,015E) 2000 (Transmissive Film) No150 (Reflective Film)ReflectiveAmbient light(2010,0160) 150 NoThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-CREATE:ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-21 N-CREAT Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 19 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005WarningAttribute ValueOut of Range0116HReturned if an attribute value is out of range.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status, thePaxport will abort the association. Basic Film Box SOP Class Operations for N-ACTIONThe following status codes are recognized in response to a N-ACTION:ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-22 N-ACTION Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000H Operation successfully completed.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warningstatus, the Paxport will abort the association. Specific Conformance for Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-SET2. Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class Operations for N-SETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Grayscale Image Box attributes sent by the N-SETDIMSE service:Table 2-23Basic Grayscale Image Box SOP Class N-SET AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?MagnificationType(2010,0060) REPLICATE,BILINEAR, CUBICService ConfigurableSmoothing Type (2010,0080) 0, 140 (Qubic only) Service ConfigurableImage Position (2020,0010) 1-xxPolarity (2020,0020) NORMAL, REVERSE Service ConfigurableBasic GrayscaleImage Sequence(2020,0110) 1-xx

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 20 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Attribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?>Samples PerPixel>PhotometricInterpretation(0028,0002) 1(0028,0004) MONOCHROME1,MONOCHROME2>Rows (0028,0010) > 0>Columns (0028,0011) > 0>Pixel AspectRatio(0028,0034) Only sent in not:10000/10000>Bits Allocated (0028,0100) 8>Bits Stored (0028,0101) 8>High Bit (0028,0102) 7>Pixel(0028,0103) 0Representation>Pixel Data(7FE0,0010)The following status codes are recognized in response to a N-SET:ServiceStatusFurther MeaningTable 2-24 N-SET Response Status codesStatusCode(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000H Operation successfully completed.Warning Attribute out of range 0116H Returned if an attribute is out of the rangeFailure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status, thePaxport will abort the association. Specific Conformance for Printer SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-GET— N-EVENT-REPORT2. Printer SOP Class Operations for N-GETThe Paxport uses the Printer SOP Class N-GET operation to obtain information about the current printerstatus. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-GETTable 2-25Printer SOP Class N-GET sent AttributesAttribute Tag Valid RangeManufacturer (0008,0070) Provided by printer

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 21 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Attribute Tag Valid RangeManufacturer’s (0008,1090) Provided by printerModel NameDevice Serial (0018,1000) Provided by printerNumberSoftware Version (0018,1020) Provided by printerDate of Last (0018,1200) Provided by printerCalibrationTime of last (0018,1201) Provided by printerCalibrationPrinter Status (2110,0010) NORMALWARNINGFAILUREPrinter Name (2110,0030) Provided by printerServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-26 N-GET Response Status codesStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000H Operation successfully completed.Failure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error status, thePaxport will abort the association. Printer SOP Class Operations for N-EVENT-REPORTThe Paxport provides support for the Printer attributes sent by the N-EVENT-REPORT DIMSE service:Table 2-27Printer SOP Class N-EVENT-REPORT sent AttributesAttribute Tag Valid RangePrinter Status (2110,0010) NORMALWARNINGFAILUREPrinter Status Info. (2110,0020 Provided by printer2. Specific Conformance for Basic Color Print Management Menta SOPClassThe Paxport supports the following SOP classes as a SCU:

