Summer 2006 - University of Minnesota College of Veterinary ...

Summer 2006 - University of Minnesota College of Veterinary ...

Summer 2006 - University of Minnesota College of Veterinary ...

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NEWSAlumni NewsNEWS NEWAlumni AchievementsDr. Thomas D. Brokken (class <strong>of</strong> 1969)was named the 52nd president <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Association <strong>of</strong> EquinePractitioners (AAEP) during the group’sannual convention in Seattle Dec. 3-7.Since joining theAAEP in 1969,Dr. Brokken hasheld positions onnumerous AAEPcommittees andtask forces. Mostrecently, he servedas the AAEP vicepresident and2005 programchair for the association’sannualconvention. Heserved on theboard <strong>of</strong> directorsfrom 1985-1990and participates inthe AAEP’s OnCall program as aveterinaryspokesperson.In addition to hisrole at AAEP, Dr.Brokken is a senior partner at Teigland,Franklin & Brokken, DVMs, a 12-veterinarianequine medicine and surgerypractice exclusively for thoroughbredracehorses. He began working at thepractice in 1970 and has been a seniorpartner for 14 years. Based in FortLauderdale, Fla., the practice also operates<strong>of</strong>fices in Delaware, New York, andPennsylvania.During a presentation at the AAEP convention,Dr. Brokken said he plans tolead the AAEP in three key initiatives in<strong>2006</strong>: membership development, continuingeducation, and advocacy.Dr. Brokken’s son, Todd, is a student atthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Minnesota</strong> <strong>College</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Veterinary</strong>Medicine (class<strong>of</strong> 2007).Dr. Bob Skinner(class <strong>of</strong> 1979) hasjoined GuidantCorporation, aninternationalmanufacturer <strong>of</strong>cardiovasculartherapeuticdevices and relatedproducts. Heis working in thepreclinical area <strong>of</strong>cardiac rhythmmanagement,helping to makebetter pacemakers,defibrillators,and otherDr. Tom Brokken, president <strong>of</strong> AAEPdevices. Bob saysthat a course in regulatorymedicine thathe took from Dr. Mike Murphy, a pr<strong>of</strong>essorin the <strong>College</strong>’s <strong>Veterinary</strong>Population Medicine department, gavehim a head start in his new position.Dr. Mark FitzSimmons (class <strong>of</strong> 1987)was named the <strong>2006</strong> Swine Practitioner<strong>of</strong> the Year by the American Association<strong>of</strong> Swine Veterinarians during the association’sannual meeting in Kansas City,Mo. Given annually since 1977, theaward recognizes swine practitionerswho demonstrate exceptional service totheir veterinary clients. It is the association’shighest honor.Dr. FitzSimmons is the owner <strong>of</strong> MAF<strong>Veterinary</strong> Services, Eagle Lake, Minn.,a swine consulting practice that he establishedthree years ago. He is also a partnerin the family farm-associated business,Protein Sources. Previously, Dr.FitzSimmons worked for SwineGraphics Enterprises, Ltd. in WebsterCity, Iowa, where he became an expert insegregated production techniques. He isrecognized for pioneering the use <strong>of</strong>serum therapy for control <strong>of</strong> porcinereproductive and respiratory syndrome.Dr. James Swenberg (class <strong>of</strong> 1966) wasnamed Kenan Distinguished Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<strong>of</strong> Environmental Sciences andEngineering, an endowed faculty positionawarded to outstanding scholars andteachers. He is currently a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>environmental sciences and engineering,nutrition, and pathology and laboratorymedicine at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill. His researchcareer has focused on chemical carcinogenesisand toxicology, with an emphasison studying the role <strong>of</strong> DNA damageand repair in carcinogenesis, developinghighly sensitive assay methods for DNAadduct research, and improving the scientificbasis <strong>of</strong> risk assessment.Alumni, we want to hearabout your achievements!E-mail your news to CVMCommunications atcvmcomm@umn.edu.24

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