Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools

Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools Subsidence Management Plan - Quetools
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impede GCCM's ability to extract the coal and maximise the reserves in themanner that its mining lease requires.Mt Owen Rail SpurSimilar management strategies to those contained in the Rail LineManagement Plan for Longwalls 7 to 9 is considered appropriate, and will bespecified in the Rail Line Management Plan for LW 10-17 which will besubmitted separately. Management of subsidence impacts on the Rail Linewill be the responsibility of XMO.It is likely that the Rail Spur would be able to remain serviceable throughoutthe period of mining with frequent monitoring and restressing of the railsfrom time to time likely to be required.Bridges over Bettys CreekThe specific Mt Owen Rail Spur Subsidence Management Plan incorporatingthe bridges over Bettys Creek will be developed based on the results ofmonitoring over Longwalls 7 to 9. The development of the management planat this stage will allow more detailed and appropriate management strategiesto be developed on the basis of previous experience.Rail Maintenance RoadSubsidence is not expected to significantly affect the serviceability of theunsealed rail maintenance road and no specific management measures havebeen recommended. If cracks or compression humps develop, crack fillingand regrading may be required and will be included in the specific Mt OwenRail Spur Subsidence Management Plan.Buried Rail Communications CableA specific Mt Owen Rail Spur Management Plan incorporating the buriedcommunications cable will be developed based on the experience ofmonitoring over Longwalls 7 to 9. The development of the management planat a later stage will allow more detailed and appropriate managementstrategies to be developed as a result of previous experience.Mt Owen Water PipelineThe specific Mt Owen Rail Spur Subsidence Management Plan incorporatingthe water pipeline will be developed based on the results of monitoring overLongwalls 7 to 9. The development of the management plan at this stage willENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200724

allow more detailed and appropriate management strategies to be developedon the basis of previous experience.7.5 AREAS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND/OR HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCEArchaeological SitesA specific management plan has been developed for Archaeological Sites(Annex L) which details management measures for subsidence-related impactsand their remediation. It was developed based on consultation withAboriginal community representatives and advice from specialist consultants.Should a site be potentially impacted by remedial earthworks required as aconsequence of subsidence, a Section 90 permit (under the National Parks andWildlife Act 1974) will be obtained prior to undertaking the required works.7.6 RELEVANCE AND ADEQUACY OF MANAGEMENT PROCESSESThe subsidence management processes described in this SMP are relevant andadequate for the predicted subsidence impacts for each identified feature. Thesubsidence monitoring regimes for the identified features will ensure the earlydetection of any adverse impacts so management processes can beimplemented to manage the issues in a timely manner.It is likely that the proposed subsidence management strategies will besuccessful as they involve a combination of:• ongoing stakeholder consultation to identify and manage concerns;• monitoring of subsidence development and impacts; and• management options to address potential impacts.Appropriate contingency plans should an unwanted event occur (eg supply ofwater should a dam fail) have been developed where necessary.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200725

allow more detailed and appropriate management strategies to be developedon the basis of previous experience.7.5 AREAS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND/OR HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCEArchaeological SitesA specific management plan has been developed for Archaeological Sites(Annex L) which details management measures for subsidence-related impactsand their remediation. It was developed based on consultation withAboriginal community representatives and advice from specialist consultants.Should a site be potentially impacted by remedial earthworks required as aconsequence of subsidence, a Section 90 permit (under the National Parks andWildlife Act 1974) will be obtained prior to undertaking the required works.7.6 RELEVANCE AND ADEQUACY OF MANAGEMENT PROCESSESThe subsidence management processes described in this SMP are relevant andadequate for the predicted subsidence impacts for each identified feature. Thesubsidence monitoring regimes for the identified features will ensure the earlydetection of any adverse impacts so management processes can beimplemented to manage the issues in a timely manner.It is likely that the proposed subsidence management strategies will besuccessful as they involve a combination of:• ongoing stakeholder consultation to identify and manage concerns;• monitoring of subsidence development and impacts; and• management options to address potential impacts.Appropriate contingency plans should an unwanted event occur (eg supply ofwater should a dam fail) have been developed where necessary.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUSTRALIA 0038321/FINAL/3 JANUARY 200725

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