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 22 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Table 2-28SOP CLASSES FOR BASIC GRAYSCALE PRINT MANAGEMENT META SOP CLASSSOP Class Name SOP Class UID SCU SCPBasic Film Session 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Film Box 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoBasic Color Image Box 1.2.840.10008. Yes NoPrinter 1.2.840.10008. Yes No2. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Session SOP ClassRefer to the Basic Film Session SOP Class for Basic Grayscale Print Management. Specific Conformance for Basic Film Box SOP ClassRefer to the Basic Film Box SOP Class for Basic Grayscale Print Management. Specific Conformance for Basic Color Image Box SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-SET2. Basic Color Image Box SOP Class Operations for N-SETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Color Image Box attributes sent by the N-SETDIMSE service:Table 2-29Basic Color Image Box SOP Class N-SET AttributesAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?MagnificationType(2010,0060) REPLICATE,BILINEAR, CUBICService ConfigurableSmoothing Type (2010,0080) 0, 140 (Qubic only) Service ConfigurableImage Position (2020,0010) 1-xxPolarity (2020,0020) NORMAL, REVERSE Service ConfigurableBasic Color (2020,0110) 1-xxImage Sequence>Samples Per(0028,0002) 3Pixel>Photometric(0028,0004) RGBInterpretation>Rows (0028,0010) > 0>Columns (0028,0011) > 0

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 23 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Attribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?>Pixel AspectRatio(0028,0034) Only sent if not:10000/10000>Bits Allocated (0028,0100) 8>Bits Stored (0028,0101) 8>High Bit (0028,0102) 7>Pixel(0028,0103) 0Representation>Pixel Data(7FE0,0010)The following status codes are recognized in response to a N-SET:ServiceStatusFurther MeaningTable 2-30 N-SET Response Status codesStatusCode(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000H Operation successfully completed.Warning Attribute out of range 0116H Returned if an attribute is out of the rangeFailure Failure If the SCP AE returns any other error or warning status, thePaxport will abort the association. Specific Conformance for Printer SOP ClassRefer to the Printer SOP Class for Basic Grayscale Print Management. Specific Conformance to Basic Annotation SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-SET2. Basic Annotation SOP Class Operations for N-SETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Basic Annotation SOP Class attributes sent by the N-SETDIMSE service:Table 2-31 Basic Annotation SOP CLASS N-CREATE SENT ATTRIBUTES

