Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools

Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools
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10 RESPONSIBILITIESThe following sub-sections identify the responsibility of various GCCMpersonnel and stakeholders.10.1 GGCM10.1.1 Mine Manager• Ensure that this SMP and associated specific management plans areimplemented and adhered to.• Ensure that adequate resources are available to GCCM personnel to allowthe completion of their responsibilities under this SMP.10.1.2 Technical Services Manager• Ensure that all subsidence monitoring and reporting required under thisSMP is carried out within the timeframes specified.• Ensure that the ongoing community consultation processes detailed in thisSMP are carried out.• Liaise with Xstrata/XMO regarding the management of the Mt Owen RailSpur, Mt Owen Water Pipeline, Mt Owen Eastern Rail Pit, RavensworthEast Pit and Glendell Mine. Consultation will include:• ensuring GCCM's provision of subsidence-related information and dataas required in this SMP (and appended management plans) toXstrata/XMO; and• receiving technical comments regarding the subsidence impacts on thesurface features.• Ensure that audits and reviews are carried out as detailed in this SMP.10.1.3 Safety, Training and Environment Manager• Ensure that all environmental monitoring associated with this SMP iscarried out within the timeframe specified.• Ensure that all environmental monitoring results are checked, processedand filed appropriately so that they can be immediately identified andaccessed.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200728

10.1.4 Mine Surveyor• Ensure that all subsidence surveys are carried out to the accuracy requiredand within the time specified.• Ensure that all subsidence survey results are checked, processed and filedappropriately so that they can be immediately identified and accessed.10.1.5 Environmental Advisor• Maintain the Community Complaints Register.• Liaise with stakeholders regarding subsidence impact management.10.1.6 Private Landowners• Notify GCCM of any concerns or issues related to subsidence via theenvironmental hotline.• Participate in the management / rectification of any actual subsidencerelatedimpacts on their land.10.1.7 Xstrata/XMO• Operationally manage and respond to all subsidence impacts on the MtOwen Rail Spur having regard to the subsidence-related information anddata provided by GCCM.• Participate in ongoing consultation regarding the management ofsubsidence impacts on the Mt Owen water pipeline and provide access tothe pipeline.• Participate in ongoing consultation regarding the management ofsubsidence impacts on, and operationally manage and respond to allsubsidence impacts on, the Mt Owen Eastern Rail Pit, Mt Owen WestDump, Ravensworth East Tailings Pit and Glendell Mine.• Notify GCCM of any concerns or issues related to subsidence via theenvironmental hotline.• Participate in the management of any actual subsidence-related impacts ontheir land, including the provision of access for subsidence monitoring.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200729

10.1.4 Mine Surveyor• Ensure that all subsidence surveys are carried out to the accuracy requiredand within the time specified.• Ensure that all subsidence survey results are checked, processed and filedappropriately so that they can be immediately identified and accessed.10.1.5 Environmental Advisor• Maintain the Community Complaints Register.• Liaise with stakeholders regarding subsidence impact management.10.1.6 Private Landowners• Notify GCCM of any concerns or issues related to subsidence via theenvironmental hotline.• Participate in the management / rectification of any actual subsidencerelatedimpacts on their land.10.1.7 Xstrata/XMO• Operationally manage and respond to all subsidence impacts on the MtOwen Rail Spur having regard to the subsidence-related information anddata provided by GCCM.• Participate in ongoing consultation regarding the management ofsubsidence impacts on the Mt Owen water pipeline and provide access tothe pipeline.• Participate in ongoing consultation regarding the management ofsubsidence impacts on, and operationally manage and respond to allsubsidence impacts on, the Mt Owen Eastern Rail Pit, Mt Owen WestDump, Ravensworth East Tailings Pit and Glendell Mine.• Notify GCCM of any concerns or issues related to subsidence via theenvironmental hotline.• Participate in the management of any actual subsidence-related impacts ontheir land, including the provision of access for subsidence monitoring.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200729

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