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 24 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Attribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?AnnotationPosition(2030,0010 1-6 Service ConfigurableText String (2030,0020) Service Configurable2. Specific Conformance to Presentation LUT SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREAT— N-DELETE2. Presentation LUT SOP Class Operations for N-GETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Presentation LUT SOP Class attributes sent by the N-CREAT DIMSE service:Table 2-32 PRESENTATION LUT SOP CLASS N-CREATE SENT ATTRIBUTESAttribute Tag Value User or Service Configurable?Presentation LUTSequence(2050,0010)LUT Descriptor (0028,3002) 256 (8bit/pixel)0 (First Pixel value)15 (Bits Count)LUT Explanation (0028,3003)NoLUT Data (0028,3006)LUT Shape (2050,0020) IDENTITY (Note)Note:‘Presentation’ LUT Shape not supported.Table 2-33 N-CREATE Response Status codesServiceStatusFurtherMeaningStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.Error Error If the SCP AE returns any other error or status codes thePaxport will continues without P Luts.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 25 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052. Specific Conformance to Print Job SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:— N-GET2. Print Job SOP Class Operations for N-GETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Print Job SOP Class attributes sent by the N-GET DIMSEservice:Table 2-34Print Job SOP Class N-GET sent AttributesAttribute Tag Valid RangeExecution Status (2100,0020) Provided by printerCreation Date (2100,0040) Provided by printerCreation Time (2100,0050) Provided by printerPrinter Name (2110,0030) Provided by printer2. Specific Conformance to Print Queue Management SOP ClassThe Paxport provides support for the following DIMSE Services:N-GET2. Print Job SOP Class Operations for N-GETThe Paxport provides the following support for the Print Queue Management SOP Class attributes sent bythe N-GET DIMSE service:Table 2-35Print Job SOP Class N-GET sent AttributesAttribute Tag Valid RangeQueue Status (2120,0010) Provided by printer(2120,0050) Provided by printerPrint Priority >(2000,0020) Provided by printerPrint Job ID >(2100,0010) Provided by printerExecution Status >(2100,0030) Provided by printer2. Activity- Send MPPS to MPPS Manager2. Description and Sequencing of ActivityThe Paxport initiates an association when opening a study.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 26 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005The Paxport sends a N-Create.The Paxport closes the association.The Paxport attempts to initiate an association when canceling or closing a study.The Paxport sends a N-SETThe Paxport closes the association. Proposed Presentation ContextsTable 2-36 Presentation Contexts Proposed by PaxportAbstract SyntaxTransfer SyntaxName UID Name UID RoleModalityPerformedProcedure Step1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianExtendedNegotiation1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None2. Specific Conformance for MPPS Model SOP ClassThe Paxport supports sending the following DIMSE Services:— N-CREAT— N-SET2. Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes for N-CREATE and N-SET:Table 2-37 N-CREATE RQ and N-SET RQ SCU standard DICOM attributes.Module Attribute Name Group, Tag RemarksPerformed Procedure StepRelationshipScheduled Step Attribute Sequence 0040,0270>Study Instance UID 0020,000D From MWL whenretrieved, butgenerated by theequipment when notprovided by MWL orwhen several SPSbelonging to differentRequested Proceduresare satisfied by one PPS>Referenced Study Sequence 0008,1110 From MWL whenretrieved.Zero length when PPS isunscheduled>>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 27 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Module Attribute Name Group, Tag Remarks>Accession Number 0008,0050 From MWL whenretrieved.Zero length when PPS isunscheduled>Placer Order Number/Imaging ServiceRequest>Filler Order Number/Imaging ServiceRequest0040,2006 From MWL whenretrieved0040,2007 From MWL whenretrieved>Requested Procedure ID 0040,1001 From MWL whenretrieved>Requested Procedure Description 0032,1060 From MWL whenretrieved.>Placer Order Number/Procedure 0040,1007 From MWL whenretrieved>Scheduled Procedure Step ID 0040,0009 From MWL whenretrieved>Scheduled Procedure StepDescription>Scheduled Action Item CodeSequence>>Code Value 0008,0100>>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102>>Code Meaning 0008,01040040,0007 From MWL whenretrieved0040,0008 From MWL whenretrieved, except whenchanged by operatorPatient’s name 0010,0010 From MWL whenretrievedPatient ID 0010,0020 From MWL whenretrievedPatient’s birth date 0010,0030 From MWL whenretrievedPatient’s sex 0010,0040 From MWL whenretrievedPerformed Procedure StepInformationPerformed Procedure Step ID 0040,0253 Equated to theScheduled ProcedureStep ID from the MWLwhen retrieved,otherwise generated bythe equipment.Performed Station AE –Title 0040,0241Performed Station Name 0040,0242Performed Location 0040,0243Performed Procedure Step Start Date 0040,0244 Date of the N-Create ofthe MPPSPerformed Procedure Step Start Time 0040,0245 Time of the N-CreateMPPSPerformed Procedure Step Status 0040,0252Performed Procedure Step Description 0040,0254 Equated to theScheduled ProcedureDescription from MWLwhen retrieved, exceptwhen unscheduled orchanged by the operator.Performed Procedure Type Description 0040,0255

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 28 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Module Attribute Name Group, Tag RemarksProcedure Code Sequence 0008,1032 Equated to RequestedProcedure CodeSequence; set to zerolength if PerformedAction Item Code differsfrom the scheduled one.>Code Value 0008,0100>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102>Code Meaning 0008,0104Performed Procedure Step End Date 0040,0250 Date of approval of thePerformed ProcedureStepPerformed Procedure Step End Time 0040,0251 Time of approval of thePerformed ProcedureStep.Image Acquisition Results Modality 0008,0060Study ID 0020,0010 Equated to theRequested Procedure IDfrom the MWL whenretrieved except whenunscheduled or SPSgrouped in one PPS,then it’s equipmentgenerated.Performed Action Item Code Sequence 0040,0260>Code Value 0008,0100>Coding Scheme Designator 0008,0102>Code Meaning 0008,0104Performed Series Sequence 0040,0340>Performing Physician’s Name 0008,1050>Protocol Name 0018,1030>Operator’s Name 0008,1070>Series Instance UID 0020,000E>Series Description 0008,103E>Retrieve AE-Title 0008,0054>Referenced Image Sequence 0008,1140>>Referenced SOP Class UID 0008,1150>>Referenced SOP Instance UID 0008,1155>Referenced Standalone SOP InstanceSequence0040,0220Table 2-38 N-CREATE and N-SET RQ Status codesServiceStatusFurtherMeaningStatus Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed.ErrorPerformedProcedure0110 An N-SET is performed after the Performed Procedure wasCompleted.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 29 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20052. Activity- Get Worklist from External AE2. Description and Sequencing of ActivityThe Paxport AE attempts to initiate a new association due to two Real-World activities:‣ Worklist oriented query manually initiated by the User (Keypad).‣ Worklist oriented query automaticly initiated by the Paxport.Although there are two different real world activities that can begin a DICOM Worklist query, the DICOMassociation initiation and transfer process is identical.Paxport sends a ASSOCIATE-RQPaxport sends a C-FIND-RQ2. Proposed Presentation ContextsAbstract SyntaxTable 2-39 Presentation Contexts Proposed by PaxportTransfer SyntaxName UID Name UID RoleModality Worklist 1.2.840.10008. DICOM Implicit LittleEndianExtendedNegotiation1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None2. Specific Conformance for Modality Worklist Information Model SOPClassPaxport provides standard conformance to the DICOM Basic Worklist Management Service Class.The Paxport supports sending the following DIMSE Services:— C-FINE RQPAXPORT supports the Broad Query. A wildcard “*” is always appended to the Patient’s Name components.The Query keys for the Broad Query are listed in below:

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 30 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Table 2-40 Modality Worklist Query Keys.Matching Key Attribute NameTagScheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100)> Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001)> Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002)> Scheduled Procedure Step Status (0040,0020)> Modality (0008,0060)Patient Name (0010,0010) Supported DICOM Elements and Status codes2. Worklist Oriented Query SelectionThe following values are used as matching attributes in the Worklist Oriented Query:Query Keys Matching‣ SV Single valued match‣ RM Range Matching‣ SM Sequence MatchingPaxport requests the following elements be returned for this SOP class:Table 2-41 Modality Worklist information model attributes.Module Attribute Name Tag MatchSOP Common Specific Character Set (0008,0005) SVScheduled Procedure Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100) SMStep> Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001) SV or Zero length> Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002) SV or RM> Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time (0040,0003) Zero length> Modality (0008,0060) SV or Zero-length> Scheduled Performing Phys. Name (0040,0006) Zero-length> Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040,0007) Zero-length> Scheduled Station Name (0040,0010) Zero-length> Scheduled Procedure Step Location (0040,0011) Zero-length> Scheduled Action Item Code Sequence (0040,0008) Zero length>> Code Value (0008,0100) --->> Code Scheme Designator (0008,0102) --->> Code Scheme Version (0008,0103) --->> Code Meaning (0008,0104) ---> Pre Medication (0040,0012) Zero-length> Scheduled Procedure step ID (0040,0009) Zero-length> Scheduled Procedure Step Status (0040,0020) Zero-length> Requested Contrast Agent (0032,1070) Zero-length

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 31 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005Module Attribute Name Tag MatchRequested ProcedureImaging Service RequestRequested Procedure ID (0040,1001) SV or Zero-lengthRequested Procedure Description (0032,1060) Zero-lengthRequested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064) Zero-length> Code Value (0008,0100) --> Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) --> Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103) --> Code Meaning (0008,0104) --Study Instance UID (0020,000D) Zero-lengthReferenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) Zero-length> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) --> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) --Requested Procedure Priority (0040,1003) Zero-lengthPatient Transport Arrangements (0040,1004) Zero-lengthReason for the Requested Procedure (0040,1002) Zero-lengthAccession Number (0008,0050) SV or Zero-lengthImaging Service Request Comments (0040,2400) Zero-lengthRequesting Physician (0032,1032) Zero-lengthReferring Physician’s Name (0008,0090) Zero-lengthRequesting Service (0032,1033) Zero-lengthVisit Identification Admission ID (0038,0010) Zero-lengthVisit Status Current Patient Location (0038,0300) Zero-lengthVisit RelationshipPatient IdentificationPatient DemographicPatient MedicalReferenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120) Zero-length> Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) --> Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) --Patient’s Name (0010,0010) SV with wildcard (*) orZero-lengthPatient ID (0010,0020) SV or Zero-lengthOther Patient Ids (0010,1000) Zero-lengthPatient’s Birth Date (0010,0030) Zero-lengthPatient’s Birth Time (0010,0032) Zero-lengthPatient’s Sex (0010,0040) Zero-lengthPatient’s Weight (0010,1030) Zero-lengthMilitary Rank (0010,1080) Zero-lengthConfidentiality Constraint on Patient Data (0040,3001) Zero-lengthPatient’s Size (0010,1020) Zero-lengthEthnic Group (0010,2160) Zero-lengthOccupation (0010,2180) Zero-lengthPatient Comments (0010,4000) Zero-lengthPatient State (0038,0500) Zero-lengthPregnancy Status (0010,21C0) Zero-lengthMedical Alerts (0010,2000) Zero-lengthContrast Allergies (0010,2110) Zero-lengthSpecial Needs (0038,0050) Zero-lengthAdditional Patient History (0010,21B0) Zero-length

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 32 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 2005ServiceStatusFurtherMeaningTable 2-42 C-FIND response status.Status Code(0000,0900)ReasonSuccess Success 0000 Operation successfully completed. Association Acceptance PoliciesThe Paxport AE does not accept associations.2.3 Network InterfacesPaxport Version 4.1 provides DICOM V3.0 TCP/IP Network Communication Support as defined in PS 3.8 ofthe DICOM Standard.2.3.1 Physical Medium SupportPaxport Version 4.1 supports 10Base 2, 10BaseT and 100BaseT. This is automatically configured via adetection mechanism and are galvanically isolated for IEC601 compliance.2.4 Configuration2.4.1 AE Title/ Presentation Mapping2.4.1.1 Local AE TitlesTable 2-43 AE Title Configuration TableApplication Entity Default AE Title Default TCP/IP PortPaxport (Service configurable) 104 (Service configurable)2.4.2 Configuration Parameters2.4.2.1 General configuration ParametersThe following parameters are configurable via Service:Local IP Address, Netmask and Gateway2.4.2.2 Paxport AEAll Paxport system configuration is performed by Servi ce.

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HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 34 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20053 MEDIA INTERCHANGEThe Paxport Version 4.1 does not support DICOM Media Interchange.

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 35 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20054 SUPPORT FOR EXTENDED CHARACTER SETSPaxport Version 4.1 supports the following character sets: None

HE/ITR&D/SIV/RK<strong>001021</strong> Page 36 of 36Document No. <strong>001021</strong>, Revision 1.0<strong>Agfa</strong> <strong>HealthCare</strong> 24 May, 20055 SECURITY5.1 IHE Security ProfileThe Paxport Version 4.1 supports the Authentication, Accountability, and User Authentication IHE SecurityProfiles. The Security Administrator sets the configurations for Security Profiles.5.1.1 AuthenticationThe Paxport Version 4.1 can be configured to communicate using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Thedefault port for TLS is 2763 (Service configurable).5.1.2 AccountabilityThe Paxport Version 4.1 can be configured to send audit records to an Audit Record Repository.5.1.3 User AuthenticationThe Paxport Version 4.1 provides users different levels of user interfaces based on their needs.Table 5-1Interface Type:Passwords Required?User KeypadUserSecurity AdministratorYesYesService GUI (Network)UserServiceSecurity AdministratorYesYesYesThe Security Administrator has the ability to change all passwords.

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